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Harriet Tubman Web Hunt: Leading the Way to Freedom

The most famous conductor along the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman. Born a slave in Maryland, she escaped when she was 25 years old. She returned to the South 19 times, helping over 300 enslaved African Americans to freedom. Explore the links below to learn more about her remarkable life.

Use this Web Hunt Question Sheet (PDF) to keep track of what you learn about Harriet Tubman.

  1. Describe Harriet Tubman’s childhood. What was one of her jobs as a child? How did she get a scar on her head?
  2. Describe Harriet Tubman’s escape. Why did she flee? Who helped her? Where did she go?
  3. What were some of the reasons that Harriet Tubman’s rescues were so successful? How did she discourage slaves who wanted to turn back?
  4. How did Harriet Tubman help the Union during the Civil War?
  5. After the Civil War, how did Harriet Tubman continue to fight for justice and help those in need?
  6. What are some different ways that Harriet Tubman has been honored? Describe another way people could honor her memory.
  7. Read the August 29, 1868 letter to Harriet from her friend, the famous abolitionist Frederick Douglass. What does he say is the main difference between the two of them?
Credit: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington