The web pages listed below are auto-generated from ASCII text. If you link to a book’s index.html, please send an email to webmaster@... about your link. Click “T*” at left to get a list of all titles including ones not online (yet—donations needed).

1988HTML Main Trends in Philosophy: A theoretical analysis of the history of philosophy., The
1988HTML U.S. Two-Party System: Past and present:, The View by Soviet historians., A
1988HTML Capitalism at the End of the Century
1988HTML Felix Dzerzhinsky: A biography.
1988HTML Classes and the Class Struggle in the USSR, 1920s–1930s
1988HTML Problem of the Ideal: The nature of mind and its relationship to the brain and social medium, The
1988HTML Teaching: Calling and skills.
1968HTML Soviet Socialist Democracy
1968HTML Dynamic Twentieth Century, The
1968HTML Marx • Engels • Marxism [Lenin]
1968HTML Peaceful Coexistence: Contemporary international law of peaceful coexistence
1974HTML October Storm and After:, The Stories and Reminiscences.
1974HTML Lenin’s Ideas and Modern International Relations
1974HTML Short History of the World in Two Volumes, A Volume II.
1974HTML Short History of the World in Two Volumes, A Volume I.
1974HTML Soviet Youth and Socialism.
1974HTML Riddles of Three Oceans, The
1974HTML Socialism and the Newly Independent Nations
1974HTML New Scramble for Africa, The
1974HTML Usa: Militarism and the Economy
1973HTML Problems of the History of Philosophy.
1973HTML Neocolonialism: Methods and manoeuvres.
1973HTML Future of Society:, The Critique of modern bourgeois philosophical and socio-political conceptions., A
1973HTML U.S. Budget and Economic Policy.
1973HTML State of Israel: A Historical, Economic and Political Study , The
1973HTML Soviet Court, The
1973HTML World Communist Movement: An outline of strategy and tactics, The
1973HTML Sholokhov: A critical appreciation
1973HTML People’s Control in Socialist Society
1973HTML At the Bidding of the Heart: Essays, sketches, speeches, papers.
1973HTML U.S. Labour Unions Today: Basic problems and trends.
1973HTML Soviet Peace Efforts on the Eve of World War II
1973HTML War of Ideas in Contemporary International Relations:, The Imperialist doctrine, methods and organisation of foreign political propaganda., The
1973HTML History of Realism, A
1982HTML In the Grip of Terror
1982HTML One Is Not Born a Personality.
1982HTML Diplomatic Battles Before World War II
1982HTML Dialectical Materialism and the History of Philosophy Essays on the history of philosophy
1982HTML Trade Among Capitalist Countries
1982HTML Global Problems and the Future of Mankind
1982HTML Soviet Legislation on Children’s Rights.
1982HTML Right of the Accused to Defence in the USSR, The
1982HTML Correction of the Convicted: Law, theory, practice
1982HTML Socialist Internationalism: Theory and practice of international relations of a new type
1982HTML State and Nations in the USSR, The
1982HTML Cia Target: The USSR
1982HTML Basics of Marxist-Leninist Theory
1982HTML History of the USSR in three parts: PART III: From the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War to the Present Day.
1982HTML State-Monopoly Capitalism and the Labour Theory of Value.
1982HTML World Capitalist Economy: Structural changes:, The Trends and problems.
1980HTML Agony of a Dictatorship: Nicaraguan Chronicle, The
1980HTML Where Human Rights Are Real.
1980HTML Ussr and Countries of Africa (Friendship, Cooperation, Support for the Anti-Imperialist Struggle)
1980HTML Marxist Philosophy
1980HTML Of Human Values: Soviet literature today
1980HTML Marxist-Leninist Philosophy (1980)
1980HTML Truth About Afghanistan:, The Documents, Facts, Eyewitness Reports
1980HTML What Is Democratic Socialism?
1980HTML Landmarks in History: The Marxist Doctrine of Socio-Economic Formations
1980HTML Crisis of Capitalism and the Conditions of the Working People., The
1980HTML Peking Reaches Out: A Study of Chinese Expansionism
1980HTML Lenin: The Revolutionary.
