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Posted 2/6/2003 10:26 PM

10 fan favorites
Jouni Paakkinen of Finland is Webmaster of The Simpsons Archive (, the most thorough non-official Simpsons site on the Net. His top 10? "A bunch of flawless Simpsons episodes," he says, with "a perfect combination of drama, humor and emotion."

1. "Last Exit to Springfield" (March 11, 1993). Homer becomes union leader at the plant.

2. "Homer the Heretic" (Oct. 8, 1992). Homer starts his own religion. God makes a cameo

3. "Lisa's Substitute" (April 25, 1991). Lisa develops a crush on a teacher (Dustin Hoffman).

4. "Duffless" (Feb. 18, 1993). Homer gives up drinking.

5. "Treehouse of Horror III" (Oct. 29, 1992). Annual Halloween episode: a murderous Krusty doll, a King-Kong Homer and a night of the living dead.

6. "Treehouse of Horror II" (Oct. 31, 1991). A magic monkey's paw, Bart as a mind reader and Mr. Burns transplanting Homer's brain into a robot.

7. "Lisa's Pony" (Nov. 7, 1991). Homer takes a second job to pay for Lisa's new pony.

8. "Lisa's First Word" (Dec. 3, 1992). The story of Lisa's birth and first word ends with Maggie's first word, "Daddy," spoken by guest Elizabeth Taylor.

9. "Cape Feare" (Oct. 7, 1993). Sideshow Bob (Kelsey Grammer) again tries to kill Bart.

10. "Homer's Phobia" (Feb. 16, 1997). Homer worries that a gay man (voiced by John Waters) is an influence on Bart.

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