121  structures 1146  species 6  interactions 6132  sequences 57  architectures

Family: FKBP_C (PF00254)


FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Add an annotation

No Pfam abstract.

Interpro entry IPR001179

Synonym(s): Peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase

FKBP-type peptidylprolyl isomerases () in vertebrates, are receptors for the two immunosuppressants, FK506 and rapamycin. The drugs inhibit T cell proliferation by arresting two distinct cytoplasmic signal transmission pathways. Peptidylprolyl isomerases accelerate protein folding by catalysing the cis-trans isomerisation of proline imidic peptide bonds in oligopeptides. These proteins are found in a variety of organisms.

Gene Ontology

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Domain organisation

Below is a listing of the unique domain organisations or architectures in which this domain is found. More...

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There are various ways to view or download the sequence alignments that we store. You can use a sequence viewer to look at either the seed or full alignment for the family, or you can look at a plain text version of the sequence in a variety of different formats. More...

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Very large alignments can often cause problems for the formatting tool above. If you find that downloading or viewing a large alignment is problematic, you can also download a gzip-compressed, Stockholm-format file containing the seed or full alignment for this family.

You can also download a FASTA format file containing the full-length sequences for all sequences in the full alignment.

The main seed and full alignments are generated using sequences from the UniProt sequence database. However, we also generate alignments using sequences from the NCBI sequence database and the "metaseq" metagenomics dataset.

You can view alignments from these two additional datasets using the form above, or you can download alignments of NCBI or metagenomics sequences, as gzip-compressed files.

Pfam alignments:
Full length sequences

External links

MyHits provides a collection of tools to handle multiple sequence alignments. For example, one can refine a seed alignment (sequence addition or removal, re-alignment or manual edition) and then search databases for remote homologs using HMMER2.

Pfam alignments:

HMM logo

HMM logos is one way of visualising profile HMMs. Logos provide a quick overview of the properties of an HMM in a graphical form. You can see a more detailed description of HMM logos and find out how you can interpret them here. More...


This page displays the phylogenetic tree for this family. We use FastTree to calculate neighbour join trees with a local bootstrap based on 100 resamples (shown next to the tree nodes). FastTree calculates approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from our seed or full alignments.

Note: You can also download the data files for the seed, full, NCBI or metagenomics trees.

Curation and family details

This section shows the detailed information about the Pfam family. You can see the definitions of many of the terms in this section in the glossary and a fuller explanation of the scoring system that we use in the scores section of the help pages.

Curation View help on the curation process

Seed source: Prosite
Previous IDs: FKBP;
Type: Domain
Author: Finn RD
Number in seed: 174
Number in full: 6132
Average length of the domain: 101.80 aa
Average identity of full alignment: 27 %
Average coverage of the sequence by the domain: 35.71 %

HMM information View help on HMM parameters

HMM build commands:
build method: hmmbuild -o /dev/null HMM SEED
search method: hmmsearch -Z 9421015 -E 1000 HMM pfamseq
Model details:
Parameter Sequence Domain
Gathering cut-off 21.1 21.1
Trusted cut-off 21.1 21.1
Noise cut-off 20.9 21.0
Model length: 96
Family (HMM) version: 21
Download: download the raw HMM for this family

Species distribution

Tree controls


The tree shows the occurrence of this domain across different species. More...



There are 6 interactions for this family. More...

efhand Metallophos Pkinase FKBP_C TPR_1 TGF_beta_GS


For those sequences which have a structure in the Protein DataBank, we use the mapping between UniProt, PDB and Pfam coordinate systems from the MSD group, to allow us to map Pfam domains onto UniProt sequences and three-dimensional protein structures. The table below shows the structures on which the FKBP_C domain has been found.

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