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Family Echinorhinidae - Bramble sharks
Ordre: Squaliformes
Classe: Élasmobranches (requins et raies)
Nombre de Genres: 1
Nombre d'Espèces: 2
Environnement: Eau douce:  No     Saumâtre:  No     Marin:  Yes
Aquarium: none
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Remarque: Distribution: wide-ranging, deepwater sharks in cold-temperate to tropical seas. Circumglobal distribution on continental and insular shelves and slopes from 11 to 900 m, on or near the bottom. Large (3-4 m), short-nosed, stout cylindrical sharks. Two small spineless dorsal fins, close together, towards posterior part of body and originating behind pelvic fin origin. Absence of anal fin and subterminal notch on caudal fin. Skin covered with coarse denticles or enlarged thorns. Small spiracles, very short labial furrows and teeth on both jaws alike, with a central oblique bladelike cusps with up to 3 cusplets on each side (absent in juveniles). They feed on a variety of benthic and neritic fishes, including other sharks, ling, hake, flatfishes, lingcod, lizardfishes, rockfishes, topsmelt, herring, and elephantfishes, as well as crabs, octopuses and squids. They are thought to suck in their prey by suddenly expanding their mouths and pharynxes when in range. They are ovoviviparous and lack a yolksac placenta. Closely related to dogfishes (Ref. 247, 6871, 5578).
Étymologie: Greek, echinos = sea urchin + Greek, rhinos = nose ( Ref. 45335).
Division: Marine
Guilde reproductive: bearers
Réf. Princ.: Compagno, L.J.V..1984
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( ex. 9948) ( ex. cephalopods)
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Page created by: Eli, 04.10.04, last modified by: Eli, 22.11.04