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A Report from


Prepared by a Committee

Presided by

Dr. Gordon Slemon, MACG

September 1993

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S u m m a r y

i i

Key Recommendations


1 .

I n t r o d u c t i o n


1 . 1

The Role of the Academy in Engineering Education


1 . 2

The Current Ferment in Engineering Education


1 . 3

What is Engineering?


1 . 4

Goals of Engineering Education


2 .

Undergraduate Engineering Education


2 . 1

Curriculum Content


2 . 2

Educational Approach


2.2.1 The Traditional Approach


2.2.2 An Applications-based Approach

1 0

2 . 3

Teamwork and Leadership

1 3

2 . 4

Practical Experience

1 4

2 . 5

Length of Undergraduate Programs

1 5

2 . 6

A c c r e d i t a t i o n

1 6

3 .

Postgraduate Education and Research

1 7

3 . 1

Professional Master's Programs

1 7

3.1.1 Master's in Engineering Design

1 9

3.1.2 Master's in Engineering Management

2 0

3.1.3 Master's in Engineering Research & Development

2 1

3 . 2

Doctoral Studies in Engineering

2 2

3 . 3

Engineering Research, Development and Design

2 3

4 .

Lifelong Professional Education

2 4

4 . 1

Programs for Engineers in Training

2 5

4 . 2

Continuing Education for Professional Engineers 

2 6

5 .

Steps toward Implementation

2 7

5 . 1

Evaluation Criteria and Practices

2 9

5 . 2

The Influence of Research Policy

3 2

5 . 3

Incentives and Policies in Teaching

3 4

5 . 4

Professorial Experience and Interaction

3 5

5 . 5

Professorial Workload and Time Allocation

3 7

6 .

Resources for Engineering Education

3 8

6 . 1

Public Investment in Engineering Education

3 9

6 . 2

Funding by and for Students

4 0

7 .

Concluding Remarks

4 1


4 3

List of Recommendations

4 3

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Canada's future prosperity and quality of life will depend in large

measure on the incorporation of superior skill, intelligence and added value
into its products and services while establishing a sound basis for a sustainable
global environment. Professional engineers can play important roles in creating
high-quality employment, establishing new enterprises, restructuring existing
processes and developing new products and services. The basis for excellence in
the engineering profession is excellence in the system of engineering education
at undergraduate, graduate and career levels. It is imperative that this
education system evolve effectively to meet these changing needs of Canadian

This report of the Canadian Academy of Engineering responds to a rising

ferment in engineering education.  Our engineering faculties are perceived to
be scientifically strong by international standards but far from optimal in the
contribution they could make to the initial and continuing education of
engineers for effective practice of their profession in Canada. The report
develops a new vision of engineering education and recommends a number of
thrusts and directions to implement this vision . Some of the highlights are:


Broader, less specialized, more integrated undergraduate programs with
increased emphasis on design and social context.


Increased interaction between engineering professors and practitioners in
the profession.


One-year professional masters programs.


More formal development programs for Engineers-in-Training.


More formal continuing education programs.


Expanded cooperative research and development programs.


Enhanced professional experience for engineering professors.

Significant changes will be needed in the cultures, policies and practices

of universities, engineering faculties, industry, governments and the
engineering profession if this report's vision of the role of engineers in assuring
Canada's future welfare is to be achieved.

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Engineering Faculties  should:


ensure that undergraduate engineering programs are broadly
based, inculcating those basic attributes that are of lasting value
and applicability,


emphasize design, problem solving, the impact of engineering on 
society and the environment, communication, teamwork, 
leadership and practical experience,


provide one-year professional master's programs in engineering
design, engineering management and engineering research and
d e v e l o p m e n t ,


emphasize research, development and design projects relevant to
the solution of present and future problems and opportunities in
Canadian society,


plan to recruit a majority of their professors after some years of
effective engineering experience in industry or government,


encourage linkages with industry through cooperative and
contract research, consultancies and sabbatical leave employment.


The Engineering Profession in Canada should:


support a country-wide introduction of a more effective and longer
(eg. four year) experience requirement for Engineers-in-Training
prior to registration,


should introduce programs for recognizing participation in
appropriate continuing education activities by professional
engineers, with a view to making adequate participation an
eventual requirement for continued registration.


Canadian Industry s h o u l d :


accept an ongoing responsibility to provide adequate practical
experience opportunities for engineering students,


provide suitable development programs for Engineers-in-Training,

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provide opportunities, encouragement and support for continuing
education programs for their professional engineers,


provide well-qualified practising engineers to play a major role in
t h e   p r e s e n t a t i o n   o f   a p p l i c a t i o n - o r i e n t e d   u n d e r g r a d u a t e   a n d
professional master's programs,


encourage linkages with universities through cooperative research
and development, contracts and consultancies.


U n i v e r s i t i e s  should:


ensure that their recruitment and advancement criteria for
professors are sufficiently broad to include the special needs of
engineering.  These criteria should include appropriate recognition
of teaching performance, research and development contributions,
professional experience and accomplishments, and service to the
c o m m u n i t y ,


ensure that the rewards for good teaching are made as attractive 
as those for good  r e s e a r c h .


G o v e r n m e n t s  should:


make it a priority for public policy in Canada to ensure an
adequate supply of qualified entrants to the engineering profession
by providing appropriate targeted resources for engineering
e d u c a t i o n ,


encourage agencies such as NSERC, NRC, provincial research
organizations and government departments to establish, expand
and emphasize programs involving cooperative research and
development by industry and universities,


provide support for continuing education for engineers through
appropriate infrastructure.


The Canadian Academy of Engineering should:


commit itself to a continuing role in promoting engineering
education of appropriate content and quality, in cooperation with
e n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t i e s ,   u n i v e r s i t i e s ,   i n d u s t r y ,   p r o f e s s i o n a l
associations, technical societies and governments,


focus efforts on informing the public on the role that the
engineering profession plays in the welfare and infrastructure of

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the country, and on the important role of engineering as distinct
from science or technology.

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This report sets forth principles and policies that the Canadian Academy
of Engineering feels should guide the evolution of engineering education
in Canada and makes recommendations for their implementation.


This is a companion document to the report on "Engineering Research in
Canadian Universities" [1] issued by the Academy in December, 1991.
For convenience, some of the points raised in that report are integrated
into this document.

1 . 1

The Role of the Academy in Engineering Education


The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) and the National
Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (NCDEAS) have
prepared a report "The Future of Engineering Education in Canada" [2].
The Academy strongly supports the initiatives of this report and is in
agreement in principle with most of its recommendations.  In particular,
t h e
recommendations of that report relating to pre-university education are

welcomed. This 

Academy document is focused on education for engineering

at undergraduate, graduate and 

lifelong professional levels. Many of the

recommendations in the CCPE/NCDEAS report are 

r e v i s i t e d   i n   t h i s

document with elaboration and extension.


Those who have day to day responsibility for the administration of the
profession and the engineering faculties are faced with formidable
jurisdictional, bureaucratic, institutional and resource constraints .The
Academy is deeply concerned about the future of engineering education
and is committed to identifying and presenting needs for fundamental
changes, however difficult these may be to implement. This document is
therefore intended as a statement of the thrusts and directions that the
A c a d e m y   r e c o m m e n d s   a s   g u i d e l i n e s   t o   u n i v e r s i t i e s ,   i n d u s t r y ,
governments and the engineering profession in the future evolution of
engineering education.


It is recognized that a number of the recommendations made in this
report have already been implemented at some institutions and that
others are in the process of being addressed by appropriate
organizations. Conversely, some of the recommendations will, by their
nature, take years to come to full fruition.

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1 . 2

The Current Ferment in Engineering Education


Major changes in engineering education occurred in the 1960's on the
North American continent, in response to new scientific advances and, in
large measure, to perceived needs of space and defence programs. Today,
a similar wave of concern has emerged in response to a need for
improved competitiveness of North American industry in the world
marketplaces, and in response to a public desire for a future with
sustainable development.


