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10 June 2008, 1:07 pm 130 Comments

Music: Katy Perry: The New Gay Interview

This post was submitted by Zack Rosen

It’s time to call bullshit on Katy Perry. The 23 year-old Californian singer/songwriter first fell on the TNG radar with her single “UR So Gay.” The song trots out a number of tired gay stereotypes to condemn one of Perry’s ex-boyfriends and includes a paradoxical chorus of “You’re so gay, but you don’t even like boys.” Here’s a sample lyric: “I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf/While jacking off listening to Mozart.” Whoa, nelly!

But as much as it sucks to have a faggy boyfriend, Perry’s pretty fond of the lesbians. Or so her second single, “I Kissed a Girl,” would suggest. It’s a classic example of the “Guys kissing is gross, girls kissing is hot” line of thought, except Katy’s never actually sampled the sapphic fruits. Read all the (non)sordid details below.

The New Gay Zack: I write for a gay blog, and I thought you should know that “UR So Gay” pissed off a lot of our readers.

Katy Perry: That’s unfortunate. It’s not what I came to do, you can hear it from the horse’s mouth.

TNG: What is the song actually about?

KP: This song is about my past relationships, and how in this world of 2008 girls are thrown into a lion’s den of ‘who’s on this team and who’s on that team?” I was dating this boy who was very metrosexual, I always end up with these guys who are very sensitive and good looking and clean-cut and smell good. But this one in particular, I thought “In another life, you are a gay man.” I’ll just leave it at that.

TNG: Have you heard unfavorable reactions from other gay people?

KP: It’s not a negative connotation. It’s not “you’re so gay,” like “Your so lame,” but the fact of the matter is that this boy should’ve been gay. I totally understand how it could be misconstrued or whatever. The video we did a while ago on a budget of little to nothing, it paints that same picture. Everyone played with that Ken Doll and they were changing his outfits.

TNG: But don’t you think the whole song just falls back on a lot of stereotypes and old jokes about gay people, like every gay guy being sensitive and well dressed?

KP: No, I think that there isn’t any one type of gay person. I’ve met a ton of different gay people. I wasn’t stereotyping anyone in particular, I was talking about ex-boyfriend. All these songs are very personal, they’re straight out of a “dear diary” situation…[but] my Anne Frank is now being exposed to the world. I’m totally fine with it, I get a lot of message from girls saying “I went through the same thing.”

TNG: Do you have a gay fan base?

KP: I’m starting to. My closest friends happen to be gay… I came from a very strict household, where any of that taboo stuff was wrong. I don’t say I hate where I came from, I love my parents and was happy to… have that opportunity to grow, but I came from a strict, suppressed household where that was wrong. [Ed. Note: Katy's parents are pastors.] Now I’ve been in LA for seven years and realizing there’s nothing wrong, there’s nothing wrong with anybody. If you love someone and you’re a good person thats what counts.

TNG: But your song implies an insult. It basically says that the guy in question is less manly for being gay, that he’s wimpy. Like in the video, the Ken Doll that portrays him has no crotch.

KP: I know gay men that are more of a man than some of the men I slept with. If it came across like that I didn’t mean it. It’s kind of like Alanis Morisette’s “You Oughta Know,” that influenced me so much. I wrote about something very specific and personal to my life. People relate to songs, but this is about my one specific situation.

TNG: Have you heard from the guy you wrote it about?

KP: He’s heard it, i think he’s OK, we’re friends. It was a snapshot of an emotion and whatever I was feeling, I’m over it. I’ve moved on in life. Now I’m on to kissing girls.

TNG: I saw. Are you a lesbian now?

KP: I love my men. I’m not a lesbian, but I can appreciate the beauty of women. That’s what the song is about: me opening up a magazine and seeing Scarlet Johansen and saying “if she wanted to to kiss me I wouldn’t say no.”

TNG: Have you ever actually kissed a girl?

KP: I think I will, I’m holding out for Megan Fox.

TNG: So you haven’t actually kissed a girl. Then the whole song is a fantasy?

KP: Yeah, it’s fantasy, it’s a song about curiosity.

TNG: Isn’t that kind of like those straight girls who make out at frat parties to get guys’ attention?

KP: It’s not about that. Everyone takes the song and relates it to their situation, they can see it however they want to see it. Love it, hate it, for me it was about us girls. When we’re young we’re very touchy-feely. We have slumber party sing-alongs, we make up dance routines in our pajamas. We’re a lot more intimate in a friendship than guys can be. It’s not perverse but just sweet, thats what the song is about.

TNG: So what would happen if some hot girl ran up and kissed you after show?

KP: She would probably be catching me out of nowhere. I’m keeping my eyes open, there are girls in the crowd that are like “please,” but I say I have boyfriend. I hope he doesn’t mind it.

TNG: You’re kind of teasing these girls, then. I know a lot of lesbians who think you’re hot.

KP: Thank you, I’m glad that anyone in general thinks I’m cute. It’s a strange thing.

TNG: Do you have any more gay songs in your future?

KP: I did realize that, ironically, my first buzz song was “UR So Gay,” my first single is “I Kissed a Girl,” and record is called “One of the Boys”, so I don’t know what’s happening.

TNG: Well that’s it, thank you for answering my questions, I appreciate it.

KP: I’m happy that you heard it from the horse’s mouth. Can I say that and not sound like an idiot?

TNG: Of course. TNG

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  • smergio said:

    she is an idiot and both those songs are insulting and not even good.

  • john@brightestyoungthings.com said:


  • stephanie said:

    Great interview, Zack.

    I think doing a “I Kissed Katy Perry” parody would probably be the best response to all her lyrical faux pas; then, after it becomes an internet sensation, reveal that kissing Katy was – whoops – only a fantasy (not even!).

  • coach said:

    i second that. i’m so gay, but i will never be gay enough to swing katy perry.

  • Duckie said:

    She’s a complicit tool of the dominant culture’s R&D arm who would have far less cultural currency without a big-name label to get her onto Carson Daly.

    Katy Perry is signed with a record label, Capitol Records, who also have Coldplay, the Beastie Boys and the Decemberists. Making these two homophobic songs her first two singles was almost assuredly not her decision, but theirs. Yes, she wrote and is promoting them, but they stand out very starkly without other songs to compare them to. Making them singles before cutting a full length album is a marketing decision, and perhaps a misleading one.

    That said, the lyrics to the other songs posted on her website (while not homophobic) aren’t particularly redeeming either.

  • Anonymous said:

    How soon before everyone forgets this sorry excuse for a singer. What an idiot this Katy Perry is.

  • John Sposato said:

    Now we wait for a parody on MadTV.

  • Anonymous said:

    Geez… no positive comments for kp? Well everyone is entitled to his/her opinon… so here I go…

    I love Katy Perry and her music. She is an incredibly talented singer/songwriter plus she is gorgeous. And I can see why some people might see “Ur So Gay” as offensive, but I really think that the negative vibe from the song was not her intention at all. I try not to take things serious in life and I think so does she… the song is actually quite funny. I wish all of you would take the time to listen to her other songs..like “Mannequin” and “Thinking of You” (2 of my favorites). I must admit that while I like “I Kissed a Girl” and “Ur so Gay”, her other songs are a million times better. Promise. So give her a chance… thanks.

  • Michael said:

    @ Anon #2… Thanks Katy for posting a comment on this blog. Next time, do it with your real name.

  • Anonymous said:

    There are so many different feelings people have when going thru a bad relationship. Often, the aftermath of insults in our heads are irrational, and we know it, but we use them to get emotions out, I think. All people have their own style and way of being, from women who talk with deep voices and cut their hair super short to men who constantly think about their skin and use expensive beauty products. If you go thru a bad relationship, you eventually pick on these little things in your head as a release for your anger, because they’re stereotypically different from “the norm”. (Straight, gay, whatever, we’re all different and have our own way of living- EVERYONE has stuff about them that is different from “the norm”.) It’s that anger and emotion that Kelly wrote a song about- we all know what it’s like to have that 2 minutes of cruel little thoughts in our heads after a bad relationship ends, or if any relationship ends poorly. Her song isn’t meant to teach people how to behave on a regular basis, or how to think about gay people in general- it’s meant to express the raw, unfiltered thoughts that surface from a bad relationship, with a twist of humor on how irrational people can be at such a time. At least, that’s what I see from it. :) With that perspective, I enjoy it quite a bit. If I took little things like a song to mean something about me, I’d be one angry little lady.

  • stephanie said:

    i’m just going to repeat one thing:

    katy perry has never kissed a girl.

