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45 Risks found.
1 Accelerated Bone Loss and Fracture Risk
2 Impaired Fracture Healing
3 Injury to Joints and Intervertebral Structures
4 Renal Stone Formation
5 Occurrence of Serious Cardiac Dysrhythmias
6 Diminished Cardiac and Vascular Function
7 Define Acceptable Limits for Contaminants in Air and Water
8 Immune Dysfunction, Allergies and Autoimmunity
9 Interaction of Space flight Factors, Infections and Malignancy
10 Alterations in Microbes and Host Interactions
Risk 27: Human Performance Failure Due to Sleep Loss and Circadian Rhythm Problems  

Crosscutting Area : Behavioral Health and Performance
Discipline : Behavioral Health & Performance and Space Human Factors (Cognitive)
Description : Human performance failure may occur due to circadian disruption, and acute or chronic degradation of sleep quality and quantity.
Context / Risk Factors : Circadian disruption, or acute or chronic degradation of sleep quality or quantity, is a known risk during space flight. This risk may be influenced by artificial and transmitted ambient light exposure, individual differences in vulnerability to sleep loss and circadian dynamics, or work shift and sleep schedules.
Justification / Rationale : Loss of circadian entrainment to Earth-based light-dark cycles, and chronic reduction of sleep duration in space, result in fatigue and jeopardize astronaut performance. Fatigue is a common symptom in prolonged space flight. Every study of sleep in space, including those on US, Russian, and European astronauts, has found that daily sleep is reduced to an average of 6 hours. It is reduced even more when critical operations occur, such as nighttime Shuttle dockings on ISS, or during an emergency (e.g., equipment failure). Astronaut sleep in space is also physiologically altered. Additionally, the most frequent medications taken in-flight by astronauts are hypnotics for sleep disturbances. Extensive ground-based scientific evidence documents that circadian disruptions and restriction of sleep at levels commonly experienced by astronauts can severely diminish cognitive performance capability, posing risks to individual astronaut safety and mission success.
Reference Missions :
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ISS Lunar Mars
  Risk Rating
Priority 3
  Current Countermeasures
  • Bright light entrainment prior to launch
  • Individual active noise cancellation at sleep
  • Medications
  • Scheduling constraints, as documented in Ground Rules & Constraints document SSP 50261-2, to protect sleep schedule and duration, and reduce crew fatigue
  • Self report monitoring during mission with personal physician conference
  Projected Countermeasures or Mitigations and Other Deliverables with their CRL/TRL scores
  • Ability to monitor sleep, circadian and lighting parameters unobtrusively in order to predict physiological and behavioral responses [CRL 7]
  • Develop flight rule limits on critical operations during sleep period [CRL 4]
  • Model of performance deficit based on sleep and circadian data [CRL 6]
  • Personal lighting device (e.g., light visor) [CRL 6]
  • Sleep/circadian rhythm non-photic adjustment tools pre- in- and post-flight [CRL 5]
  • Sleep/circadian rhythm pharmacological interventions pre- in- and post-flight. [CRL 5]
  • Sleep/circadian rhythm photic adjustment tools pre- in- and post-flight [CRL 7]
  Research & Technology Questions Skip EQ List
Sorted in Ascending Order
Question Priority
27a What are the acute and long-term effects of exposure to the space environment on biological rhythmicity, sleep architecture (quantity and quality), and their relationship to performance capability? 1
27b Which countermeasures or combination of behavioral and physiological countermeasures will optimally mitigate specific performance problems associated with sleep loss and circadian disturbances during the reference missions? 1
27c What are the long-term effects of countermeasures employed to mitigate pre, - in- and post-flight performance problems with sleep loss and circadian disturbances? 3
27d What are the best methods for in-flight monitoring of the status of sleep, circadian functioning and light exposures for assessing the effects of sleep loss and circadian dysrhythmia on performance capability that are also portable and non-intrusive in the space flight environment? (e.g., actigraphy) 2
27e What work, workload, and sleep schedule(s) will best enhance crew performance and mitigate adverse effects of the space environment? 1
27f What individual biological and behavioral characteristics will best predict successful adaptation to long-term space flight of sleep, circadian physiology and the neurobehavioral performance functions they regulate? 4
27g What mathematical and computational models should be used to predict performance associated with sleep-wake, schedule, work history, light exposure and circadian rhythm status and also provide guidelines for successful countermeasure strategies? 1
  Related Risks
Clinical Capabilities
Pharmacology of Space Medicine Delivery
Ambulatory Care
Behavioral Health & Performance and Space Human Factors (Cognitive)
Human Performance Failure Due to Poor Psychosocial Adaptation
Human Performance Failure Due to Neurobehavioral Problems
Mismatch between Crew Cognitive Capabilities and Task Demands
Acute and Late CNS Risks
Acute Radiation Risks
Space Human Factors Engineering
Mismatch Between Crew Physical Capabilities and Task Demands
Poorly Integrated Ground, Crew, and Automation Functions
  Important References
Akerstedt T. Work hours, sleepiness and the underlying mechanisms. J Sleep Res. 4: 15-22, 1995.
