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Welcome to the Trillian developers' wiki! Cerulean Studios provides this wiki as an API reference for Trillian plugin developers. Being a wiki, users can easily add discussion or tips and tricks, as well as adding their own information and sample code. It is our hope that the wiki will be a constantly evolving source of information for plugin developers which will be easier to look through that the plugin development forum.

[edit] For Plugin Developers

General API reference
This section contains links to all of the Trillian API. We have done our best to ensure that everything is cross-referenced and templated to be very clean.
Plugin API Header File
The latest copy of the plugin.h header file is also available here on the developer site, for those who have lost their copy. Currently, this is the 3.1 version.
Sample Plugin
An example plugin to help get started using the API.
API Wrappers
In addition to the default way of accessing Trillian in plugins via C, there are wrappers for other languages.
Plugin API Bugs List
If you have found a bug in the API report it here.
Plugin Discussion Forums
When you have completed developing your plugin please share it on the forums, and/or submit it to the Plugins Catalog.

[edit] For Skin Developers

[edit] References

SkinXML Reference
An invaluble tool, the reference is used by all skinners, from beginner to advanced - if you're interested in skinning, then getting to know this guide will occur whether you like it or not :). This guide documents all known areas of Trillian skinning from <icontrol> names, to states of all the different <control>s.
Stixe Reference
Stixe is a layer of 'shorthands' on top of SkinXML that simplifies the creation of skins based on window elements. Look up the list of elements, or read about settings.ini.

[edit] Tutorials/Other

Skinning Tutorial
The only tutorial written for the current versions of Trillian in current existence. There are 5 parts to this guide at present, aimed at getting you familiarised with SkinXML. There are graphics provided if you just want to get to grips, or it should hopefully be open-ended enough to allow you to work alongside it with your own project.
Skinning Tips and Tricks
Here are a couple of guides which have been put together to help you accomplish some nifty stuff.
Skinning FAQ, Skinning Glossary, Skinning Resources, Skinning Requests, Some Trillian related links
A listing of stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories, but may still be useful.

[edit] For Language Pack Contributors

Visit this page for a list of languages that contains the words and sentences to be translated for Trillian Astra.

[edit] For Contributors to this Wiki

Lots of thanks and cheers to DREADNOUGHT, Tometheus, Sjoerd and Risen, who contributed to the original skinning references. Thanks to Civillians for their permission to bring in the materials from their site, and thanks to Tometheus again for converting the materials to our format.

Another big Thank You goes out to TrillHunter, who collected and maintained a lot of useful information around the plugin API at his website and to everybody else who contributed there. Some sections and pages are based on this excellent work.

If you are a developer or skinner with a bit of spare time, why not check and see if there are any pages we need which haven't been written yet. If you want to contribute to the skinning references, but don't know where to look, check out the skinning-stubs category for articles that need to be fleshed out.

And if you have questions, feel free to contact Sparks. Otherwise, enjoy the wiki!

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