    ’nuff sai.

  • Anonymous said:

    Oh Michael. Sweetheart. I am not Katy Perry. I am one of her many fans. Do you think Katy would have the time or desire to Google her name and read just about everything that comes up? Didn’t think so… but here’s a thought.. one of her biggest fans would.
    “Anon #2″

  • Anonymous said:

    Please. Open your eyes! Gay guys are perceived as Katy Perry portrayed her ex-boyfriend because that is the way that 75-plus percent of them are! Don’t get all high and mighty about some song lyrics. Why is it okay for shows like “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” to offer up cookie-cutter gays, but this girl isn’t allowed to write a song? Give me a break.

  • Zack said:

    Anonymous, don’t even get me started on the gay minstrel show that is Queer Eye unless you want to read the worlds longest, rantiest, least focused post.

    Plus, you’re totally Katy Perry. Thanks for reading, Katy!

  • Anonymous said:

    That last anonymous wasn’t me (“anon #2). But I totally agree with the last anonymous. I’m sure if you would listen to her other songs you would like them. You shouldn’t judge an artist on just one song. For all the people that don’t like the song: if you all were really comfortable in your skin that song wouldn’t bother you at all, you would find humor in it. I really have sympathy for you, so please grow some confidence, and stop hating on a very talented singer.
    Plus, I’m NOT Katy Perry! Get over it and quit being so damn immature. I have my opinion and you have yours, The end. Have a lovely day.
    “Anon #2″

  • Anonymous said:

    I love you Katy! God she’s so great. Keep on doing your thing girl, don’t let the GLBT crowd stop you.

  • Ben said:

    I hear her next single is “You’re so Black.” I’m curious to hear how she generalizes and offends their entire identity group as well. Of course, it doesn’t really matter, as Katy is just trying to “express the raw, unfiltered thoughts that surface from a bad relationship, with a twist of humor on how irrational people can be at such a time.” As we all know, its cool to be homophobic so long as we’re expressing our feelings. Just ask the last commenter.

  • Anonymous said:

    I am gay and i like Katy, and love her music, I hate when people get all up in arms about things like this… there is better and more efficient ways too get the gay community equal, this is not one of them, If you think her music is meant too attack homosexuals, then you obviously don’t get her!

  • Anonymous said:

    I made the last post… and I know from reading the other posts, you’re going to think that I’m Katy, grow up! I’m not Katy, I am a guy… the reason I put anon, is because people don’t know I’m gay, and if someone came across this like i did, randomly, that I knew, it wouldn’t be good for me right now, because I’m still in highschool, and my town is very homophobic… so next time think before you start saying things like that, please… oh yeah and Katy does have fans, and a lot of them, even in the gay community… and if you want us, the gay community, to be seen as equal, then stop calling us the gay community and us being seperate from Katy’s other fan base’s we are the same as everyuday cictizens, but when you go and say stuff like the gay community and the gay fan base, it makes us seem different… a better way too say it was do you have many gay fans in your fan base… First I was fired up, and I’m sorry for sounding a little angry, but different people have their own opinions and have better ways of handling things, so next time before you jump too conclusions, and get all fired up like myself, think about it!

  • xoavaluvsuxo said:

    i like katy perrys clothes more than her music rofl.

  • Anonymous said:

    Uptight and PC much?

    The song’s obviously a bit of a joke via very personal and individual sentiments. If anyone’s trying to stereotype, label, and limit people, it’s the interviewer with his very uptight and conservative take… Note: people can say stupid things as jokes, and even in moments of spite (that end up in a diary then in a song) without meaning them as some truth or at face value. Hell, even the interviewer said “faggy”.

    I don’t care for Katy Perry, but this article is so ridiculous and making an innocent song into some political BS. To cop a phrase from another fag: “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all”… just replace “book” with “song”.

  • Anonymous said:

    I wrote ttwo comments up their about how I’m gay and like Katy Perry and don’t take offense… but that last person saying “To cop a phrase from another fag:” pissed me off… Katy never meant it like that, but whoever wrote that has no respect and is very ignorant… i don’t like his way of saying it, there is a difference between the two!

  • Anonymous said:

    Great interview. Katy Perry was in the studio with Jojo on LA’s KIIS FM. Check it out, pics from the studio, vids, good stuff!!


  • Hans Nelson said:

    So basically the gist of her answer is, “Oh, when I insulted my ex by calling him gay, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just meant that because he’s sensitive and all that, he really should have been gay.”

    Because straight mean can’t be “sensitive” or like classical music or dress well. Heaven forbid. That’s a gay thing, and even though not all gay men are like that, it’s still the most egregious type of homosexual male you can be.

    So don’t worry, she’s not insulting all gays because it’s ok as long as you’re the “manly,” straight-acting type.

    Thank you for the interview TNG…very revealing.

  • Anonymous said:

    look, i find her music catchy, i don’t want to be manichean about this, but guys… she comes off as really ridiculous in this interview. maybe elsewhere she’s intelligent, who knows, but if you read this interview knowing as little about her as i do, she evidently comes off as a twat. the lesbian thing is lame, not offensive, but definitively lame. one of the great things about rock stars is their position in society to push themselves and to encourage us to push ourselves in turn. and yet, she can’t even kiss a girl? that’s not even that revolutionary; this single comes long after another single (by a more talented musician) with the exact same hook.

    as for “ur so gay,” i really don’t want to be over pc. really really really. but the argument that this song is written out of anger over a break up or that it’s just personal makes no sense to me. the feeling of resenting a guy after a break up is personal; writing a pop song for mass distribution about how effeminate he is is not. i don’t get worked up when people use the word “gay” as a generic insult, where it could be easily switched for “sucky” or “stupid” or whatever, i think in such circumstances it might just be better to embrace an idiom’s capacity to win itself away from its origins, but this song uses gay as an insult specifically in connection to gay stereotypes. in a more enlightened world, this kind of thing wouldn’t be offensive, but she’s not emily dickinson. she’s not just scribbling down songs in her journal without the expectation that anybody will read them in her lifetime. she’s a mass-marketed product and she’s making a shit ton of money off of this song. and as it stands, there’s enough hatred and ignorance in the world that this song just clearly seems pretty irresponsible and half-baked to me.

  • Michael said:

    Ben said it right above. Substitute the word “Gay” in the title with “Black” or “Asian” and see how well that would fly with the press and the music industry. Imagine lyrics referencing afros and FUBU, or slanted eyes and bad driving skills… Would that be acceptable?

    She’s perpetuating stereotypes, and that’s never acceptable.

  • Ally said:

    If she wanted to make ridicule her boyfriend for his metrosexual behavior, why the hell didn’t she just title her song “ur so metro”?

    I really couldn’t care less about who she offends or what stereotypes she propagates, but it seems pretty silly to fail to acknowledge the fact that she is doing both of those things.

    I know gay men that are more of a man than some of the men I slept with.

    Um… what?

    What becomes clear from comments like these is that her personal construction and understanding of sexuality – both her own and in general – is pretty underdeveloped.

    As lame as her content is, I think that the popularity of her single is probably a good thing in that its sheer catchiness and pervasiveness helps draw in some of the most conservative elements of our society by making them every-so-slightly more comfortable with one of the basic elements of homosexuality – the (public?) expression thereof.

  • Anonymous said:

    To the person above: It doesn’t make people more comfortable with homosexuality at all. It promotes the idea that it is bad, but acceptable (but you wouldn’t want your mom finding out) if done for male entertainment. It is another way for guys to debase women for their viewing pleasure: katy perry is at best, the musical equivilent of a facial cumshot and at worst 2girls 1cup (scatology for those who don’t know)

  • Anonymous said:

    I know that the LGBT community is upset about Perry’s lyrics and I am not mad at you all for it. But please stop comparing race and sexuality. Two different things.

