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Home -> Kingdom Animalia -> Phylum Chordata -> Subphylum Vertebrata -> Class Mammalia -> Order Primates -> Suborder Strepsirrhini -> Family Galagidae -> Species Galago senegalensis

Galago senegalensis
Senegal galago

2008/08/02 23:04:44.588 GMT-4

By Liz Ballenger

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Strepsirrhini
Family: Galagidae
Genus: Galago
Species: Galago senegalensis

Geographic Range

Bush babies occupy the forested and bush regions of Africa south of the Sahara. Their range also extends to some nearby islands, including Zanzibar.

Biogeographic Regions:
ethiopian (native ).


Lesser bush babies are well-adapted to living in drier areas. They generally occupy the the savannah woodlands south of the Sahara and are excluded only from the southern tip of Africa.

Terrestrial Biomes:
forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest .

Physical Description

95 to 300 g
(3.34 to 10.56 oz)

130 mm (average)
(5.12 in)

Basal Metabolic Rate

Average length of Galago senegalensis is 130 mm. Tail length varies between 15 and 41 mm. Members of the genus weigh between 95 and 300 g.

Galago sensgalensis has thick, woolly, rather long and wavy fur which is silvery gray to brown dorsally and slightly lighter underneath. Ears are large, with four transverse ridges that can be independently or simultaneously bent back and wrinkled downward from the tips toward the base. The ends of the fingers and toes have flat disks of thickened skin, which aid in grasping tree limbs and slippery surfaces. Their tongues have a cartilaginous protuberance underneath the fleshy tongue (like a second tongue) which is used in conjunction with the front teeth in grooming.

The tarsus of galagos is greatly elongated to 1/3 the length of the shinbone, which allows these animals to adopt the hopping gate of a kangaroo. Galagos also have a greatly increased muscle mass in the hind legs, which also enables them to perform large leaps.

Some key physical features:
endothermic ; bilateral symmetry .


Breeding interval
Lesser bush babies breed twice per year.

Breeding season
Lesser bush babies breed once at the onset of rains in November and a second time during the end of rains in February

Number of offspring
1 to 3

Gestation period
110 to 120 days

Birth Mass
12.20 g (average)
(0.43 oz)
[External Source: AnAge]

Time to weaning
3.50 months (average)

Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
300 days (average)
[External Source: AnAge]

Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
300 days (average)
[External Source: AnAge]

Galagos are typically polygynous breeders. Male compete for access to the home ranges of several females. Male competetive ability is usually related to size.

Mating systems:
polygynous .

Lesser bush babies breeds twice a year, once at the onset of rains in November and a second time during the end of rains in February. Females build a nest of leaves in which they bear and raise their young. Bush babies generally have one or two young per litter (rarely 3) which are born from April to November after a gestation period of 110 to 120 days. Young bush babies generally nurse for about three and a half months, although they can eat solid food at the end of the first month.

Key reproductive features:
iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous .

The mother nurses her young for about three and half months. The young generally cling to the mother's fur in transport, or she may carry them about in her mouth by the napes of their necks. The mother also leaves young unattended in the nest while she forages. The role of males in parental care has not been documented.

Parental investment:
altricial ; pre-fertilization (provisioning, protecting: female, female); pre-hatching/birth (provisioning: female, female, protecting: female, female); pre-weaning/fledging (provisioning: female, female, protecting: female, female); pre-independence (protecting: female, female).


Average lifespan (captivity)
10 years

Typical lifespan (wild)

Typical lifespan (captivity)

Their life span is approximately 10 years in captivity, but is probably no longer than 3 to 4 years in the wild.


Bush babies are gregarious, arboreal, and nocturnal, sleeping by day in dense vegetation, tree forks, hollow trees, or old birds' nests. They generally sleep in groups of several individuals; they carry out their nocturnal activities, however, solitarily. If disturbed during the day, they may move very slowly, but at night they are active and agile, jumping as far as 3 to 5 meters in a single leap. On a level surface, bush babies hop like miniature kangaroos, but they generally locomote by leaping and climbing through the trees. They use urine to moisten their hands and feet, which is believed to help them hold onto branches and may also function in scent marking. Their call is described as a high-pitched, chirping note uttered most frequently in the morning and evening.

Home Range

In the genus Galago, males typically have larger home ranges than females. A dominant male's home range may overlap those of several females.

Communication and Perception

Communication in all galagos involves a variety of modalities.

Visual communication, such as body posture, is used between conspecifics. These animals are also known to have a variety of facial expressions to communicate emotional states, such as aggression, affiliation, and fear.

Urinating on hands before walking, while improving grip, also allows the animals to mark their territories with scents.

Tactile communication, in play, aggression, and grooming, is an important part of the lives of bush babies. Tactile communication is especially important between a mother and her offspring, as well as between mates.

Finally, bush babies are known to use vocal communication with one another. Alarm calls, fear calls, aggressive calls, and contact calls are common. In fact, the common name for these animals derives from the similarity between some of their calls and the crying of human babies.

Communicates with:
visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical .

Other communication keywords:
scent marks .

Perception channels:
visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical .

Food Habits

Bush babies are nocturnal and arboreal feeders. Their favorite food is grasshoppers, but they will also consume small birds, eggs, fruits, seeds and flowers. They mainly feed on insects during the wet seasons, but during drought they feed solely on the gum that flows out of some of the trees in the acacia-dominated woodlands.

Primary Diet:
omnivore .

Animal Foods:
birds; eggs; insects.

Plant Foods:
seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers; sap or other plant fluids.


Predation on galagos certainly occurs, although details are lacking. Likely predators include small cats, snakes, and owls. Bush babies are known to escape from predators by leaping through the trees. They use alarm calls to alert conspecifics of danger, and some species in the genus Galago have been known to mob smaller predators.

Ecosystem Roles

As insect predators, these animals probably help to control populations of their prey. They may also aid in dispersal of seeds through their frugivory. As a potential prey species, they may affect predator populations.

Economic Importance for Humans: Negative

These creatures are not known to have any negative impacts on human economies.

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive

Because of its small size, large appealing eyes and general fluffiness, lesser bushbabies are often kept as pets in Africa.

Ways that people benefit from these animals:
pet trade .

Conservation Status

IUCN Red List: [link]:
Lower Risk - Least Concern.

US Federal List: [link]:
No special status.

CITES: [link]:
Appendix II; Appendix III.

Lesser bush babies are one of the more successful African prosimians. They have been studied quite extensively in South Africa.

Galago senegalensis is listed on CITES Appendix II for most of its range, and Appendix III in Ghana.


Nancy Shefferly (editor), Animal Diversity Web Staff.

Liz Ballenger (author), University of Michigan.


Bourne, G.H. 1974. Primate odyssey. G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

Freeman, D. 1977. The love of monkeys and apes. Octopus Books, London.

Walker, E.P. 1964. Mammals of the world. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD.

2008/08/02 23:04:49.562 GMT-4

To cite this page: Ballenger, L. 2001. "Galago senegalensis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 20, 2008 at

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