Belenky G, et al. Patterns of performance degradation and restoration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep dose-response study. J Sleep Res. 12: 1-12, 2003.
Brainard GC, JP Hanifin, JM Greeson, B Byrne, G Glickman, E Gerner and MD Rollag. Action spectrum for melatonin regulation in humans: evidence for a novel circadian photoreceptor. J Neuroscience. 21: 6405-6412, 2001.
Cajochen C, SB Khalsa, JK Wyatt, CA Czeisler and DJ Dijk. EEG and ocular correlates of circadian melatonin phase and human performance decrements during sleep loss. Am J Physiol. 277: R640-9, 1999.
Czeisler CA, AJ Chiasera and JF Duffy. Research on sleep, circadian rhythms and aging: applications to manned space flight. Exp Gerontol. 26: 217-232, 1991.
Czeisler CA, JF Duffy, TL Shanahan, EN Brown, JF Mitchell, DW Rimmer, JM Ronda, EJ Silva, JS Allan, JS Emens, DJ Dijk and RE Kronauer. Stability, precision and near-24-hour period of the human circadian pacemaker. Science. 284: 2177-2181, 1999.
Dijk, DJ, DF Neri, JK Wyatt, JM Ronda, E Riel, A. Ritz-De Cecco, RJ Hughes, AR Elliott, GK Prisk, JB West and CA Czeisler. Sleep, performance, circadian rhythms and light-dark cycles during two space shuttle flights. Am. J. Physiol. 281: R1647-64, 2001.
Elliott AR, SA Shea, DJ Dijk, JK Wyatt, E Riel, DF Neri, CA Czeisler, JB West and GK Prisk. Microgravity reduces sleep-disordered breathing in humans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 164: 478-85, 2001.
Fuller CA, TM Hoban-Higgins, VY Klimovitsky, DW Griffin and AM Alpatov. Primate circadian rhythms during space flight: results from cosmos 2044 and 2229. J Appl Physiol. 81: 188-193, 1996.
Gundel A, VV Polyakov and J Zulley. The alteration of human sleep and circadian rhythms during space flight. J Sleep Res. 6: 1-8, 1997.
Horowitz TS, BE Cade, JM Wolfe and CA Czeisler. Efficacy of bright light and sleep/darkness scheduling in alleviating circadian maladaptation to night work. Am J Physiol. 281: E384-91, 2001.
Lockley SW, GC Brainard and CA Czeisler. High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythm to resetting by short wavelength light. J. Clinical Endo and Metab. 88: 4502-5, 2003.
Monk TH, DJ Buysse, BD Billy, KS Kennedy and LM Willrich. Sleep and circadian rhythms in four orbiting astronauts. J Biol Rhythms. 13: 188-201, 1998.
Putcha L, BA Berens, TH Marshburn, HJ Ortega and RD Billica. Pharmaceutical use by U.S. astronauts on space shuttle missions. Aviat Space Environ Med. 70: 705-708, 1999.
Rajaratnam SM and J Arendt. Health in a 24-h society. Lancet. 358: 999-1005, 2001.
Santy P, H Kapanka, J Davis and D Stewart. Analysis of sleep on Shuttle missions. Aviat Space Environ Med. 59: 1094-1097, 1988.
Shearer WT, JM Reuben, JM Mullington, NJ Price, BN Lee, EO Smith, MP Szuba, HP Van Dongen and DF Dinges. Soluble TNF-alpha receptor 1 and IL-6 plasma levels in humans subjected to the sleep deprivation model of spaceflight. J Allergy & Clin Immunol. 107: 165-170, 2001.
Van Dongen HPA, G Maislin, JM Mullington and DF Dinges. The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. Sleep. 26: 117-126, 2003.
Whitson PA, L Putcha, YM Chen and E Baker. Melatonin and cortisol assessment of circadian shifts in astronauts before flight. J. Pineal Res. 18: 141-147, 1995.
Wright KP Jr., RJ Hughes, RE Kronauer, DJ Dijk and CA Czeisler. Intrinsic near-24-h pacemaker period determines limits of circadian entrainment to a weak synchronizer in humans. PNAS. 98: 14027-32, 2001.
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Last Updated : Feb. 9, 2005