1980HTML Fundamentals of Political Economy (1980)
1980HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 1: The Origins of the Proletariat and Its Evolution as a Revolutionary Class, The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1980HTML Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Volume IV): In Five Volumes
1980HTML History of Old Russian Literature, A
1980HTML Komsomol: Questions and Answers, The
1980HTML Working Class and its Allies, The
1980HTML Development of the Monist View of History., The
1987HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 6: The Working-Class Movement in the Developed Capitalist Countries After the Second World War (1945–1979), The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1987HTML U.S. Policy in Latin America: Postwar to present.
1987HTML Communist Response to the Challenge of Our Time, The
1987HTML What Is Historical Materialism? (ABC #7)
1987HTML Looking Into the Future
1987HTML Soviet Union and Africa, The
1987HTML What Is Dialectical Materialism? (ABC #6)
1987HTML Marx’s Theory of Commodity and Surplus-Value: Formalised exposition
1987HTML Concise Psychological Dictionary, A
1966HTML Psychological Research in USSR: Volume 1
1979HTML Semantic Philosophy of Art
1979HTML Kampuchea: From Tragedy to Rebirth
1979HTML After 14,000 Wars
1979HTML Usa: Imperialists and Anti-Imperialists: The great foreign policy debate at the turn of the Century
1979HTML Dialectics in Modern Physics
1979HTML Recent History of the Labor Movement in the United States 1939–1965
1979HTML Nations and Internationalism
1978HTML Marxist-Leninist Philosophy (1978)
1978HTML Socialist Revolution [MarxEngels], The
1978HTML Man and Sea Warfare Training of Soviet Navy Personnel), The
1978HTML Lenin Talks to America.
1978HTML European Security and Co-Operation: Premises, problems, prospects
1978HTML Triumph of Lenin’s Ideas: Proceedings of Plenary Session
1978HTML Theory of Population: Essays in Marxist research., The
1986HTML Political Thought of Ancient Greece
1986HTML U.S. War Machine and Politics, The
1986HTML Soviet Constitution: A dictionary, The
1970HTML Soviet Literature: Problems and People
1970HTML Leninist Theory of Revolution and Social Psychology
1970HTML Lenin: The Great Theoretician.
1970HTML Communism and Freedom
1970HTML Short History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union., A
1970HTML Petty-Bourgeois Revolutionism (Anarchism, Trotskyism and Maoism)
1970HTML Leninism and the Revolutionary Process
1970HTML Maoism Through the Eyes of Communists
0000HTML Georgi Dimitrov Selected Works (Volume 3) Selected Works in Three Volumes
0000HTML Monism and Pluralism in Ideology and in Politics (Abridged).
1972HTML Marxism-Leninism on War and Army
1972HTML Critique of Mao Tse-Tung’s Theoretical Conceptions., A
1972HTML On The Art and Craft of Writing
1972HTML Leninism and Contemporary Problems of the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism.
1972HTML Leninism and the Battle of Ideas.
1972HTML World Socialist System:, The Main problems, states of development.
1972HTML Scientific and Technological Revolution: Social Effects and Prospects, The
1972HTML Problems of War and Peace: A critical analysis of bourgeois theories.
1972HTML Economic Geography of the World Popular Outline), A
1972HTML Destructive Policy, A This is a collection of articles from the Soviet press, exposing the policy of the Chinese leadership for what it is—a policy harmful to the cause of socialism, and the world revolutionary and liberation movements.
1972HTML Maoism Unmasked: Collection of Soviet Press Articles
1972HTML Profession of the Stage-Director, The
1972HTML Health Protection in the USSR.
1972HTML On Historical Materialism • A Collection [Marx-Engels-Lenin]
1972HTML At the Turning Points of History: Some lessons of the struggle against revisionism within the Marxist-Leninist movement
1972HTML Following Lenin’s Course: Speeches and articles
1972HTML Secrets of the Second World War.
1972HTML Lenin About the Press
1972HTML Our Course: Peace and Socialism
1972HTML Leninism and Modern China’s Problems
1972HTML Humanism: Its Philosophical, Ethical and Sociological Aspects.
1926HTML Moscow Diary, A
1976HTML This Nation and Socialism Are One Selected writings of Le Duan, First Secretary, Central Committee, Vietnam Workers Party
1976HTML Leninism and the World Revolutionary Working-Class Movement (1976): Problems of the stuggle for the unity of the proletariat, of all anti-imperialist forces.