  • Anonymous said:

    Race and Sexuality are two of the many social constructs, and dare I say, are not “two different things”. Within the racial/ethnic construct which, society has gladly built to separate people according to color, sexuality and/or homosexuals have always been a part of that racial/ethnic make-up. Slavery and oppression did not belong to one specific racial group, but many ethnic groups (African slave trade being the biggest market for capitalism and human distribution). In the oppressive slavery drives of society homosexuality has always been looked down upon (from a religious perspective). GLBT community is always treated as a “second” class citizen, even Bayard Rustin was kept in the shadow of the civil rights movement because he was openly gay, of course he taught Martin Luther King the ways of Gandhi and organized the march on Washington, the case being he was suppressed and kept behind the scenes due to his sexuality. In America we suffer greatly from institutional racism and institutional homophobia, which spread from the same disease, ignorance. It is that ignorance that leads to fear of people and are than regarded as “socially different” or out of the “norm” and therefore grossly generalized which what a stereotype is. These are all social constructs influenced by religious morals which differ greatly among cultures, it is sad none the less that celebrities are looked up too as “role models”. Katy Perry is a celebrity and what she says or writes influences opinion about how others should be perceived, and in this song according to her logic, it is ok to view someone as gay because they are less than the average person, subservient. All the “schisms” and “isms” we have today spread from ignorance and start with Racism, the though of superiority, so no, they are not that different. People of color have been severely oppressed from all around the world, Gays and Lesbians have been part of that oppression for they too are people of color. Sexual orientation and or behavior does not belong to one specific ethnicity or in your statement, the social construct of “race”. It is very much upsetting when being gay has become a punch line, when someone who is being “stupid” is not called stupid but “gay”. Gay has become an easy, funny and or ridiculous name for someone to be called. I think that is what people are trying to get across. It should not be acceptable for someone’s sexual orientation and life style to be a socially acceptable joke or insult. But that is where society is today as a whole, it is socially acceptable to insult someone by simply calling them “gay” because being “gay” by itself should be insulting, according to her logic.

  • Anonymous said:

    I think that she was homophobic in her conservative upbringing and she still (subconsciously) is a little bit, but now she is slowly starting to realize that releasing those two songs was a really stupid thing to do. Like many people are saying here, if she had called the song “You’re So Black”, it would’ve made headlines everywhere because in modern society, racism is socially unacceptable. Homophobia however, is most unfortunately, socially acceptable. I’m straight, but I do know what it’s like to be discriminated against (I’m race-mixed). I am aware that sexuality and race are two different things, but homophobia and racism are both forms of discrimination. I believe that no form of discrimination should be ever socially acceptable. Not even emo-bashing, which is reflected in “Ur So Gay”.

  • Tyler said:

    Okay, you guys are ridiculous. I'm saying this as a homosexual. I love Ur So Gay. It is only insulting to those dense gays looking to be victimized by everything. If you aren't one of those, you will realize that her ex-boyfriend is obviously a really pretentious "art-fag". I didn't realize that H&M scarves and listening to Mozart were typical gay stereotypes, but they are evidence to the fact that the subject in the song tries to impress people with a coolness/cleverness that he doesn't actual possess. Anyway, Katy makes almost illegally infectious pop music that is interesting and fun to listen to, so fuck you guys.

  • Anonymous said:

    I love Katy Perry! KatyCat for life!

  • Anonymous said:

    I think its funny that you all have nothing better to do than to sit around and complain about some bodies song lyrics. I just think this is all just a way to get attention. Its not like she subliminaly said to start killing the gays. Get over it. I am homosexual and could careless. She put a past relationship into song.Get over your selfs and focus on real matters. There are far more important things we could all be doing to improve our situations than sitting here arguing.

  • dB said:

    Anon #2 said:

    “I am not Katy Perry. I am one of her many fans. Do you think Katy would have the time or desire to Google her name and read just about everything that comes up?”

    Uh… Yea, that sounds about right. Nice to finally speak with you, Ms. Perry.


  • Anonymous said:

    You mean Ms. Hudson, pastor’s daughter that wants to break free from religious ties and want attention.

    Well she (or maybe her puppet master) were smart enough to get the attention to take her single to #1 on the charts.

    All I can really say is bravo. Do your millions of dollars tuck you in and kiss you goodnight too?

  • maduvia said:

    wow…just, wow.

    I don’t know whether to be intrigued or disgusted by this interview. Quite obviously, and this is coming from a fag himself, the interviewer is a little less than “macho-man” himself, and consequently spends most of the interview bashing Katy for daring to make a song about a “less-than-Macho” guy she dated.

    For those here continually spouting the nonsense “Its stereotyping! replace ‘gay’ with ‘black’ and its the same!” and you know what? you’re absolutely right, it is the same. But let’s not kid ourselves, stereotypes exist precisely because, ta-da! they exist! walk through a high black-ratio high school, and tell me how many stereotypes you see pertaining to black culture….or one with a high white-ratio, and tell me how many stereotypes you see.

    Society needs to face the fact that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say “no stereotypes allowed” when we see them every day, put about by people all around us. And how many of you, gay or not, can’t honestly say you’ve known a guy like she talks about in her song? “You’re So Vain” anyone?

    As for “I Kissed A Girl”, wow. What a shitstorm that brings up. “OMG, she hasn’t actually kissed a girl! BURN HER!” What a load of rubbish. Get off all your high horses and lose some of that fattening indignation. It doesn’t suit any of you. I admit, the song’s lyrics/content aren’t exactly groundbreaking. So then STFU about them, and see the song for the little girlish fantasy it is….and move on to something with some actual substance.

    And to all those spouting “The Record Company made her do it, then took it to #1! its all a big conspiracy!” Maybe it is…..who knows? and honestly, if that’s the best you can do, there are far better conspiracies to be worried about then Billboard Chart riggings.

    and to the latest Anonymous…..Why so sad, you don’t have millions of dollars to tuck you in either?

  • caroline-love said:

    i honestly dont see what the deal is, i mean the song ur so gay was obviously a joke and i can totally relate to the song, my sister had a boyfriend that acted exactly like the guy in the song and he DID turn out to be gay.

  • hatesucks said:

    “It promotes the idea that it is bad, but acceptable (but you wouldn’t want your mom finding out) if done for male entertainment.”

    Wrong. Did you even read the interview?

    “TNG: Isn’t that kind of like those straight girls who make out at frat parties to get guys’ attention?

    KP: It’s not about that. Everyone takes the song and relates it to their situation, they can see it however they want to see it. Love it, hate it, for me it was about us girls. When we’re young we’re very touchy-feely. We have slumber party sing-alongs, we make up dance routines in our pajamas. We’re a lot more intimate in a friendship than guys can be. It’s not perverse but just sweet, thats what the song is about.”

    The lyric in “I Kissed A Girl”:
    “It’s not what, good girls do
    Not how they should behave”

    Some people seem to read that as HER saying that girls kissing girls is wrong (i.e. taking the lyrics to literally, out of context, etc). Not true. People who are homophobic (right-wingers, organized religion) are the ones who perpetuate that sentiment. That creates a fear that unfortunately prevents many curious people from exploring their sexuality the way they see fit.

    There is absolutely nothing anti-gay about “I Kissed A Girl.” I can definitely see where people come from about “Ur so Gay,” but not “I Kissed A Girl.”

    And what’s with people assuming every anonymous comment here is from Katy herself? That’s very unlikely.

  • Candy said:

    I love katy perry. Her music is awesome. And i don’t think people should take offense to ‘ur so gay’. it was about her ex. whats the big deal??

  • Nate said:

    hatesucks said:

    "The lyric in "I Kissed A Girl":
    "It's not what, good girls do
    Not how they should behave""

    The lyrics are social commentary.. not very deep or thoughtful, but commentary just the same. Society still views homosexuality as taboo; in the song, she talks about that taboo and her inner dialogue about her feelings on having kissed another girl. Society says it's bad, but she did it and liked it. If it were intended to be derogatory, I think the song would have a much different tone than the happy, poppy, fun one it uses. It would come across more like, "I kissed a girl and I liked it, I can't believe what I did, I'm a horrible person," etc.

    As for Ur So Gay, I think it's hilarious, and I'M gay. I still don't know what "H&M" stands for, but the "jacking off to Mozart" part makes me laugh every time.

    Seriously, let's get over ourselves. Why are we letting a song by a pop artist ruffle our feathers when there are bigger issues going on in the world? Jeez, if you feel that threatened by Katy Perry’s hate-mongering gay-bashing, write a letter to your representative in Congress, or something.

  • Anonymous said:

    It’s kind of funny how much the interviewer and the subject talk past each other. Journalism at its finest.

    The interviewer just keeps asking, over and over, “Why are you such a homophobic cunt?”

    The subject keeps responding, “The songs are personal, the themes are open to interpretation, I don’t have a government-mandated obligation to be politically correct.”

    And then they go through the whole thing over and over again.

    I think the interviewer would be better off not trying to look deeply into the eyes of a pop fluff songstress. There’s no deep meaning or philosophy behind the music, it’s just background wallpaper for the target market to listen to while they respond to MySpace friend requests.

    The subject would be better off if she actually started making out with girls. The video is kind of an ironic letdown because The Kiss never comes, not between the singer and a hottie, or even between two hottie extras.

