'); var stylesAdded = false; var sanityCheckHeight = 150; // @match $.fbHeader, setHeroOffset() // Partial @match: setHeroOffset(), .repositionBg() function setHeroOffset() { var isMobile = ( $('#menu-toggle').is(':visible') ); var $header = ( isMobile ) ? $('#branding-column') : $('#masthead'); if ( $header.length < 1 ) { console.warn('Header not found.'); return; } var headerH = parseInt( $header.children().first().outerHeight() ) if ( isNaN(headerH) || headerH === 0 ) { console.warn('Header does not have a height.'); return; } if ( headerH > sanityCheckHeight ) { console.warn('Header too tall. Setting default.'); headerH = ( isMobile ) ? 59 : 90; } var top = headerH; // Get header top position relative to document. Using placeholder since sticky (fixed pos) header will have top offset of 0 var headerOffset = $('#js-masthead-position').offset(); // Header not at top of document? (e.g. due to an alert bar) if ( typeof headerOffset !== 'undefined' && typeof headerOffset.top === 'number' && headerOffset.top > 0 ) { var scrollPosTop = parseInt( $(window).scrollTop() ); var stickyAdjustment = headerOffset.top - scrollPosTop; // ...and user hasn't entirely scrolled past site header? if ( (stickyAdjustment + headerH) > 0 ) { // Add vertical space above header to mega bg position top += stickyAdjustment; } } // Hero adjustments $styles.html('.company-hero-row-1, .has-hero-bg .hero-section { margin-top: -' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .has-hero-overhang .hero-section .overhang-wrapper { margin-bottom: -' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .company-hero-row-1, .has-hero-overhang .hero-section + .uk-section, .has-hero-bg .hero-section { padding-top: ' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .has-hero-bg .hero-section { padding-bottom: ' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .hero-intro-container { margin-bottom: ' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; }'); // Nav/header adjustments if ( typeof stickyAdjustment === 'number' && (stickyAdjustment + headerH) > 0 ) { $styles.append('@media screen and (max-width: 1160px) { .main-nav-container { top: ' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .tray-open .site-header { top: ' + parseFloat(stickyAdjustment) + 'px; } }'); } else { $styles.append('@media screen and (max-width: 1160px) { .main-nav-container { top: ' + parseFloat(top) + 'px; } .tray-open .site-header { top: auto; } }'); } if ( !stylesAdded ) { $styles.appendTo('head'); stylesAdded = true; } } setHeroOffset(); $(window).on('debouncedresize trayopen trayclose', setHeroOffset); $(document.body).on('post-load', setHeroOffset); })(jQuery);


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