1976HTML 20th Century American Literature: A Soviet view.
1976HTML Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Volume II): In Five Volumes
1976HTML History of the USA Since World War I
1976HTML Contemporary Anti-Communism: Policy and ideology.
1976HTML Life and Work of Walt Whitman: A Soviet view
1976HTML Hague Congress of the First International, September 2–7, 1872:, The Minutes and Documents
1976HTML Theory and Practice of Proletarian Internationalism, The
1976HTML Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Volume III): In Five Volumes
1976HTML Marxist-Leninist Aesthetics and Life: Collection of articles, A
1976HTML Humanism of Art., The
1976HTML Right-Wing Revisionism Today
1976HTML Ussr: For Peace Against Aggression: 1933–1941.
1976HTML Monopoly Press: Or, How American journalism found itself in the vicious circle of the “crisis of credibility”, The
1965HTML Letters From the Dead: Last letters from Soviet men and women who died fighting the Nazis (1941–1945)
1984HTML Behind the Scenes of Third Reich Diplomacy.
1984HTML Problems of Common Security
1984HTML New Information Order or Psychological Warfare?, A
1984HTML Economies of the Countries of Latin America
1984HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 4: The Socialist Revolution in Russia and the International Working Class (1917–1923), The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1984HTML Political Consciousness in the U.S.A.: Traditions and evolutions.
1984HTML Psychology of Phantasy:, The Experimental and theoretical investigation into the intrinsic laws of productive mentality., An
1984HTML Subject, Object, Cognition.
1984HTML Teaching of Political Economy: A critique of non-Marxian theories, The
1984HTML Terrorism and International Law
1984HTML Alternatives to Positivism.
1984HTML World War II: Myths and the Realities.
1984HTML World Without Arms?, A
1984HTML Dictionary of Scientific Communism., A
1955HTML History of the Three Internationals World Socialist and Communist Movements from 1848 to the Present, The
1990HTML Meaning and Conceptual Systems.
1993HTML Contemporary World Situation and Validity of Marxism
1977HTML Philosophy of Optimism: Current problems
1977HTML Philosophy in the USSR: Problems of dialectical materialism.
1977HTML Foundations of Marxist Aesthetics
1977HTML Sukhomlinsky on Education, V.
1977HTML How Socialism Began: Russia Under Lenin’s Leadership 1917–1923
1977HTML Military-Industrial Complex of the USA, The
1977HTML Man At Work: The Scientific and Technological Revolution, the Soviet Working Class and Intelligentsia
1977HTML Teaching
1977HTML Ussr State Industry During the Transition Period
1977HTML Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Volume I): In Five Volumes
1977HTML Nihilism Today.
1977HTML Revolutionary Vanguard:, The Battle of ideologies.
1967HTML Scientific Communism (A Popular Outline) 
1967HTML Lenin In Our Life.
2000HTML What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?
1975HTML Philosophy and Sociology.
1975HTML “Cultural Revolution”: A close-up: (An eyewitness account), The
1975HTML Critique of Masarykism, A
1975HTML Women Today
1975HTML Philosophy of Revolt: Criticism of left radical ideology., The
1975HTML Science In Its Youth: Pre-Marxian political economy, A
1975HTML Planning of Manpower in the Soviet Union
1975HTML Policy of Provocation and Expansion: A collection of documents and articles, published in the Soviet press, dealing with China’s policy of annexation and its territorial claims to other countries, A
1975HTML Science and Morality
1975HTML History and Politics: American historiography on Soviet society
1975HTML Fundamentals of Political Science: Textbook for primary political education.
1975HTML Leninist Theory of Socialist Revolution and the Contemporary World.
1975HTML Cmea Today: From economic co-operation to economic integration
1975HTML Man After Work: Social problems of daily life and leisure time. Based on the surveys of workers’ time budgets in major cities of the European part of the USSR
1975HTML International Solidarity with the Spanish Republic 1936–1939: Detailed account of the activities of the International Brigades, A
1975HTML Monetary Crisis Of Capitalism: Origin, Development
1975HTML Economic Cycle: Postwar Development, The
1975HTML Present-Day China: Socio-economic problems, collected articles.
1969HTML Problems of Modern Aesthetics: Collection of articles.
1969HTML Sociology: Problems of theory and method.
