
Bizarre: Split Personality

Wednesday Oct 24 12:01 PM CDT posted by xxl staff

For D12 member Bizarre, life after the group’s founder Proof was tragically murdered at Detroit’s CCC Club in April 2006 has been taxing. “It’s been like slow motion,” Biz says from his Atlanta, Ga. home. “We just miss him. He was our leader. It’s a struggle everyday.” Thankfully, the corpulent rapper and his D12 brethren are persevering—the Dirty Dozen began recording for their upcoming, still-untitled LP, earlier this year. The album isn’t due out until at least 2008, that hasn’t stopped Bizarre from focusing on his own solo career. In 2005, the self-proclaimed weirdo released his full-length debut LP, Hannicap Circus, on Sanctuary Records. While it featured the Eminem-assisted lead single “Rockstar,” the album received little-to-no commercial fanfare. With a new label and a new outlook, the Detroit MC just dropped his follow up release, Blue Cheese ‘N’ Coney Island, as a joint venture between KOCH Records and his own imprint, Red Head Records. XXLMag.com caught up with the deranged member of D12 to discuss his new LP, D12’s long awaited comeback and his new ventures in reality television.

People have come to expect the unexpected from you. How are you going to surprise them on Blue Cheese ‘N’ Coney Island?
You can expect a solid, well-rounded album. There’s a lot of songs that you won’t really expect from me. There’s a lot of serious songs, some party songs, some laid-back songs. It’s well-rounded and different. A lot of people won’t expect Bizarre to come like this. You gonna have some soulful songs, some typical Bizarre songs, some shit that’s gon’ make you cry. I think people are definitely going to be surprised.

You’ve been criticized in the past for not producing more serious music. Did that play a part going into the new album?
I try to give ‘em what they want to hear. If you a real fan and you got some real stuff to say, I’ll listen. But if you talkin’ some bullshit and just talking to talk — if you’re 35 years old, sitting at home in a wheelchair on the Internet, just saying anything — I’m not gonna listen. I can really weed out who is real and who ain’t real just by how they talking. Like I said, though, they want some serious songs, so I got a couple on the new album.

Is Eminem involved in the album at all?
Nah, I did this album quick, so I really didn’t have time to reach out to him. He’s busy doing his thing too. I wanted to really do this on my own, with no influence. I’m trying to get away from the whole Eminem thing. I just want to be Bizarre and not focus on Marshall at all.

Is your relationship with Em still as strong as it once was?
Yeah man, we still cool. But you got to fly away from the nest. Because, to me, I’m just as much of [a] character as he is. Why should I be standing around in the background, in the shadows of somebody else, when I could get out there? People think I’m funny. People mess with me too. So I got to get out there and explore, do my thing.

Were you happy with how Sanctuary Records handled your debut, Hannicap Circus?
No, I wasn’t really happy with how it was promoted. Sanctuary was a new label and I think they didn’t really know what to do with a guy like me. I think I was an experiment. They definitely could have promoted it better. They really didn’t have a staff either. I was basically doing all the work myself.

Since Proof tragically passed away last year, how have you been coping?
It’s been like slow motion—a lot of drama, a lot of things going on. A lot of people coming out of the woodwork trying to sue and do a lot of different things. D12, we just been maintaining. We been making sure his wife and family are straight. We just miss him, man. He was our leader. It’s a struggle everyday, man. We miss our homeboy and that’s never going to change. I’ll just say we deal with it, but I’m not gonna say it’s not hard.

What’s the status on the new D12 album?
We been working on it for like six months now. But it’s kind of on hold because Interscope wants Marshall to come out with his album first. He’s gonna come out with his thing real quick.

How was your experience on VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club?
It was cool. I still keep in contact with Dr. Ian. Matter of fact, he’s in my new video [“Fat Boy”].

Would you encourage other rappers to follow your lead and take part in the show?
It’s up to them. I wouldn’t advise rappers to go on there if they not serious about losing weight because they [are] serious on that show. It’s not a game. If you want to lose weight and be dedicated, then yeah. But they should make a fit club for regular people too, not just celebrities.

