
Night chemtrails

Rosario MarcianòRosario Marcianò·435 个视频
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Solar shield is a hoax: in fact chemtrails are spread day and night. In these last months, many chemtrails are spread in the night. This increases global warming, because, during the night, infrared radiation is blocked in the atmosphere by artificial clouds. So the geo-engineering option, in order to reduce global warming and to reflect the sunlight, is a lie and a way to hide the nefarious and real chemtrails purposes: e.g. to poison and control people.

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上传者评论 (Rosario Marcianò)

  • 2012forlove

    Skeptics really need to wake up !!! Hello, flying at night like that ? for what ? They are not commercial planes. Any ideas what the roles of helicopters are ? They are very frequent around my areas.

    Peace to you !



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  • Rosario Marcianò



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    2012forlove的回复 (显示评论)
  • 2012forlove

    thanks ... sometimes they fly so close to the roof hmmmm

    they tried to get people to buy water tanks .. could we imagine using the water from the tanks even for watering the garden ? concentrated bio chemicals, viruses, parasites hmmmm


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  • Rosario Marcianò

    You are right. Unfortunately it's hard to stop them.


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    2012forlove的回复 (显示评论)
  • KOKOON57

    Con dei puntatori Laser si riesce ad evidenziare le "nuvole" notturne ?


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  • Rosario Marcianò

    A volte si riesce e ciò ne conferma la bassa altitudine.


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所有评论 (52)

  • missie bee

    what is that thing in the sky at 1:28 top left corner. kinda looks like an angel.


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  • drewlo22

    OMG this is really starting to bug me, seen them spraying tonight...Time to take those planes out of commission.


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  • MrMrkeys

    its all over montana too before and after's truly sickening..


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  • bakedinspiration

    It's 2:40AM I'm driving home from work And I notice this huge contrail crossing the whole sky on a pretty clear night. I felt like I was going to crash while I was just checking it out and driving it was a very curious sight. I see a good amount of air traffic where I live we have a small airport but this thing was just huge I wish I could have seen what made it!


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  • 777thefreedomfighter

    I noticed 2 trails around midnight i seen one that aged and the other freshly laid after a rather odd plane passed over, this plane had no flashing lights just a soundless light sort of glowing .I was pointing the trails out and mentioned the trails were aerosal chemicals to a friend and he laughed and said it is exhaust from the high altitude jets reason being i could not hear their engines roaring.I thought it is water vapor not exhaust can anyone prove my friend wrong or explain it better.


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  • VenusAsABoyFilms

    Yes, Yes. They are mainly spraying it at night here in LA. We wake up and there's a sky full of toxins.


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    rfl133的回复 (显示评论)
  • yorkandpomona

    i hear these planes every night or almost every night

    at first i thought i was going nuts but nope im not and now that i am aware what xdo i do to protect myself from these chemicals?



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  • lojhk010

    sick. i got a movie to about chemtrails in the night.


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  • zZzzZzLoKozzZZz

    brazilian from a very very chemtrail in night is ARAÇATUBA - SP


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  • camokbear1

    killer photos and very fitting music. I think we are getting night time poison also.


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