1969HTML Millionaires and Managers
1969HTML Fifty Soviet Poets
1969HTML Contemporary International Law: Collection of articles.
1981HTML Making of the Marxist Philosophy from Idealism and Revolutionary Democracy to Dialectical Materialism and Scientific Communism, The
1981HTML Economic Substantiation of the Theory of Socialism, The
1981HTML Unity, Solidarity, Internationalism: International Communist Unity: Historical Experience, Principles and Problems
1981HTML Dmitry Shostakovich: About himself and his times
1981HTML Disarmament and the Economy
1981HTML Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works (Volume V): In Five Volumes
1981HTML History of the USSR in three parts: PART II: From the October Socialist Revolution to the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
1981HTML Workers in Society: Polemical essays
1981HTML Enigma of Capital: A Marxist viewpoint., The
1981HTML Ultras in the USA., The
1981HTML History of the USSR in three parts: PART I: From the earliest times to the Great October Socialist Revolution.
1981HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 2: The Working-Class Movement in the Period of Transition to Imperialism (1871–1904), The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1981HTML Nuclear Strategy and Common Sense
1981HTML Problems of the Communist Movement: Some Questions of Theory and Method.
1981HTML Priorities of Soviet Foreign Policy Today, The
1981HTML Political Economy of Revolution:, The Contemporary issues seen from the historical standpoint
1981HTML Scientific and Technical Revolution: Economic aspects
1981HTML Socialism As a Social System
1981HTML Yakov Sverdlov
1983HTML Civilisation and the Historical Process
1983HTML Lenin on Language
1983HTML Freedom of Conscience in the USSR
1983HTML Strategy of Transnational Corporations, The
1983HTML Ussr–FRG Relations: A new stage
1983HTML Lenin: A Biography
1983HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 3: Revolutionary battles of the early 20th Century, The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1983HTML History in the Making: Memoirs of World War II Diplomacy
1983HTML Politcal Economy (1983)
1983HTML Lenin on the Intelligentsia
1983HTML Myth, Philosophy, Avant-Gardism: Philosophic myth-making and the literary avant-gardism
1983HTML Psychology of Management of Labour Collectives, The
1989HTML Ho Chi Minh.
1985HTML American Utopia, The
1985HTML History of Afganistan
1985HTML Contemporary Revolutionary Process: Theoretical Essays, The
1985HTML History of Ancient Philosophy: Greece and Rome
1985HTML Contemporary Political Science in the USA and Western Europe
1985HTML Aggressive Broadcasting, Evidence Facts Documents: Psychological Warfare
1985HTML Dictionary of Political Economy., A
1985HTML Western Aid: Myth and Reality
1985HTML Blacks in United States History
1985HTML Washington Silhouettes: A political round-up
1985HTML War Is Their Business: The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex: United Technologies, General Dynamics, General Electric
1985HTML India: Spotlight on Population Demographic outline, A
1985HTML Marxist-Leninist Theory of Society:, The Identity and Diversity of Social Development in the West and East
1985HTML Witness to War: American doctor in El Salvador, An
1985HTML International Working-Class Movement, Volume 5: The Builder of Socialism and Fighter Against Fascism, The Problems of History and Theory in Seven [sic] Volumes:
1985HTML Genocide
1985HTML Emotions, Myths and Theories.
1962HTML Communist Morality
1960HTML Materialism and the Dialectical Method (by Cornforth 1960)
1942HTML Lenin COLLECTED WORKS (International), V.I. 1916–1917
1971HTML Finance and Credit in the USSR
1971HTML Materialism and the Dialectical Method ( by Cornforth 1971)
1971HTML On the Paris Commune
1971HTML Lenin and Books
1971HTML Development of Revolutionary Theory by the CPSU.
1971HTML Leninism and the World Revolutionary Working-Class Movement (1971): Problems of the stuggle for the unity of the proletariat, of all anti-imperialist forces.
1971HTML Young Communist International and Its Origins, The
1971HTML Socialist Society: Scientific principles of development
1971HTML Theory of Knowledge ( by Cornforth ), The
1971HTML Historical Materialism ( by Cornforth )
1971HTML Socialism and Capitalism: Score and Prospects
1971HTML Re-reading Dostoyevsky
1971HTML Philosophical Views of Mao Tse-Tung: A Critical Analysis, The
1963HTML Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism • Manual