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Eminem Responds To Leaks

eminemn, 50 cent, dr dre, number one, relapse, crack a bottle,

Plus he talks about his in-studio chemistry with Dr Dre and when Eminem's album is coming...

Earlier this week MTV News reported that a new Eminem track called Number One had leaked to the web.

Eminem | The Videos


Now the rapper has given an interview explaining that the song- actually called Crack A Bottle- isn’t finished and that he’s annoyed at people getting to hear it early.

He told Billboard Mag the leak made him: “really heated. It wasn't close to finished, and it even has me doing guide vocals for Dre as a suggestion of how he could lay his verses down.”

The track- which was available on internet video site- contains intros for Dr Dre verses and a verse where Em’ impersonates his mentor’s vocal style. It comes from his forthcoming Relapse album which will be out in early 2009.

Shady added: “It's like someone catches you peeping in your window before you got the Spider Man costume all zipped up! Nobody is supposed to see that. We are gonna finish it up though and get it out there how it's supposed to be."

As well as denying reports that he has recorded a sequel to his biggest hit Stan Eminem commented on his chemistry with his main producer.

"Me and Dre are back in the lab like the old days, man… I don't have chemistry like that with anyone else as far as producers go -- not even close.

“Dre will end up producing the majority of the tracks on Relapse. We are up to our old mischievous ways ... let's just leave it at that!"

The rapper also gave a progress report on 50 Cent’s new record saying it would be out in February.

Shady said: "He's still working on it and getting back together with me and Dre next week to finish up. I have a couple of tracks on there with him. It's sick."

50 Cent | Video Collection