    Bottom line: for the sake of a non-existent God, don’t take pop music so seriously, and don’t run around shouting “Help, help, I’m being repressed” [sic] everytime people get confused about the dual meaning of the word “gay” in the year 2008.

  • pochosaurus said:

    Many teens have been singing this song and don’t give a hoot what it means – it’s bring ideas and curiosities out there, and this is a good thing with this very homophobic and judgmental generation.

  • pochosaurus said:

    Many teens have been singing this song and don’t give a hoot what it means – it’s bringing ideas and curiosities out there, and this is a good thing with this very homophobic and judgmental generation.

  • Anonymous said:

    had anyone else noticed an increase in ‘straight’ girls hitting on them since this song was released?

  • Anonymous said:

    I don’t find anything offensive about her songs. She is a very talented songwriter and I thing everyone is taking this way out of proportion. She’s not an idiot people who say this just think everyone is out to get them and talk crap and it’s stupid. Just leave her alone.

  • Baby girl16 said:

    I agree you should leave her alone. You guys should get a life because apperently you dont have 1 if all you do is bash out someone elses lyrics. I’m a lesbien and im not offended in the least bit, and you guys shouldnt be either. If u don’t like the song then don’t lisen to it! how hard is that!? Altho I think its a bit strange for her to have never actually kissed a girl the song ‘I kissed a girl’ is just portrayed as a girls fantasy and curiosity. Theres nothing wrong with being curious about your same sex. Some people may say other wise but who are they to say how You should live? Your so gay is another thing. I’ve had my girlfriend cheat on me and thats pretty much how i felt. so get over yourselfs! And if u think im katy perry your sadly mistaking on account of her never kissing a girl.

  • Anonymous said:

    omg this is so riddick. it’s just a song ppl. leave her alone.. she doesn’t hate gays or anything. ur so gay is just about her feelings after she got dumped and ikag is just about an innocent curiosity. i think she is beautiful and very talented. her other songs are really good too if you guys would ever take the time to listen. for real. oh and just like hatesucks said it is very unlikely that one of the anon is katy. so for the record… i am not.

  • Anonymous said:

    I hate how everyone is making a big damn deal about thuis stupid girl who’s ugly and has horrible fashion sense.

    And I’m not offended by the gay thing or the girls kissing thing. I just think that she had some help from the record label. The label was obviously pushing “I kissed a girl”
    As a single because 1) they knew a song a about girls kissing would be controversial and make all you idiots talk about her damn song 2) sex sells 3) I’ve heard “hot n cold” it sounds like Miley Cyrus. So if that’s what the rest of her music sounds like , who would pay attention?

    But I hate how there have already been songs about girls kissing, hell Madonna kissed Britney on MTV. It’s really not shocking anymore. Girls kiss? HOLY SHIT OMG!!! I never knew that Katy!

    I ready an interveiw about that song. She was saying how girls are closer than guys, they had sleepovers and danced around in PJ’s and were touchy feely or something. She said it was a “fantasy” song …ok well I never had “girlie” sleepovers, I was and never will be touchy feely with girls, I don’t even have many girls as friends.
    And that’s why she wrote the song about how hot girls are? Like that’s such an original idea! OMG!

    Whatever, she sounds like a TOOL and she sounds like a fucking moron when she talks about her music. Does she have any integrity as an artist? She’s on a major label. They have more control because she’s a newer artist. So “lets push an unoriginal song so that people will pay attention and think she’s hot cause she sings about girls”

    In that interveiw I read, she didn’t really seem happy with that song, especially since she probably talks about it all the time cause no one will shut up about it in interveiws.

    I hate that song. No one likes her for her music. They think she’s hot cause she sings about kissing girls.

    Get the fuck over it. I hate how everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

  • northernrampage said:

    She’s doing it for the same old boring titillation purposes… which may not seem a big deal but yet again it’s saying that lesbian relationships ain’t a big deal, that if a woman is kissing someone else it’s a little exhibition for others (such as her boyfriend), and couldn’t possibly be real (until she really leaves your ass for a woman).

    By what she’s singing she’s saying she’s just having a bit of fun and she’s *gasp! gosh!* so naughty. Yawn. Probably not all her fault, she’s obviously just somewhat naive but the record company should know better.

    And they “U R So Gay”. C’mon,,, equally lame and homophobic. The UK Observer music monthly is even trying to stick up for her in an interview by saying “depressingly” a small minority of the gay community is complaining. Shame on the interviewer and the paper.

  • Anonymous said:

    Oh, for f-ck’s sake! Stop talking about this mope. Stop giving her free press. She’ll disappear back into oblivion in about two minutes if all y’all stop debating the deep, subtext meanings of her juvenile lyrics!

    I guess I agree with the GLBT community in finding these songs offensive… why does this idiot have cultural currency because she sings that she fantasizes about kissing girls? In the same society where a 13 year old kid was murdered in his junior high by a fellow student who felt threatened by his homosexuality? Why is this titillating on MTV but incites homicide in real life?

  • Anonymous said:

    Personally i think people are overreacting to a couple of songs, ” ur so gay” is about trashing an ex, pure and simple, and ”i kissed a girl” is a fun song that i personally enjoyed, and i wish everyone would just stop overanalysing it.

  • Anonymous said:

    Seriously? The most offensive part of the interview was that she referred to her diary as “my Anne Frank.” Obviously, her publicity police haven’t reigned her in completely… too bad. This girl’s stupid mouth is gonna get her in trouble long before her songs do.

  • Anonymous said:

    Kate Perry- obviously an idiot, obviously some whorey pop-tart that music producers are trying to create a naughty image for, and is for sure doing this all just for attention and to piss off her bible-thumping family…

    Just for fun- I’ve been wondering what the lyrics would sound like if she really WERE a hard-core dyke (this would not get played on the radio):

    “I Fist the girls and I like it,
    five fingers deep inside it,
    I Fist the girls and I like it,
    Where’s your strap-on, can I ride it?
    It’s silicone, it feels so right, I think I’ll shave my head tonight…”

  • Anonymous said:

    man, you fags are really touchy, huh? Get a life, let her sing whatever she fills like. Jeez…

  • meeks =] said:

    wow i dont get whats wrong with the song “UR SO GAY” at all. everyone uses the term so losely. why get all touchy? she wasnt singing to you was she? no!! she didnt say anything negative about you did she? NO! so grow up. she has a really great voice and her songs are good!! so quit hating on her just because of ONE LITTLE song that wasnt wrong at all.

  • underage gymnast said:

    i love it how there are now 12 year olds with flawed and underdeveloped logic posting on TNG. keep up the good work!

  • Yourmom said:

    All the queers just need to get over it. I doubt she’ll be around in another two years if she cant put out a whole album, but the two songs she did are pretty good.

  • Anonymous said:

    I don’t understand what all this drama is about. Me, and my gay friend, love her music. He isn’t offended by the song ‘Ur so Gay”, he thinks it’s HILARIOUS. Granted, my friend Chris, is very chill and loves to laugh at himself and other people. I think everybody is just being too uptight about this. I personally, love the song “Ur so Gay” because it sort of describes my metrosexual boyfriend. I also really like “I kissed a Girl”, because I’ve experienced similar curiousity about the female body, wondering what it is like to kiss a girl. I haven’t yet either, but I’d be totally willing to.

    When I first heard “I Kissed a Girl” I was actually pretty happy that so many people are into the song and becoming more accepting of bisexuals/lesbians. Most of my straight girlfriends admitted that they are a little nervous around lesbians, and I’m hoping songs like this can help them accept it.

    I wish people would calm down. She just wants to sing. :/

  • Anonymous said:

    I don’t understand how anyone can come to this site, see this post: http://www.thenewgay.net/2008/08/where-is-our-anger.html
    on the front page, and then comment to “calm down about” and “laugh at” an artist who is using homophobic phrases and stereotyping ideas in her songs.

    Grow up and learn how to think, you fucking idiots.

  • Anonymous said:

    these songs are designed to get attention and cause controversy which is what had happened and because of that almost everyone has herd of her.

  • Jeremias said:

    Damn! You people are so stiff. So what if she uses a stereotype? I don’t give a damn if people use my minority group as a stereotype. Why should i care.
    Or maybe we shouldn’t be allowed to say things that might offend people? So we can’t joke about french people or say “black music”, because there actually are french people that don’t eat frogs and black guys that only listen to Bach.
    That makes sense! Or does it?..