In an earlier document [1], the Canadian Academy of Engineering
expressed a view, held by many in industry and academe, that
engineering faculties in Canadian universities have become overly
concerned with their contributions to scientific knowledge and too little
with the preparation of engineers for the effective practice of engineering
in Canada. It is felt that, with appropriate changes in approach and
emphasis, these faculties could make a much greater contribution to the
wealth and well being of the country.


The president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Charles M. Vest, in a recent speech to the American Society for
Engineering Education, has called for a major overhaul of engineering
education, an overhaul that would emphasize design and production
along with leadership and teamwork skills [3].


The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at MIT plans to
introduce a fifth-year Professional Master's Degree (M.Eng.) for a majority
of its students and will make the Doctorate its first research-based degree
[ 4 ] .


"A Study of Means to Improve the Quality of Research and Education in
Mechanical Engineering at Canadian Universities" [5], prepared for
Industry and Science Canada, emphasizes that "Engineering design and
synthesis are at the very core of engineering and are essential to the
international competitiveness of Canadian industry".


In the USA, a 5-year project aimed at reforming engineering curricula is
in progress. This "Synthesis Coalition" [6] includes such prestigious
institutions as the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford
University and Cornell.


A recent report by the Québec Conseil des Universités, "Le développement
du secteur de l'ingénierie" [7] recommends better definition of
undergraduate objectives, increased attention to design, experience

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requirements for professors, professional master's programs and increased
interaction of professors with the engineering profession.


The report of the Canadian Committee on Women in Engineering, "More
Than Just Numbers" [8], calls on engineering faculties to enhance the
attractiveness of engineering for women by making their curricula more
relevant to current social realities and future needs.


Job creation is a priority for the years to come. Professional engineers
with adequate education and experience can play an important role in
establishing new enterprises, restructuring existing processes and
developing new products and services.


The implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement impose
new demands on Canadian engineering education and present an
incentive to provide education which will attract appropriate industry
to locate in Canada.


If an industry becomes insensitive to its market, it quickly loses its
relevance and its customers. Similarly, universities and their engineering
faculties are also vulnerable if they lose their sensitivity to their
changing marketplace.


In view of this growing ferment and in view of the present and future
challenges facing Canada, it is imperative that there be a distinctly
Canadian response to these concerns in engineering education.

1 . 3

What is Engineering?


The design and delivery of engineering education must be based on a
clear understanding of the role of the profession of engineering. The
following points of definition are edited excerpts from the report
" Engineering Research in Canadian Universities" [1]:

" Engineering is a profession concerned with the creation of new
and improved systems, processes and products, to serve human
needs as they are expressed by individuals, communities,
governments and corporations."

" The central focus of engineering is design, an art entailing the
exercise of ingenuity, imagination, knowledge, skill, discipline and
judgement based on experience."

" The practice of professional engineering requires sensitivity to the
physical potential of materials, to the logic of mathematical
analysis, to the operational principles of processes and systems, to
the constraints of human resources, physical resources and

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economics, to the protection of the public, and to the social and
environmental context for society, now and into the future. The
professional engineer may be a specialist in a particular area of
expertise, but must also be a generalist in order to practice that
specialty in the real world."


In the public mind, the term "engineering" is frequently lost between the
more popular words "science" and "technology". This contributes to an
inadequate understanding of the role that the profession of engineering
plays in society.


The Canadian Academy of Engineering, together

with other engineering organizations in Canada,
should focus efforts on informing the public on the
role that the engineering profession plays in the
welfare of the country, and on the important
distinctions between engineering and science or
t e c h n o l o g y .

1 . 4

Goals of Engineering Education


The primary goal of engineering education must derive from that of the
profession of engineering, ie., to provide society with engineering services
of high quality.


The primary goal of engineering education must therefore be the
formation and continued educational support of people who can
provide these services and take responsibility for the continuing efficacy
of these services.


Research and development play a very important role in addressing this
primary goal, both by generating new knowledge of value in providing
engineering services and in providing an environment and community
of intellectual enquiry within which the student develops the desired
c a p a b i l i t i e s .


There are several secondary goals which may also be included in the
mandate of an engineering faculty:

- The provision of a broad general tertiary education with
technological content. This has proved to be advantageous to
many who have subsequently entered other occupations or

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- The provision of effective contributions to the technological
education of university students who are specializing in a variety
of disciplines.