Recently, you lent your expertise to MTV’s Celebrity Rap Superstar show. How did that come about?
They just called me up and asked if I wanted to teach some celebrities how to rap. I was with it, because a lot [of] people don’t respect what rappers do. They think we just be having fun and there’s not a lot of work. So I jumped at the opportunity to let people see what we really go through.

Do you see your career going into television even further?
Yeah, I’m getting into it a little more. But if I want to be serious about it, I would have to take time out, get an acting coach and get serious about it. I don’t want people to take me as a joke. If I’m going to do it, I want to be serious about it.

What other projects are you working on?

I got my reality show on YouTube called Bizarre’s World and I been doing these battle DVD’s called Who Wants to Battle? Me and Proof used to host these battles and all the MCs from all round the world came to Detroit — Murda Mook, Iron Solomon, Avalanche. Me and Proof used to do it, so after he passed, I just kept doing it because I knew he wanted to keep it alive.


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This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 at 12:01 pm and is filed under Features, Main Feature
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October 24th, 2007
at 1:23 pm

HollyHood says:

wasted 2 min of my life reading that worthless shit!!


October 24th, 2007
at 1:52 pm

Larry Brite says:

I ain’t saying i think Bizarr is a great rapper - but dude knows what he’s doing & probably has control of his own situation - Shit, I miss Proof Too and i’m from the Bay!
Good Luck Bizz / D12


October 24th, 2007
at 1:53 pm

beeoohh says:

stop hatin on bizzare. who tha fucc is you anyway? would you tell him that to his face? naw ya wouldnt so quit accin str8 up bitch


October 24th, 2007
at 2:50 pm

the don says:

I agree with the first poster. What a waste of my time.


October 24th, 2007
at 2:53 pm

up and coming rapper says:

hollyhood are you crazy that was definitely a good read and it is good source that Slim Shady does have a new album on the way


October 24th, 2007
at 3:10 pm

Peter S. says:

Sorry to hear that you sat at home to read this interview and you’re going to be late for your fling at the bath house, hollyhood. I am personally tired of all of the short responses about D12’s third album. I’m really looking forward to the Dirty Dozen’s latest work and I would think that the logical thing to do would be to put D12’s album out first to create sort of a buzz for Eminem; release Eminem’s album six months after D12’s.

It is a shame that “Hannicap Circus” didn’t get the buzz that it deserved. I do not expect Bizarre to do ‘Pac and Biggie numbers, but he had some bangers on there: “I need a friend,” “Nuthin’ at all,” and “Doctor, Doctor” just to name a few. “Blue Cheese ‘n’ Coney Island” is hot, but it seems that Koch is already fumbling the ball. I went to a couple local retailers and the album was not on the shelf.

Good interview! Thank you for giving Bizarre some publicity, XXL. :)


October 24th, 2007
at 5:19 pm

robbie W says:

loved the article on Bizzy. he’s the man, and the stuff he comes up with is hilarious. i’m happy to see D12’s keeping it moving especially after what happened to Proof (he was so underrated). I’m looking forward to their new album and especially Eminem’s.

I agree with Peter S. on everything except for the eminem should drop after d12 thing. not to knock on d12 cause they are tight, but no one’s gonna buy their album unless they know about it beforehand (via eminem). and since rap has become what it has, they’re not gonna get the publicity they deserve….unless, of course, it’s from the great people at XXL. ;-


October 24th, 2007
at 6:41 pm

trill gizzle says:

“if you’re 35 years old, sitting at home in a wheelchair on the Internet, just saying anything — I’m not gonna listen.” lol dat fat nigga got a good sense of humour.. i think da new album sux dick wid a bunch of no name artists and producers..there were funny parts tho.. but shiit.. i dont think it will sell more than 30,000 bizarre iz only good wid D12..in solo he sux


October 25th, 2007
at 6:20 am

Big Pooky says:

He made his own image a joke… How can anyone really take him seriously… not to mention the fact that he cant rap



October 25th, 2007
at 10:50 am

J S-O-T says:

“release the D12 album first then release the Eminem album 6 months later”……6…….fuckin’….. months?!? you can’t be serious.