  • Andrew said:

    It isn’t “stiff” to recognize a destructive cultural phenomenon. “As a homosexual…” blah blah blah. You don’t get more credit in this discussion for being gay; if you’re ignorant, you’re ignorant. Just like Katy Perry shouldn’t get off with the old “I have lots of gay friends” out.

    The only reason you can be out and gay is decades of activism by “stiffs” who you personally owe your safety to, and possibly your life.

    “But this one in particular, I thought ‘In another life, you are a gay man.’”

    The only reason, as one comment pointed out, that most gay people act queer is that they are
    a) forced to reassess their culture’s attitude toward gender and sex
    b) likely shunned by members of their own sex in youth
    c) told their sexual orientation is just a “backwards” version of normal.

    I think most people in those circumstances would violate gender norms. Katy Perry is just reinforcing that.

    If you don’t think these kinds of attitudes about gender are destructive, how about the riots in Mexico earlier this year, that consisted entirely of violence against KIDS WHO DRESSED SCENE. What kind of insanity is that? All of it was backed up with the same crap homophobic rhetoric about how “faggy” scene kids are–you know, the rhetoric that’s “just a joke.” I’m talking about multiple instances of thousands of Mexican kids forming mobs and seeking out scene kids to assault.

    And I’m saying this as a heterosexual man. I’m not in any danger here, but the culture I live in is.

  • Anonymous said:

    I have a question. How is it “not a big deal” if a song’s lyrics have a negative message and portray a harmful attitude? You have millions of people singing along. CHANTING the words. But because they have a melody, that doesn’t matter?

    She was raised to be a bigot. And deep down, it’s clear she is, no matter how many gay friends she makes. I am not going to write a song about how my ex-girlfriend is now in unrequited love with a girl, or what a dyke she is for wearing sweatshirts and not learning to put on makeup until she was almost seventeen. Those are true observations about her. But writing about my bitterness toward her by calling her a dyke in a pop song and wouldn’t be alright.

    You girls responding saying this song “reminds you of your metrosexual boyfriends”…you are the problem. Your boyfriend is just a person. He doesn’t deserve to be pigeonholed like that and told he doesn’t have a penis, and if you break up he doesn’t deserve to be strangled to death by his scarf, or AT ALL. That’s vindictive and childish.

    So chant the mantra of alienation until you run out of breath. I’m out.

  • Tom Goss said:

    Thanks for doing this Zack, as a gay singer-songwriter I find both songs offense. If you look at her shows and fans you will find that she does have a strong gay fan base. That is something I will never understand.


  • Sue d said:

    She’s gay for pay

  • Anonymous said:

    You don’t think that Ur so gay is just a comment that this (as she says) metrosexual ex of hers is just someone totally out of touch with himself, with his own sexuality, doing the stereotypic ‘gay’ thing because that’s perceived to be trendy.. as in ‘you’re so ‘gay’ and you don’t even like boys’, like a wannabe e.g. a faker, a male version of a ‘lipstick lesbian’, a wannabe queer, a sexual version of what they used to call white guys with saggy-assed pants e.g. a ‘wigga’? I think it’s a good deal more ironic than you think.. as ‘I kissed a girl’ is too.

    It’s actually quite caustic about the frat-boy kissing girls thing e.g. ‘you’re just my experiment’, and ‘I’m going to try you on’.
    I think it’s all about the objectification of sexuality in general, something you can ‘pretend’ rather than an authentic sexual self. Hey, this girl grew up in a strict, repressive household and she’s exploring what sexuality might be/mean for her.. not such a straightforward thing these days. I also find the ‘she hasn’t kissed a girl, so she has nothing to say’ argument offensive and reductionist.. is this what our understanding of our sexuality has come to? So no one can think about their sexuality unless they’re gay? And being gay/bi whatever is just about who you kiss? That’s a bit much. Given that a lot of us girls are fluid in our own sexuality, I don’t see the big deal. There aren’t membership rules, you know. Get off your collective high horses. Right now.

  • Anonymous said:

    Also, I have to say the idea that women fantasising about kissing women is done for the men is just such a bloody male attitude, even if you’re gay.. why can’t a woman just fantasise about kissing a woman, end of story? Do you really think all women (even straight women!) who get off on thinking about other women have to bring a dick into the equation? So let’s not be stereotypic about homosexuality, but assume all female sexual fantasy is just about getting men off. Nice.

  • Timmy the Twink said:

    Guys give Katy Perry some credit. She’s NOT homophobic, she just dated a guy that was very feminine. I’m gay but I have a lot of straight girl friends, and they all agree that while they love gay guys, it would suck to date a feminine guy…which is the truth. I’m a femine gay guy myself, and I can see how a girl would not particularly enjoy dating a guy more feminine than herself. Besides, with her controversal lyrics, she’s actually helping us. Your seeing more of the bad than the good. I for one applaud her for all of her lyrics. She’s pretty much giving the middle finger to society’s morals.

  • Anonymous said:

    “I don’t understand what all this drama is about…” etc etc actually there is no drama but I don’t understand why you don’t see that
    this song is memorized by millions of teenagers and the kissing girl stuff is the opposite of sexual freedom, it’s something about the “kill-the-faggot-jerkoff-with-the-lesbians” mentality. my impression is that the more they like young little (beautiful) girls kissing each other the more they hate gay and (not beautiful)lesbians. and this is bad.

  • Ariel said:

    I’m glad she didn’t mean to be as offensive as she was, but she really just needs to make a clear apology.

  • Libsie said:

    Guys, come on…. that song “you’re so gay” happens in real life… is sharing wrong? I mean, she’s just telling her story… no offense to anybody.
    I mean I have guy friends who really are so vain and girlish, and I would tell them crazy things.. They just laugh it of. She’s refering to someone she knows. I used to like this guy who was more feminine than I am and that sucks! while I want to get a tan, he wants to put alot of sunblock and even uses the umbrella every freaking day!
    I mean, i respect him if he wants to stay white but are men REALLY suppose to be like that?

    If I say that my mom is crazy, does that mean every moms are? I don’t think so…

    The same thing with “I kissed a girl” Girls sometimes, well yeah, really do kiss girls.

    If girls kissing are bad and you believe that this song promotes it, hey,
    if you got the values,morals,etc…

    it’ll always be your choice…

    don’t do it if you don’t want to
    but don’t condemn other people if they do…

    if you don’t want your kids or anybody’s kids to do it, explaining wouldn’t hurt you…

    and while parents find it hard to discuss sex to their kids…
    at least Katy Perry is already giving you a head start…

  • Nick said:


    Obviously everyone has strong feelings about this.

    Yeah, it would probably be like, banned if it was “Ur So Black”.

    Unfortunately, gay people weren’t enslaved and ridiculed for early white anglo-saxon protestant history. We don’t have to work harder to get paid less, and we don’t have to drink from water fountains marked “GAYS ONLY”. People don’t really feel apologetic towards gay people in the same way that they do towards black people.

    It’s a gift to be able to laugh at yourself. Katy didn’t mean any offence by it. It was just a song.

    Perhaps instead of hanging around on Blogger and bitching about a song which might be construed as quasi-homophobic, we should all get off our asses and go outside to fight for something a little more prominent and relevant than a moderately-charting song.

    If you don’t think this song is worth your time, don’t listen to it.

    If you think the song is great, awesome, go for it.

  • Shobhna said:

    What a flaming idiot. Her defence for any of the questions you asked were for shit. I’m appalled that this person is actually getting mainstream play. Hell I’ll take BRITNEY over her.

  • Anonymous said:

    Be careful before you judge what Perry is doing.

    Look beyond the explicit. In my opinion she is doing service for gay pride and awareness, not hindering it. She’s not trying to insult anyone, rather, just making gay “cool,” and there is nothing wrong with that.
    Why is it okay for mainstream pop to explicitly talk about heterosexuality, but not homosexuality? And when someone DOES talk about homosexuality, it’s automatically tisk tisk. Ironically, its us members from the gay community that are condemning it.

    Wake up guys.

    Don’t be hypocritical. You can’t deny that we talk about our friends and lovers in the same way Perry does.

  • Anonymous said:



  • Anonymous said:

    She said herself that not all gay men fit the stereotypes she has given, and that’s fine, but on the other hand she is saying the converse which is that all men with the traits she’s listed are really just closet gays, or “should be gay”, “in his next life would be born gay.”

    I personally didn’t realize that sensitivity, cleanliness, artistic leanings or any of the other things she was describing are indications of sexual orientation. If this guy was somehow being a faker as part of metrosexual culture then that wasn’t clear by her song. She very much was unfairly stereotyping, but in the opposite direction that many of you are saying.

