Sunday, October 18, 2009

Letter From Out Bisexual Director Kyle Schickner of FenceSitter Films about new Web TV Series 'Rose By Any Other Name . . .'

Hi Cool bi-folk and bi-folk supporters,

Just wanted to let those who don't know about it (and a nudge to those who do) to check out and support the very first bisexual themed web series (or any series for that matter) "Rose By Any Other Name..." a romantic comedy about a lesbian who falls in love with a man and then they must deal with the fallout (Spoiler Alert: turns out, she's bisexual after all!)

Initially LOGO, the LGBT-themed TV Channel that is already broadcasting FenceSitter Film's Strange Fruit on it's rotation, was interested in having it be a weekly series but at the 11th hour they got cold feet and back out, worried that the show would "offend their lesbian viewers". They did not seem to understand how many bisexual, fluid, pansexual and bi-supportive viewers they stood to attract. They said they really loved the concept and that they'd love to reassess the show if we went and shot a couple of episodes, to see if the lesbian characters are dealt with respectfully.

So we decided to turn the show into a web series (what with bisexual community being so web-savvy), and with help from American Institute of Bisexuality the first episode debuted October 11th 2009 (National Coming Out Day). . . If we can show LOGO (and even a few other bigger networks) that the show is drawing a large web audience they will have to consider putting the show on the air. I of course do not need to illustrate how HUGE having a show deal openly and honestly with bisexuality would be.

So please, become a fan of the show on Facebook and do whatever you feel you can to get the word out. Early buzz is key.

Here is the link to the first episode:

Each Sunday at 6PM (Hollywood Time of course) a new episode will come out. Please feel free to spread the word, rate the clip and make a comment (all these things LOGO will be looking at).

Thank you all for your support of not only FenceSitter Films but for all things bisexual!

Kyle Schickner
FenceSitter Films


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