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A New Radiocarbon Hypothesis 


John P. Jackson, Ph.D. 

Turin Shroud Center of Colorado 

May 5, 2008 



There exist today multiple arguments of a historical/archaeological nature  which 
conclude  that  the Shroud of Turin is older than the medieval date ascribed to it by 
radiocarbon dating in 1988.  This has led to the proposal of various hypotheses to explain 
this apparent discrepancy.  One hypothesis is that the linen sample used in the 
radiocarbon dating actually came from a medieval “re-weave”.  While this hypothesis has 
been argued on the basis of indirect chemistry, it can be discounted on the basis of 
evident bandings in the 1978 radiographs and transmitted light images of STURP.  These 
data photographs show clearly that the banding structures (which are in the Shroud) 
propagate in an uninterrupted fashion through the region that would, ten years later, be 
where the sample was taken for radiocarbon dating.   
Another hypothesis to explain the medieval radiocarbon date  is that the Shroud sample 
has been contaminated by intrinsically younger (in a radiocarbon sense) material that is 
alien to the cloth such as bioplastic residues from microbial action.  The problem here is 
that the amount of carbon mass in such a  contamination needed to skew the radiocarbon 
date  of the Shroud from the first to the  fourteenth century would be in excess of  twice 
that present in the Shroud sample itself, assuming that the intrinsic radiocarbon date of 
the contamination is of modern age or older. 
These considerations have led our research team  to consider a new contamination-
enrichment hypothesis that does not suffer from these limitations.  It has been observed 
that carbon monoxide in the sea-level atmosphere is significantly enriched in radiocarbon 
well  above that found in normal biogenic quantities derived from carbon dioxide.  The 
reason for this is that carbon-14 produced by cosmic ray interactions with the atmosphere 
first interacts with oxygen to form 14CO with relatively high efficiency.  Only later, on 
the order of one to two months, does 14CO interact with OH radicals in the atmosphere 
to form  carbon  dioxide  which subsequently mixes into the atmosphere  at  a lower 
radiocarbon ratio than that which exists in carbon monoxide.  
This raises the possibility of enrichment if carbon monoxide were to slowly interact with 
a sample so as to deposit its enriched carbon into the sample.  We presume that textiles 
could be particularly vulnerable to such enrichment by gaseous contamination, since the 
gas molecules would easily diffuse around and interpenetrate into the 15 micron diameter 
fibrils that are loosely spun and woven together to make up the cloth.  It turns out that, 
given the degree of natural radiocarbon enrichment that has been measured in 
atmospheric carbon monoxide at sea-level, only about a 2% carbon contamination 
relative to the overall carbon in the sample would be required to move a first century date 
of the Shroud textile to the fourteenth century. 

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The problem, therefore, is to test if there exist a chemical or physical pathway by which 
atmospheric carbon monoxide can contaminate a linen sample to the 2% level AND in a 
way that is consistent with the chemical and physical  nature of the Shroud.  It must also 
be shown why such contamination has evidently not occurred  in some  other linen 
samples for which a reasonable radiocarbon date is believed to have been rendered.  For 
example, the linen wrap for the Dead Sea Scrolls apparently yielded a radiocarbon date 
consistent with it historical context; however, it is  understood that this wrap had been 
sealed in a jar for two thousand years, which arguably might have protected (or retarded) 
it from atmospheric-based carbon monoxide contamination. 
We at Turin Shroud Center of Colorado are studying the radiocarbon monoxide 
enrichment  hypothesis, taking into account its concentration in the atmosphere, and 
expect that these studies will take many months to complete.  While we, of course, cannot 
guarantee the outcome of these experiments, we intend, at the completion of these 
studies, to present our work in an appropriate manner. We do not intend to release interim 
progress reports or  premature  information  about our experiments until  our work is 