
eprintweb.org was switched off on 30 June 2014. Please visit arXiv.org.

eprintweb.org was a service launched in 2007 as an IOP Publishing mirror of arXiv.org. Just like arXiv.org, eprintweb.org, was free to access and consisted of e-print records in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. It was built upon the successful arXiv.org e-print archive hosted at Cornell University.

In the years before its closure, usage of the service was low. The service no longer provided a user experience beyond that provided by arXiv.org. The service was therefore switched off, allowing IOP Publishing to invest in other online services that will provide greater benefit to our communities.

We encourage researchers to access e-prints directly from arXiv.org.

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