    I understand that people posting here will be inclined to defend gay rights, but this is an issue that has to work both ways to work. Nobody should have their sexual orientation called into question because of any non-sexual traits they possess. A straight person may not wish to be unfairly perceived as gay, not because he or she has anything against homosexuality but because this makes him or her that much less viable to the gender that he or she wants to be viable to. I hope this makes sense to anyone reading this.

    Of course “I Kissed a Girl” isn’t outright homophobic, but to point this out is more of a subversion than anything. The song is doing a few things that bother me. First, it’s suggesting that a woman should be expected/allowed to kiss another woman while in a relationship with a male; okay, some people are rightfully okay with that. But why is it suggesting that? Because it goes on to say that it’s a hollow experience. Katy Perry’s description is one of just using some woman as a means to fulfill a curiosity… she doesn’t even know her name, and from the sound of it I doubt she even cares. Yes, maybe society is accepting of promoting males being giant sluts too but does it really have to be?

    Would a more genuine lesbian or bisexual woman (the kind who would have some interest in having a relationship with another woman) appreciate having their attractions marginalized like this? Or is this really more there for the bicurious female crowd who really are doing this to be rebellious and get attention from males? Because that’s a pretty obvious message in her lyrics.

    But not as obvious as the general motive, which is to flout a pretty artist singing something that society is all over as “wow that’s hot” in order to make a lot of money. There’s a reason just about every female pop star has been seen on camera kissing a woman by now. This isn’t even original, and I unfortunately feel kind of sorry for anyone who thinks that she’s doing LBGT rights a favor with this.

  • Aussie Just said:

    As a gay man, I find it a massive double standard that she would be singing a song about “how cool” it is for her to kiss another girl, but the minute a male shows any sign of feminine qualities, then he is there to be shat upon.

    The song U R So Gay is very stereotypical and negative towards any man, including straight men, how deviate from the heterosexual norm. And yet for a woman to deviate is fine and desirable. And apparently heightens their feminity. I say “apparently”, because I think that’s bullshit.

    And so is Katy Perry. I didn’t go through years of self discovery and acceptance to be told by some treacly popstar that there’s something wrong with me for being gay.

    And to the earlier poster who said 75% of gays do act like the feminine sort in Katy’s song, what a load of bollocks.

  • sam said:

    For the last month or so, I Kissed A Girl, was a song that I listened to frequently, however the fact that it was used by a young woman to turn men on, changes the whole thing.
    Before this, I thought Katy Perry was a lesbian, not some slut who is exploiting her bisexuality for the fame and to have the guys all drooling over her.

    And as for “You’re So Gay”, thats just sickening, this idiot seriously needs to open her eyes, and see how some lyrics (whilst they may seem fine to her) will offend.

    I agree with Aussie Just a fair bit,
    Katy Perry and the likes use this as their way to fame
    However, there are so many male celebrities that feel they need to establish themselves before they can come out; Darren Hayes, Tim Campbell, Clay Aiken, Anthony Callea, and thats only the tip of the iceberg.

  • Anonymous said:

    I don’t see the problem with her songs, if she is making fun of anyone in “you’re so gay”, it’s metrosexuals not us. How many times have we used the same stereotype and no one has denounced it? I don’t think she is saying all gay people fit into the same mold with this song.
    I think when people use gay as a synonym for stupid or lame it’s more offensive.

  • Shannon "Nerdball" Sirosky said:

    well, i do not have a problem with her song so much. As i would like to consider myself half assed stimulated in the fine art of music, and that music is seen on many different levels-personal, financial, progressive or not etc…The point that i would like to make-is from reading the blogs and info at hand, This girld seems imature in thought. Not all people actually take time to think critically, nor should we classify their thoughts. Life is life. I agree that the ‘effect’ that this video/song had was damnaging, and whether or not the singer would like to ammend herseld-seems a bit futile on her comments. We KNOW you did not mean this, but it was meant to a sig. community who does not take likey to bull shit little antics.
    Ok, thanks guys an gals. And if you by CHANCE (hell freezin over) you read this Katy. i urge you to do the right thing.

  • Shannon "Nerdball" Sirosky said:

    oh and Ps. You know you read books, and all other sorts that are FICTION…do i hear you bitching to them? Didn’t thinks so.

  • Shannon "Nerdball" Sirosky said:

    i apologize for the sp. errors. i did not proof read. Also, should you question my music beliefs, i’m very well educatated in music. 9 years of Music School deems me at least abit intersting no? Take Care

  • too lazy to register said:

    Nate- H&M is a store, lol.

    I like her songs, but hearing I Kissed a Girl fifty million times has sort of gotten to me.

  • Tarik said:

    yeah so i’m not gay and i think this song sucks. its a piece of pop trash, the only question is how long she’ll be around. hopefully no longer than any of all the other garbage wanna be song writer valley girls from california. Paris Hilton tried singing too didn’t she?

  • Anonymous said:

    Katy says, “All these songs are very personal, they’re straight out of a “dear diary” situation…”

    But yet she denies having kissed a girl. So it’s one lie after another. Is it a personal story or is it not? I suppose take a shot at someone’s character and perhaps misrepresenting them is a way to make some good cash.

  • Ellis said:

    I think she doesn’t do a great job of articulating what she wants to say in “Ur So Gay”, but I doubt she was trying to be offensive, and if she’s counting Perez Hilton as one of her friends, she’s hardly anti gay.

    As for “I Kissed A Girl” and everyone getting their knickers in a twist because she never actually kissed a girl, get over it, it’s not the first or last song written about a fantasy. I guess I missed the memo saying that all songs must be entirely factual. Guess what everyone, The Beatles didn’t actually live in a yellow submarine… those lying bastards!

  • Ellis said:

    I think she doesn’t do a great job of articulating what she wants to say in “Ur So Gay”, but I doubt she was trying to be offensive, and if she’s counting Perez Hilton as one of her friends, she’s hardly anti gay.

    As for “I Kissed A Girl” and everyone getting their knickers in a twist because she never actually kissed a girl, get over it, it’s not the first or last song written about a fantasy. I guess I missed the memo saying that all songs must be entirely factual. Guess what everyone, The Beatles didn’t actually live in a yellow submarine… those lying bastards!

  • Anonymous said:

    Anyone who counts Perez Hilton as a “friend” is incredibly anti-Gay.

    Straight women like their gays as mincing minstrel show stereotypes but present them with a naturally masculine, attractive gay man and they can’t handle it.

    Straight people love gay/black/asian/latino/etc “friends” that make them feel better about themselves (i.e. superior).

  • Anonymous said:

    Now now Ellis, let’s not go as far as to compare The Beatles to a bigoted, homophobic girl. There’s a difference between allegorical and factual statements clearly when The Beatles sing it’s allegorical. Are you to tell me that Katy Perry meant the same thing?

    I think you fail to see the bias and prejudice in her song. Perry, grossly conveys a message that promotes a sense of dislike for a particular group of people, and that to me is discrimination and bigotry. Don’t forget, she flat out lies to us that it’s a “personal diary”.

  • Anonymous said:

    Now now Ellis, let’s not go as far as to compare The Beatles to a bigoted, homophobic girl. There’s a difference between allegorical and factual statements clearly when The Beatles sing it’s allegorical. Are you to tell me that Katy Perry meant the same thing?

    I think you fail to see the bias and prejudice in her song. Perry, grossly conveys a message that promotes a sense of dislike for a particular group of people, and that to me is discrimination and bigotry. Don’t forget, she flat out lies to us that it’s a “personal diary”.

  • Anonymous said:

    When Moses said kill all those who lie with the same kind no one knew that two centuries later we would still be discriminatory against other humans. It’s the sentiments that count not the thought. And the sentiment in Perry’s message is clear she doesn’t like certain people. Oh well…if people can sit down in front of a TV screen and enjoy Paris Hilton lash out on poor people it speaks loudly about the people who listen to Perry’s music as well.

    Objectivity requires that we put away subjective thoughts. Let’s be objective here. Michael Richards, a supposed comedian, was doing a “comedy” skit where he made racist remarks he wasn’t changing the world he was in fact making racist remarks, subjectivity aside. When Mel Gibson went on a drunken stupor to criticize about 20% of the world’s population he wasn’t being revolutionary he was ejaculating his bigotry, subjectivity aside. There will always be people to stand up and defend such people.

  • Cody Durgin said:

    Okay, coming from a 15 year old boy, Katy Perry is simply awesome. People need to stop hating over a friggin song seriously. Nobody cares anymore because Ur So Gay shouldn’t be taken so personally. She doesn’t need all of your sh*t dude, I was watching Comedy Central the other day and they say gay AND Nig*er so seriously anybody who cares just shut the f*ck up and stop hating. Katy Perry is more beautiful and a better singer than any of you could be, just give it a rest.