Nah Bizzee ain’t the the best rapper by any means but if i want ‘Pac,i’ll listen to ‘Pac, an’ if i wanna’ listen to random funny shit i’ll listen to someone like Bizzee,never fails to make me laugh.


October 25th, 2007
at 11:38 am

wack_wall_killa says:

will yall white boys shut the fuck up


October 25th, 2007
at 12:19 pm

YounG.Sk3Et.Boi.b says:

AyYo as a Fellow Murda Mitten (MichiGaN) Native and ReSiDeNt…. Do Ya ThinG BiZ!


October 25th, 2007
at 1:01 pm

Autumn says:

good interview. wish if woulda been a little longer though. i like to hear about what is going on w/ the guys of d-12. i’m from michigan and they are the group from my state that i really really love. hope we can hear about more that is going on sometime soon from d12.


October 26th, 2007
at 10:17 am

Black says:

about that battle rapping show, i bet murda moon and iron solomon be winning most of them battles keep ya head up bizzy
i wanna be just like u wen i grow up lol


October 28th, 2007
at 2:07 am

James says:

Alot of people need to stop hatin on Bizzare. He’s not the greatest but he can rap better than alot of these fruity cats out there now. If you want to listen to Bizzare take it, get his Attack of the Weirdos EP.


October 28th, 2007
at 6:17 pm

Mr.Defrosted says:


October 30th, 2007
at 12:29 pm

Red Headed Rapist says:

Bizarre is RAW bidness! New album is dope. Still waiting on the Davidians.


November 2nd, 2007
at 1:39 pm

B-RON says:

cant believe his first album managed to go gold… this will never go gold!!!! ITS GONNA FLOP!!! IM TELLIN U BIZARRE THIS RECORD WILL FLOP!!!!! ITS WACK!!!!!!!


November 5th, 2007
at 1:18 pm

Darkman says: Subscribed to comments via email

This dude is retarded,fuck outta here


November 7th, 2007
at 9:44 pm

niggafrommemphis says:

Maaan,fuck d12.Blessed the soul of the one that got killed,but eminem is probably the lukyiest dude (white or black) in the world.None of em about shit.I can’t wait for all them niggas and the whity to come out with another joint cuz ain’t no one gonna bump it.I think these kids are listening to Mike Jones and Paul Wall.Let that be a lesson to yall.if you want a lasting career,humble yourself,cuz when you talk all that shit and don’t back it up,your through.Look at the boy 50,white folks like him too.Yhe whites can have eminem (never digged the name too much).As long as little white girls are going to K-mart or Walmart,he’ll always sell platinum.

November 8th, 2007
at 10:51 pm

Crazy says:

just because all the “kids” won’t go out and buy a d12 album doesn’t mean it won’t sell good. people are gonna listen to what they like, so what if people like paul wall or mike jones, that doesn’t mean they cant like eminem or d12. and why does it matter if “white folks” like 50 cent? who cares, people like who they like so stop complaining.


November 27th, 2007
at 10:05 pm

RELLIK says:

too nad its not sold anywhere an i have dial up.
and bizzarre can rap you just cant find real music. you wait for it to find you.
as far as im concerned when i listen to music mtv/radio is non existent.


December 2nd, 2007
at 9:56 am

E=QAZION says:



December 11th, 2007
at 9:49 am

Vicious Venom says:

If i was interscope, yall should release D12’s third album than em’s album and the rest of the shady fam.
In 2004 yall released D12 world than em’s eoncore in dec. and D12 got alot of spot light dat summer of 04′(bout fuckin time).
But their next album gots ta be an better single than “MY BAND” i mean it got dem like 3 or 4 million sold but the track How Come was better ovaral than the lead single.
Much respect to Biz,D12,EM,SHady record fam.


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