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Detailed Description of VI/42

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This standardized document follows the rules of the Standard Description for Astronomical Catalogues. For those having to work on this catalogue using FORTRAN programs, this ReadMe file can be transformed into a f77-compliant program which reads the files making up this catalogue, in two versions: either a f77 program loading whole files into arrays, or a f77-program reading each data file line by line.

VI/42       Identification of a Constellation From Position  (Roman 1987)
Identification of a Constellation from a Position
    Roman N. G.
    <Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac. 99, 695, (1987)>
ADC_Keywords: Constellations

   A table of constellation boundaries was rearranged to permit the
   rapid identification of the constellation to which a position refers.
   A software program is provided to precess positions at another
   equinox to those at 1875.0.

   Barry Rappaport put the list of constellation boundaries that was
   published in 1930 (Delporte 1930) into electronic form.  This form
   made it convenient to manipulate the data into an arrangement that
   is easier to use for finding a constellation from a position. The
   southern boundaries of each constellation are listed in order of
   declination and then by the eastern terminus of each declination arc.

   A program, in FORTRAN77, for determining the constellation using the
   data in data.dat is provided in two forms.  Comments describe
   the format in which the positions must be entered.  The main program is
   followed by a precession subroutine which permits the use of positions at
   any epoch.

   The file data.dat is a list of constellation boundaries in the form
   Lower Right Ascension, Upper Right Ascension, Lower Declination,
   three letter abbreviation for the Constellation.

    The following is an example of the output of the program:
      RA =  9.0000 DEC =  65.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION UMa
      RA = 23.5000 DEC = -20.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Aqr
      RA =  5.1200 DEC =   9.1200  IS IN CONSTELLATION Ori
      RA =  9.4555 DEC = -19.9000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Hya
      RA = 12.8888 DEC =  22.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Com
      RA = 15.6687 DEC = -12.1234  IS IN CONSTELLATION Lib
      RA = 19.0000 DEC = -40.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION CrA
      RA =  6.2222 DEC = -81.1234  IS IN CONSTELLATION Men
 END OF INPUT POSITIONS AFTER: RA =   6.2222   DEC = -81.1234

   A C version of the program for those who have not access to a f77
   compiler is also available.

File Summary:

FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
× ReadMe 80 . This file × program.f 76 127 FORTRAN version of the software × program.c 77 156 C version of the software × data.dat 29 357 The data file with constellation boundaries
Byte-by-byte Description of file: data.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
2- 8 F7.4 h RA_low Lower right ascension range, equinox=1875 10- 16 F7.4 h RA_up Upper right ascension range, equinox=1875 18- 25 F8.4 deg DE_low Lower (southern) declination, equinox=1875 27- 29 A3 --- const Constellation name
History: * 30-Dec-1999: one line (#229) was corrected by Nancy G. Roman References: Delporte, E. 1930, Delimitation Scientifique des Constellations, Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press Roman N.G. 1987, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 99, 695-699 ================================================================================ (End) Nancy Grace Roman [ADC/SSDOO] 22-Feb-1996

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