  • Ellis said:

    Anon. she has been saying from the beginning of the press she’s done for “I Kissed A Girl” that it was about seeing Scarlett Johansson (nice spellcheck there btw Zack)in a magazine. The rest of her album does sound a bit like a diary entry (except I do doubt that she got hitched in Vegas)
    What I’m trying to say is that she wrote a song about a fantasy and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a problem with Ur So Gay, but don’t trivialise your arguments against it by effectively going “AND, she never even kissed a girl either, total liar.” Because the amount of songs written about fantasy situations probably far outweigh those written about true events. I am not defending Ur So Gay. I do think it’s a stupid song, but I am saying that maybe we should all calm down a little bit. The girl wrote a stupid song about her ex and she was bitching about his metro qualities. I don’t think she is a bigoted homophobe, so much as a misinformed and naive young woman who just needs someone to set her straight on the difference between gay and metro.

  • Rich said:

    Katy Perry is the new Madonna. Look how she got all of you to respond and talk about her even though you “hate her”. hahahaha…BRILLLLLIANT!

  • Rich said:

    Katy Perry is the new Madonna. Look how she got all of you to respond and talk about her even though you “hate her”. hahahaha…BRILLLLLIANT!

  • Bill Samuels said:

    This was an excellent interview that raised some important points. We have to remember that people learn a lot about things and other people through popular culture, such as these songs. We also have to remember that some of the childish criticisms of the interview (or of those who dislike the songs, the stereotyping, and the pandering to some straight guys’ love of women kissing one another) comes literally from children — or at least immature people with childish minds who are unable to look at any issue with depth or clarity.

    I also have to say that those who think that 75% of gay men fit the stereotype expressed in the first song have apparently never heard of the ENORMOUS macho gay bear community!

  • Bill Samuels said:

    This was an excellent interview that raised some important points. We have to remember that people learn a lot about things and other people through popular culture, such as these songs. We also have to remember that some of the childish criticisms of the interview (or of those who dislike the songs, the stereotyping, and the pandering to some straight guys’ love of women kissing one another) comes literally from children — or at least immature people with childish minds who are unable to look at any issue with depth or clarity.

    I also have to say that those who think that 75% of gay men fit the stereotype expressed in the first song have apparently never heard of the ENORMOUS macho gay bear community!

  • Anonymous said:

    she is awesome, so contemporary. tooooo many over sensitive people out there, it is shocking. i am gay and if i would listen to some of the stupid comments writing about her music being homophobic i would have to stop being gay right now!!! chill out people gosh!!! go katy go !!!

    love this comment tow
    This was an excellent interview that raised some important points. We have to remember that people learn a lot about things and other people through popular culture, such as these songs. We also have to remember that some of the childish criticisms of the interview (or of those who dislike the songs, the stereotyping, and the pandering to some straight guys’ love of women kissing one another) comes literally from children — or at least immature people with childish minds who are unable to look at any issue with depth or clarity.

    I also have to say that those who think that 75% of gay men fit the stereotype expressed in the first song have apparently never heard of the ENORMOUS macho gay bear community!

  • Anonymous said:

    i loved the interview it was great and go katy perry she rocks and no im not gay just to let u know i like boys and i really want a boyfriend well bi..

  • christine said:

    You are all too sensitive…they are just songs…they are both catchy…and your haterz…why cant people just have fun with it and not over think what the song is about or what its portraying….because i promise you that none of the people that listen to this song are thinking… omg those are gay stereotypes…there are many other things in the world to worry about… she said her closest friends are gay…just leave it alone… people can be taught to be close minded…she is one that has overcome that and become much more open minded, so just listen to the music, enjoy, and shut up…b/c there are many insulting songs about bitches and hoes but NOBODY complains about it…those songs are degrading, but when something is actually talking about you, you decide to care…there is no reason to hate her because of this. she can sing, and write so stop hating! and the little lingo of this website is a little stereotypical also “for everyone over the rainbow”…seriously??? just stop being sensitive

  • Amy said:

    I find it slightly ironic that Zach is baiting Katy Perry for not being gay and not having kissed girls.

    The word bisexuality doesn’t even enter the conversation, let’s hear it for the binary homo/hetero system! (This is sarcasm).

    Many lesbian women have kissed boys and many straight girls have kissed girls and very few women conform to what other people think ‘homosexual’ should mean. There is a whole spectrum of sexual flavours out there, let’s not forget that everyone’s different, and not everyone’s on a bandwagon…

  • KPfan said:

    WOW you people need to calm the fuck down and be able to laugh at yourselves!! I am a lesbian and LOVE i kissed a girl and i love that someone is finally representing lesbianism/bisexuality on the radio. She doesn’t mean any harm by “ur so gay” and personally i think the song is hilarious and that all of you haters need to learn how to have some fun and APPRECIATE what katy perry is doing for the gay community. Oh and just so you know…a good percentage of her fan base is gay. i went to her concert a few weeks ago and there were just as many gay and lesbian couples as there were straight ones…so obviously they like what they hear.

  • not here said:

    wow why wud she make a song up I KISSED A GIRL if she hasnt even kissed a girl. shes always being insecure about her slutty self, what other girl wud say “if she wanted to to kiss me I wouldn’t say no.”, plzz the bitch is a fucking bisexual, jus get ur fucking ass outa the closet already

  • fuckin ell! said:

    Because shes relating to the mass view on homosexuality, not here!
    Hows she “slutty”?

  • fuckin ell! said:

    Katy is obviously, in ‘I Kissed A Girl’ relating to viewpoints. If she was homophobic, she would be saying something somewhat similar to “I Kissed A Girl and I hated it”, How could people do this” and so on. She obviously is not but I am sure that Katy would expect controversy!

    And yes I defntly agree with Amy as well.

  • Jeremy said:

    Yeah I still think she is an idiot. See now I don’t actually think she is homophobic; she is actually metrophobic. She obviously has alot of preconceieved notions about what a MAN should be like (jacking off to lesbians, acting like slobs).

    Enter metrosexuality and her enourmous ego starts to flare into her songs. See because all of this “girl power” stuff obviously only applies to women. Men are expected to remain docile and brainless while women toy with them. Gay men are mere companions in her narcisistic charade: they could be anything and she wouldn’t care.

    This is like the complete opposite of feminism because it really isn’t encouraging change, just for women to be more extravagent in making themselves sex toys of men and for men to be more misogynistic and uncaring towards women. She is just screwing life up for all of the heteros.

  • Katy Perry, a Lezploitator? « E411 Magazine said:

    [...] Texter oder nët? Bei “Ur so gay” ass dat schnell beäntwert. An engem Interview mat dem Blog the new gay seet hat:”It’s not a negative connotation. It’s not “you’re so gay,” like [...]

  • Langford said:

    Yes, it’s not that Katy’s homophobic, it’s that her lyrics seem to paint her as someone whose very kind of obsessed with gender stereotypes, with boxes. In One of the Boys, she says that she doesn’t want to be one of the boys: She wants to be a pretty girl. And in the song Hook Up, which she gave to Kelly Clarkson, she had the line: “I can’t cook / No, but I can clean.” Come on.

    She has some issues (not deep-rooted or anything) that she needs to figure out. Her lyrics trouble me.

    And as a lesbian, I Kissed a Girl hurts my feelings very much.

  • Langford said:


    And reading all the comments is just making me depressed.

  • Anonymous said:

    isn’t this site supposed to be about a “new” gay? Caring about what some pop artist says or creates is not something a “new” gay should do. This site, and the users, are so afraid to lose their identity but keep on perpetrating stereotypical homosexual stereotypes. Stick to your word and chill out.

  • Mark said:

    Katy Perry never actually kissed a girl and yet she says that all her songs are like a dear diary. Sounds like she just says anything to suit her argument. I reckon they’re promoting her with all this homosexuality to distract from the fact that she has a heavily religious background. If she came across as old fashioned and bible-thumping she wouldn’t be very popular. Her christianity is evident in i kissed a girl when she sings “it’s not what good girls do”. yeah, good christian girls whose parents tell them gays go to hell. lesbians can be good girls, lesbians can also be bad, it depends on the individual. christians can be good too and also very bad. i just don’t see the need for a songs like i kissed a girl. it just makes me think of those dumb high school girls that are like “oh my god, i just kissed a chick, come on lets do it again, no wait, are the boys watching?” i didn’t think people cared about girls kissing anymore. “i kissed a girl” “yeah and..?” i’m a gay guy and i’ve kissed a girl, that to me is more shocking than katy perry kissing a girl. losers are girls who kiss other girls for guys attention = katy perry is a loser. She should go down on a chick, maybe then i’d have some respect.