- The provision of education and policy advice to the public on
engineering matters.



While these other goals are important, this report focuses on the primary
g o a l .


The Canadian Academy of Engineering should

commit itself to an active and continuing role in
p r o m o t i n g   e n g i n e e r i n g   e d u c a t i o n   o f   a p p r o p r i a t e
content and quality, in cooperation with engineering
f a c u l t i e s ,   u n i v e r s i t i e s ,   i n d u s t r y ,   p r o f e s s i o n a l
associations, technical societies and governments.


Engineering faculties should adopt, as their

primary goal, the educational formation of students in
preparation for entry to the engineering profession.

2 .



If engineering educators are to produce graduates well prepared for their
professional careers, those educators must know and be responsive to
their various and changing markets.


Most graduates of undergraduate engineering programs follow one of
three major career paths: (1) employment in a dominantly technical
capacity, usually in industry or government,  (2) employment
dominantly in engineering management, usually after a few years of
technical experience and (3) employment in a dominantly research
and/or teaching capacity.


At present, Canada's needs in numbers of engineers are mainly in the
first two categories. The third category, though relatively smaller, is
however of major national importance and the desired numbers will
likely increase. All of these people can contribute significantly to
innovations in industry and also play a major part in shaping the future
graduates of our engineering faculties.

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Undergraduate students should not have to commit themselves to any
one of the major career paths until they have had an opportunity to
absorb the broad-based fundamentals of engineering.


In Canada and elsewhere, students choose a particular discipline in
engineering (civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical, etc.) either on entry
or in an early year. This limited degree of differentiation has served the
profession and the community well, but the appropriateness of this
differentiation must be continually examined.


Experience has shown that, when highly specialized undergraduate
programs and options were provided, only a minority of graduates
pursued employment in their chosen specialties. This observation
demonstrates the desirability of a broadly based undergraduate program
that includes those concepts which are fundamental to the discipline
and also those which are basic to closely related disciplines.


Rapid changes in technology can be expected to continue.  Accordingly,
building flexibility, breadth of outlook and ability for independent and
continued learning should be primary objectives of the undergraduate
program. Holistic system thinking has become increasingly important for
engineers in today's world.


Some have argued for the provision of two distinct and separate
undergraduate streams: one directed at the practice of engineering and
another with a highly scientific approach leading to a research career.
Further, some have suggested that there should even be separate
institutions for these streams based on the German models of the
Technische FachHochschule and the Technical University.  Such models
are considered to be inappropriate for Canada with its widely distributed
population and industry, its large number of relatively small engineering
faculties and its limited opportunities for research employment.


A more appropriate model for Canada is one in which each institution
provides broadly based undergraduate engineering education with
considered differentiation to reflect local conditions. Opportunity for
further education and specialization in technical, management or
scientific areas may then be provided at postgraduate level at some or
all institutions depending on their capabilities, locations and emphases.


E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t i e s   s h o u l d   e n s u r e   t h a t

undergraduate engineering programs are broadly
based and holistic in scope, including both those
concepts which are fundamental to the discipline and
those which are basic to closely related disciplines.

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Specialization of programs at the undergraduate level
should be avoided.

2 . 1

C u r r i c u l u m   C o n t e n t


The undergraduate program is of necessity of limited time duration. To
make optimal use of this time, the focus of the program should be on an
agreed set of basic attributes - knowledge, concepts, techniques, skills,
habits and insights -that are believed to be of lasting value. Most of what
has been valued in undergraduate education by past generations of
engineers is that which has not become obsolete throughout long and
effective careers. Examples are a basic physical understanding, a
sensitivity to context and an ability and enthusiasm to learn.


It is recognized that the lifetime of most technical information is short
and is becoming increasingly shorter.  Thus, the rationale for the
inclusion of specific information content in the curriculum should
primarily be its contribution to inculcating a concept, a habit, a mode of
thinking, an insight, an ability to utilize and apply knowledge in a
beneficial and responsible manner.


