Base de données sur les Espèce CITES
Nouvelle Recherche

Kingdom :  ANIMALIA
Phylum :  CHORDATA
Family :  CANIDAE
Genus :  Canis
Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 Comment on this entry
Distribution : Afghanistan , Albania , Armenia , Austria (ex) , Azerbaijan , Bangladesh (ex) , Belarus , Belgium (ex) , Bhutan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Canada , China , Croatia , Czech Republic , Democratic People's Republic of Korea , Denmark (ex) , Egypt , Estonia , Finland , France , Georgia , Germany (ex) , Greece , Greenland , Hungary (ex) , India , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , Iraq , Ireland (ex) , Israel , Italy , Japan (ex) , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kuwait , Kyrgyzstan , Latvia , Lebanon , Libyan Arab Jamahiriya , Lithuania , Luxembourg (ex) , Mexico , Moldova , Mongolia , ? Myanmar , Nepal , Netherlands (ex) , Norway , Oman , Pakistan , Poland , Portugal , Republic of Korea (ex?) , Romania , Russian Federation , Saudi Arabia , Serbia and Montenegro , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland (ex) , Syrian Arab Republic , Tajikistan , The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (ex) , United States of America , Uzbekistan , Yemen
Distribution key
ex - Extinct
? - outstanding query over status
Distribution is recorded to the level of country or, in some instances, to a sub-country level of Biological Recording Unit (BRU). This recognises areas to the regional/state level of larger countries, as well as larger islands of particular biological importance. If distribution data are not complete, or not known to be complete, this is indicated. Global distribution maps are available for each taxon.

Click here to show BRUs.

Records of existence
at country level.
Records of extinction
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 CITES Appendix I populations Comment on this entry
Distribution : Bhutan , India , Nepal , Pakistan

Records of existence
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 CITES Appendix II populations Comment on this entry
Distribution : Afghanistan , Albania , Armenia , Austria (ex) , Azerbaijan , Bangladesh (ex?) , Belarus , Belgium (ex) , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Canada , China , Croatia , Czech Republic , Democratic People's Republic of Korea , Denmark (ex) , Egypt , Estonia , Finland , France , ? Georgia , Germany (ex) , Greece , Greenland , Hungary (ex) , Iran (Islamic Republic of) , Iraq , Ireland (ex) , Israel , Italy , Japan (ex) , Jordan , Kazakhstan , Kuwait , Kyrgyzstan , Latvia , Lebanon , Libyan Arab Jamahiriya , Lithuania , Luxembourg (ex) , Mexico , Moldova , Mongolia , ? Myanmar , Netherlands (ex) , Norway , Oman , Poland , Portugal , ? Republic of Korea , Romania , Russian Federation , Saudi Arabia , Serbia and Montenegro , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland (ex) , Syrian Arab Republic , Tajikistan , The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (ex) , United States of America , Uzbekistan , Yemen
Distribution key
ex - Extinct
? - outstanding query over status

Records of existence
at country level.
Records of extinction
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. crassodon Hall, 1932 Comment on this entry
Distribution : Canada

Records of existence
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. irremotus Goldman, 1937 Comment on this entry
Distribution : Canada (ex) , United States of America (ex)
Distribution key
ex - Extinct
Distribution is recorded to the level of country or, in some instances, to a sub-country level of Biological Recording Unit (BRU). This recognises areas to the regional/state level of larger countries, as well as larger islands of particular biological importance. If distribution data are not complete, or not known to be complete, this is indicated. Global distribution maps are available for each taxon.

Click here to show BRUs.

Records of extinction
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. monstrabilis Goldman, 1937 Comment on this entry
Distribution : United States of America (ex)
Distribution key
ex - Extinct
Distribution is recorded to the level of country or, in some instances, to a sub-country level of Biological Recording Unit (BRU). This recognises areas to the regional/state level of larger countries, as well as larger islands of particular biological importance. If distribution data are not complete, or not known to be complete, this is indicated. Global distribution maps are available for each taxon.

Click here to show BRUs.

Records of extinction
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.

Taxon : Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. pallipes Sykes, 1831 Comment on this entry
Distribution : Bangladesh (ex?) , India , Pakistan
Distribution key
ex - Extinct
? - outstanding query over status

Records of existence
at country level.
Records of extinction
at country level.
No distribution records
at country level.


Do you see an error in what is shown? Or do you know more about the species than we are showing? Your help is greatly appreciated. Why not send us an email with further information so that we can correct or extend the information provided?

Citation : UNEP-WCMC. 20 August, 2008. UNEP-WCMC Species Database: CITES-Listed Species
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