  • Anonymous said:

    Haha wow. Wtf is up with everyone bashing kp? I’m gay, I love her music, and that intrview twisted almost everything she said around and was very aggressive. Damn well pretty much attacked the poor girl.

  • Anonymous said:

    Oh and I agree that girls who make out with other girls for male attention is stupid as hell, but who knows. Maybe she’s really bisexual. You can’t say she’s fake just because she hasn’t done it yet. Not EVERYONE sleeps around at an early age and some people don’ actually experiment or act on their desires for YEARS.

  • Erin said:

    Katy perry is awesome, i dont understand you gay community, why are you always like defensive at all, i dont think she wanted to hurt your fellings, i dont even think she really was aware of what was writing and all of the scandale it would be, i mean, just get over it, i dont think is that bad..
    You could be focusing in another gay stuff, but not this, it’s ridiculous xD

    by the way, i’m a proud lesbian from argentina and i love katy’s music.

  • Johnbo said:

    That is the worst back track ever. She’s homophobic and very dumb. Vote with your wallets and don’t buy her music!

  • Simon said:

    she’s stupid.
    i’m a straight guy, i had one gay experience with one of my friends.
    we were alone, in his room, in private. no pictures or anything.
    somehow my whole school found out, around the time this song was in the charts, and i was ostracized for a few months.
    a while ago, i was hanging out with my friends. there was a girl who liked a friend of mine, and to impress him, she kissed another girl in front of him.
    i wasn’t amused.
    i don’t find lipstick lesbianism arousing, its just fetishistic. the same people who were repulsed by the thought of me and another guy found this hot. i just don’t get it.
    her song reinforces this idea. “i hope my boyfriend don’t mind it” ie “woah, its cool, i’m totally straight, look a boyfriend, he probably thinks this is hot lol”
    it would’ve been helpful if she wrote a song about what its like to have a genuine gay experience, not just one to impress boys who’s view of women is influenced by porn.
    also, the “i have gay friends” argument is a sign of desperation.
    sorry if i seem like i’m getting offended on the behalf of gay people, but i took this one pretty personally.

  • Ryan said:

    I have been using this argument for the past 2 years (the one reflected in the article) and it’s very refreshing to see that others share my views.

    That being said, it’s painfully obvious the distinction between the tweens posting here with their ludicrous internet slang and swears and referring to the gay community as some kind of alien. I think it’s also important to note that a lot of gay people who might like her music probably also like other types of mindless lyrical crap that gives a good beat. There are educated homosexuals who understand the importance of language in culture, and then you have the ones who claim “that’s gay” isn’t offensive because they’re “oh so chill.” Guess what? If you had half a brain, you’d realize it’s STILL putting us in a box (no pun intended). Educate yourself and stop going with the masses. It must have taken a lot of effort to turn on your radio and decide you liked what you heard.

    And to the people think it’s oversensitive to judge her on her [bad] music: you’re right. Down with freedom of speech. Everyone should be able to promote whatever they want regardless of backlash. Once that happens I’ll finally be able to keep up with the Klan again without worrying about being publicly ridiculed, and I can also check hatecrimes.com to keep up on all the murders against fags in the world.

    …that last part was sarcasm, in case you didn’t catch it.

  • the irony of katy perry’s success « gender panic said:

    [...] about the fact that she has never actually engaged in any type of queer behavior, clarifying in a hilarious interview with The New Gay that her hit song “I Kissed a Girl” is simply “fantasy…a song about [...]

  • John Marks said:

    Liar. Katy Perry told Katie Couric that she HAD kissed many girls, so she is a complete liar. Personally, I’m tired of her sandblasted photoshopping, auto-tune Ke$ha pop and Manson clone boyfriend. I say back to the 700 with this wannabe. Not only is she a Spring misogynist but she’s a totally uneducated pop culture illiterate. That girl grew up WITH ZERO culture and freedom of expression and her money came from insulting us. Even if Katy perry is too stupid to realize it or too chicken shit to admit it. That’s why she insulted Gaga, this dim bulb does not get the rebellion and politics, not unless Pastor GreenJeans is greasin the way. Only oral Katy Perry knows is Oral Roberts!

  • Ur So Gay Music Sheet | My Music Sheets said:

    [...] New Gay conducted a confrontational interview that had a rattled Perry actually say, “My closest friends [...]

  • Steve P said:

    From Anonymous at 10 June 2008 at 5.55pm:
    “How soon before everyone forgets this sorry excuse for a singer.”


    “Her christianity is evident in i kissed a girl when she sings “it’s not what good girls do”. yeah, good christian girls whose parents tell them gays go to hell.”

    Well, she’s reflecting on what she was brought up to think – not endorsing it. You’re probably right though about the label trying, to an extent, to distance her from a ‘Christian’ image.

    And finally, I second fuckin el!’s support of Amy’s comment from 2 April 09.

    (Man, am I living in the past!)

  • Alisha said:

    Honestly. Settle down. I’m gay, and I love Katy. First of all, who says everyone has to be politically correct? Ur So Gay offends you? Well, cry me a river. Stop being so touchy.
    YES, stereotypes hold to be true in many cases. Whether they apply to sexuality, gender, or race.

  • lala said:

    she very sexy i lov Katy Perry music for me bast ?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for katy

  • AreYouSerious? said:

    OH NO! A pop star is using stereotyping in her songs? God save us!
    Next thing you know a rapper might sing about being on drugs,
    Stories will have the ‘good’ person as physically beautiful and the ‘bad’ person as ugly.
    The movie industry will potray the ditzy ones as blonde,the smart ones wearing glasses and suffering from social incompetence,and (heaven forfend!) the gay best friend as being ridiculously effeminate.

    Dear me, whatever will we do?

  • Wake UP said:

    Anyone (gay, straight, bi, whatever) who thinks Katy Perry’s lyrics are not offensive needs to seriously wake up! The song UR So Gay reinforces the conservative ideology that being gay is shameful and undersirable – after all, it’s not a love song. It’s a song about how her ex-boyfriend was so inadequate and horrible that she wants him to “hang yourself with your H&M scarf/While jacking off listening to Mozart” WOW, that’s so not offensive. Not only are all men who listen to classical music gay, but they should hang themselves as well. Should I mention the higher rate of suicide among LGBT youths? And “I kissed a Girl” wasn’t much better. “It felt so wrong”, “It’s not what good girls should do”, “It don’t mean i’m in love tonight”, “I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it”!! This reinforces endless negative stereotypes which undermine the legitimacy or same sex love.

    And someone in the comments above said that rappers ‘sing’ about drugs and popstars sing about sterotypes – that’s just the way it is and basically implied that it’s OK. That’s an incredibly naive position to take. Just because rappers rap about drugs, doesn’t mean it’s right, and the same goes for sterotype. I think you’re also underestimating the damage sterotypes have done, can do, and is being done to many marginalised people in the world regarding not only their sexuality but race, gender, religion, etc.

  • Elyssa said:

    I can see how these songs are being taken as offensive to the gay community.
    I’m not fond of her or her music myself, on the other hand I realize it is just a pop artist trying to make some money.
    I personally am more concern about the people out there who are beating up, killing or harassing others due to ones sexuality.
    Those are the ones we should be paying this amount of attention to.

  • Dustin said:

    First of all im a gay teen and i dont think ur so gay is offensive i acuually love that song but besides the point we all kniw katy ditched the gay thing for a long time but look where she is now at firework and amazing gay anthem much better than the rest that came out this year there basically all awful but katys is really good i think its ironic that she went from ur so gay to i kissed a girl to friework and gay beauty but i think katy has matured amazing scence this was taken i bet givin the same sevay today every answer would be different i personally think her teenage dream album is a billllllllioooooonnnnn times better than one of the boys and acually one of my all around fav albums

  • Katy Perry's God :: Zinnia Jones said:

    [...] that opportunity to grow, but I came from a strict, suppressed household where that was wrong." (The New Gay, 10 Jun 2008) Filed under music, pop culture, religion ← Status quo bias, charity, and [...]

  • Katy Perry Sucks said:

    [...] with a Sarah Palin-ish claim to having tons of homosexual friends and then gave a writer for thenewgay.net the cryptic assurance, “I know gay men that are more of a man than some of the men I slept [...]

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