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Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust Promo

A promo that explains what the charity does. Featuring interviews with medical staff, tustees, healers and patients  

Autres vidéos de : bonneyandklein


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HB2008TMP (il y a 8 mois) Afficher Masquer
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Incredible work, keep on keeping on, you are an inspiration
yamr108gb (il y a 1 an)
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tawenasw19 (il y a 1 an) Afficher Masquer
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A wonderful video it is amazing work !

Karen H xxxxxx
WhatTherapy (il y a 1 an) Afficher Masquer
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This is a fantastic video for both highlighting healing as an effective complement to hospitals but also the way in which it is win win for all - we are working to bring this sort of thing to Singapore so fingers crossed!
peterg46 (il y a 2 ans) Afficher Masquer
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thought the video was inspiring i always thought hospitals had closed mind about complementary therapy.
buxtonking22 (il y a 2 ans) Afficher Masquer
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Blessings Denise show them the DVD it may well help . Several people here in the UK have now been taken on in Hospitals by showing the staff our DVD .
buxtonking22 (il y a 2 ans) Afficher Masquer
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Thanks Bronwen and Frans -come on Australia give it a go!
IntHouseReiki (il y a 2 ans) Afficher Masquer
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There's actually heaps of Reiki people working in Australian hospices. Although nothing is formalised to support them. There are Reiki organisations working towards supporting these individuals and promoting the system of Reiki in Australia's mainstream healthcare system. Such organisations are Australia's leading Reiki association the Australian Reiki Connection and the Council of Australian Reiki Organisations. And naturally we are all more than happy to learn from you and your experiences!
buxtonking22 (il y a 2 ans) Afficher Masquer
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Wonderful !
Its great news firstly for the patients and of course wonderfully rewarding work for the therapists as they clearly already know -doesnt sound like we can teach them much at all !

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