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Melissa Lotholz - OLY ??

There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction. [John F Kennedy] * * * The unknown is scary - take it from a girl who packed up everything she owned, moved cities and put it all on the line to take a chance on a dream. I had no idea what I was doing or what might happen. I had no idea of the possibilities and victories that lay before me. I had no idea of the heartache, sacrifice and setbacks required. Along the way there was moments of paralyzing, debilitating fear as again and again I was pushed to my limits, asked to lay it all on the line, and the reality of failure fronted me head on. Along the way there was moments of defeat coupled with the challenge to rise again, get back up, dig in and fight. In those moments, the only thing worse than trying was not trying at all. It was there, where I dug in deep to fight fear and uncertainty, that I found strength and courage I didn't know I had. In the treches I learned the truth of strength and courage : that strength is not the absence of weakness and courage is not the lack of fear, but the choice to press onwards, despite present weakness and fear, with all that you have and are. Becuase I choose to embrace risk and take action; becuase I choose to live in the realm of strength, courage and possibilities, I have done much, conquered much and become much. I have climbed mountains. And so I dare to risk again - becuase as much as there are risks and costs to action, there is so much more to loose in comfortable inaction.