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C O O P E R A T I V E   E X T E N S I O N   S E R V I C E

A  G R I C U L T U R E  â€¢  H O M E  E C O N O M I C S  â€¢  4-H  â€¢  D E V E L O P M E N T

U N I V E R S I T Y  O F  K E N T U C K Y  â€¢   C O L L E G E   O F  A G R I C U L T U R E


Colic in Horses

Equine Section, Department of Animal Sciences

diagnosed as early as possible, because it is potentially life
threatening and requires surgery.

The most common cause of colic is internal parasites.

• Migrating strongyle larvae damage blood vessels in the

intestines, decreasing blood supply which leads to necro-
sis, decreased motility and pain.

• Large numbers of roundworms can cause impaction or

obstruction of the intestines.

• Administering deworming medicine (anthleminitics), par-

ticularly to horses overloaded with internal parasites, can
cause colic.
Colic symptoms do not always result from a disease of the
digestive tract. Symptoms also can arise from

• Infections elsewhere in the body, or from infectious

diseases like rabies, pleurisy and dermatitis.

• Conditions affecting the locomotor system, like laminitis

and other forms of lameness.
Certain conditions may lead to an intestinal obstruction,
which will cause colic symptoms:

• Horses kept in sandy paddocks or overgrazed pastures are

predisposed to suffer from "sand" colic. In this situation,
ingested sand obstructs the intestine.

• Spoiled silage and enteritis can also obstruct the large


• An obstruction may also occur if the horse ingests a foreign


Diet can cause colic symptoms:
• Sudden changes in feed, (either type or quantity), or

moldy feed can cause colic due to improper fermentation
in the gut or an obstruction.

• A predominantly concentrate diet can lead to colic if an

adequate supply of long stem roughage is not provided.

• Horses with bad eating habits (bolting, cribbing) are also

prone to colic.

• Lack of water can also lead to colic symptoms and may

even cause an impaction to occur. However, remember to
avoid either feeding or allowing a "hot" horse after heavy
exercise to drink heavily as doing so can not only lead to
colic, but to other serious ailments, such as laminitis.


Among the species of domestic livestock, the horse most

commonly suffers from colic. Colic is a general term
indicating abdominal pain. The anatomy of the horse's
digestive tract, its digestive nature and the management
practices imposed by man seem to contribute to its occur-

Colic may not be caused solely by diseases of the

intestinal tract. In fact, infections elsewhere in the body, as
in the urogenital or respiratory tract, as well as pregnancy
may present symptoms of colic. A survey in 1986 by the
Morris Animal Foundation reported that colic was the
leading cause of death in horses and the number one health
concern of horse owners.

The amount of money spent on the disease is impossible

to totally assess, because both treatment costs and time lost
are involved. In 1983 the equine insurance industry paid $16
million for claims directly attributable to colic. Therefore
horse owners need to know the causes, clinical signs,
diagnostic and treatment procedures and preventive mea-
sures to reduce colic's incidence.


Colic has many types and causes. Factors such as sudden

changes in the weather, feeding (frequency, quantity or
quality of feed), overexertion or chilling may lead to colic.
Spasmodic colic is caused by severe contractions of the
intestines. Intestinal obstruction or a twisted intestine create
a very severe condition resulting in extreme pain. The
possibility of an obstruction or twisted intestine should be

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Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, C. Oran Little, Director
of Cooperative Extension Service, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and Kentucky State University, Frankfort.
Issued 7-90, 10000 copies

Clinical Signs

A horse with mild colic will paw the ground with its front

feet, be restless, lie down and roll frequently and look at its
abdomen. A horse with more severe colic will roll and may
become cast and lie on its back to relieve intestinal pressure.
Horses with very severe colic will throw themselves to the
ground and roll violently. These horses can be dangerous to
work with until properly sedated. Pulse and respiratory rates
rise while temperature typically remains within a normal
range. The absence of abdominal sounds is characteristic of
a horse with colic.


Get a thorough exam by a veterinarian to determine the

colic's severity and treatment as soon as possible after the
symptoms start. First observe the horse in its stall or
paddock. Note the following:
• general condition and behavior (calm, restless, alert, dull,


• frequency of abdominal pain (none, intermittent or con-


• frequency of abdominal sounds (normal, increased, de-

creased or absent);

• abdominal size (normal, reduced, distended);
• nature of peripheral pulse (normal or weak);
• packed cell volume;
• capillary refill time (the length of time it takes for gums to

return to normal color after pressure is applied);

• other signs (sweating, wounds, etc.);
• water intake,
• presence of and consistency and regularity of feces.

Further examination of the colic patient includes a

measure of pulse and respiratory rates (normal resting pulse
rate is 36 beats/minute and respiration rate is 8-16 breaths/
minute), rectal palpation, and passing a stomach tube. The
stomach tube should always be passed to rule out the
possibility of stomach overload. Often the stomach tube acts
as a treatment, since it can release fluids or gas from the

After these observations, the veterinarian can suggest a

treatment depending on the type of colic. For example, mild,
intermittent colic can usually be treated conservatively,
while a horse with a twisted intestine (torsion) requires


Traditionally, a horse with colic is walked to help relieve

anxiety and to prevent rolling, which can lead to intestinal
twisting. Walking may also help to restore normal activity in
the intestine and allow the horse to defecate and/or relieve
the buildup of pressure in the intestines. If 30 minutes pass
and the symptoms either are unrelenting or increasing in
severity, a veterinarian's assistance is necessary.

After an initial exam to determine the type and severity

of the colic, treatment by a veterinarian may involve using
analgesics (pain-relievers). Often the horse is given mineral
oil (about 1 gallon) through the tube to lubricate the tract and
to act as a laxative to help fecal matter move through the

Evaluate the horse in the period following the initial

treatment. Because of the possibility that the intestines may
have an obstruction, check the horse at regular two hour
intervals following the initial treatment. If the symptoms do
not appear alleviated, an obstruction in the intestines should
be considered, and surgery may be necessary.


Preventing colic involves many parameters. Most impor-

tant is proper management. Avoiding situations which
predispose the horse to colic will undoubtedly reduce the
incidence of colic.

Here are some practical steps to reduce chances of colic:
1. Do not overgraze pastures and paddocks.
2. Provide a clean, adequate and abundant source of fresh

water daily.

3. Feed on a regular schedule from day to day.
4. Do not feed moldy or spoiled grain or hay.
5. Provide adequate long stem roughage in the diet.
6. Keep stalls and paddock areas free from foreign objects

that the horse might ingest.

7. Put all horses on a regular, properly designed deworming

program. This step is imperative.

In general, good, practical horse management along with

good common sense can allow the horseman to avoid
situations which may predispose horses to colic. If colic
symptoms do arise, contact your veterinarian.