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À cause d'elle (1993)

Poster Not Submitted Réalisé par
Jean-Loup Hubert

Jean-Loup Hubert

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Genre: Drama / Romance

Plot Summary: Shy working class 15 year-old Antoine, bored with life and school, breaks a leg and has young higher class Olivia help him with his studies... (suite)

Avis des utilisateurs: Antoine Doinel's nicer (but duller) counterpart (suite)

Note des utilisateurs: *******___ 6.6/10 (27 votes) Vote Here

Cast overview, first billed only:
Antoine Hubert .... Antoine Hervy
Olivia Muñoz .... Olivia Marchand
Thérèse Liotard .... Mrs. Hervy
Jean-François Stévenin .... Jacques Hervy
Ludmila Mikaël .... Agnès Marchand, Olivia's mother
Erick Desmarestz .... Mr. Marchand, Olivia's father
Renaud Ménager .... Nicolas
Julien Hubert .... Julien Hervy
Pauline Hubert .... Pauline Hervy
Romane Bohringer .... Françoise Hervy
Patrick Catalifo .... Mr. Naud, the teacher
Lucienne Troka .... La bibliothécaire
Agathe Dupuis .... La femme de 40 ans
Maxime Mansion .... Jean-Marie Bompas
Jules Zingg .... Eric Blandin

Autre(s) titre(s) :
Because of Her
Durée: 105 min
Pays: France
Langue: French
Couleur: Color
Son: Dolby
Classification: France:U
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7 out of 7 people found the following comment useful:-
Antoine Doinel's nicer (but duller) counterpart, 13 January 2003
Author: debblyst de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"A Cause d'Elle" (Because of her) is a film about shy no-nonsense 15-year-old Antoine Hervy (Antoine Hubert), who meets young high brow bourgeoise Olivia (Olivia Munoz) and, as he silently falls in love with her, also falls in love with literature, while we have a glimpse of what growing up in early 60s provincial France was about.

This film, by novelist-writer-director Jean-Loup Hubert, is evidently made with love and delicacy. But the approach to "this" Antoine embarrassingly resembles much too often the approach to "another" Antoine: Truffaut's Antoine Doinel, made immortal by Jean-Pierre Léaud, though the Antoines are sort of opposite.

I'm not sure if Antoine Hubert, the young lead here, is director JLHubert's son (it sounds likely), but he has starred in four JLH's films (Le Grand Chemin, 1987; Après la Guerre, 1989; La Reine Blanche, 1991; and this one), so the public had the chance to see him grow up on-camera, much like Léaud/Doinel -- except Hubert started much younger. He gives here a sensitive (if one-note) gloomy "nice" performance, in a reverse mirrored way of the electric, streetwise, obsessive, humorous Doinel, like brothers with antagonistic characters. They have one thing in common, though: both are fools for love.

There are some major letdowns: first of all, sorry to say, the leading "demoiselle" Olivia Munoz, who is absolutely wooden and ungracious. We keep wondering why on earth Antoine falls in love with her - although it must be said director JLH carefully chooses not to show any other girls in the movie so Munoz won't suffer by comparison. In addition, the excessively "delicate" photography and the sad (beautiful) music don't help much. Everything is too soft, too flaccid, too "nice". The politeness of all the characters (in a French film!!) must be seen to be believed: everybody says merci and pardon all the time, the parents are understanding and loving, even the teacher is a doll!!

Well, by the end of "À Cause d'Elle", you'll be longing to watch a Doinel movie once more. À cause de lui. My vote: 6/10.

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