Engineering curricula are devised by professors who are not primarily
practitioners in the engineering profession.  It is therefore important that
professors establish and maintain adequate means for obtaining
significant and continuing input from engineering practitioners who can
reflect the present and future needs of the user in the marketplace.


It is important that the curriculum structure provide for the inclusion of
the societal and environmental context of engineering, with both its
benefits and negative impacts.  These concepts should be integrated into
many courses and be associated with the development of an
understanding of the role of engineering in creating the wealth essential
to sustain the quality of life.



It is essential the undergraduate curriculum include at least one
opportunity to undertake a major design task. This task should be
broadly based including such considerations as economy, safety,
reliability, manufacturability, maintainability, environmental and social
i m p a c t .


The curriculum content should be designed to

inculcate those basic attributes - concepts, techniques,
skills, habits and insights - that are believed to be of
lasting value and applicability. Recognizing that the
lifetime of most technical information is short, the
rationale for the inclusion of specific information

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content in the curriculum should primarily be its
contribution to development of these basic desired
a t t r i b u t e s .


Engineering faculties should establish and

maintain adequate means for obtaining significant
and continuing input from engineering practitioners
who can reflect the needs of the marketplace.


The curriculum should provide for the inclusion

o f   t h e   s o c i e t a l   a n d   e n v i r o n m e n t a l   c o n t e x t   o f
engineering, with both its benefits and negative
i m p a c t s .


The curriculum should include at least one

opportunity to undertake a major design task. The
selection of this major design should be such as to
emphasize a holistic approach.

2 . 2

E d u c a t i o n a l   A p p r o a c h


The engineering approach in which the curriculum is delivered is much
more important than its detailed information content. The calendar
description of a course should emphasize the educational objectives as
well as the information content.

2.2.1 The Traditional Approach



The traditional approach in engineering education has been dominantly
a linear one, typified by mathematics and basic sciences in the early
years, followed by engineering sciences, followed by a selection of
optional specialty engineering subjects. The complementary, non-
technical subjects in the arts, humanities and social sciences are usually
distributed throughout the program. A major design project or thesis has
normally been included in the final year.



This traditional approach has several advantages:

- it is familiar.

- it seems logical and its linear approach is appealing.

- it provides exposure of the students to mathematicians, and pure

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- it permits engineering professors to concentrate on the subjects that
they know best.

- the time allocated to specific curriculum content is readily quantifiable
for purposes of accreditation.



There are however several disadvantages:

- subjects tend to be highly compartmentalized.

- emphasis tends to be placed on the detailed information content of
each individual subject. Frequently, the examination process promotes
and rewards this emphasis.

- the integration of these subjects, which is necessary for learning design,
may readily be overlooked since it is not the responsibility of any
particular course.

- the assigned design components in individual subjects are often of a
very specialized, narrow nature. This specialization frequently occurs
even in the major design or thesis work.

- members of the professorial staff tend to become specialized to the
extent that they feel they can teach only a narrow range of subjects in
the curriculum.

- the value of professors as role models for the undergraduate students is
diminished since they do not display the breadth and generality that
should typify good engineering practice. Somehow, the student is
expected to achieve an integration of all the subjects taken even though
that integration may not be evident in contacts with the professors.

- the complementary, non-technical part of the curriculum is frequently
regarded both by students and staff as an externally-imposed
requirement, probably good for the student's general education, but not
relevant to the main thrust of the engineering program.  In most
instances, no one is made responsible for the integration of the non-
technical content into engineering design.

- the initial enthusiasm of entering students for engineering is
diminished by the long wait before real engineering issues are
i n t r o d u c e d .


The traditional approach to curriculum formation frequently leads to a
tight compartmentalization of those individual subjects associated with
particular departments or groups within departments. For example,

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policy and content in mathematics is frequently the province of the
mathematics department. As a result, some of the mathematical
concepts and techniques included may never be applied in later studies
and may be of little lasting value to the graduate.


The availability of computer software has had a major impact on the
practice of engineering. Thus far, it has had all too little impact on the
educational presentation of much of the fundamental material of the
engineering curriculum due to a lack of appropriate educational
software. At times, a contributing cause has been a shortage of computer
facilities. However, a major reason for this lack is that the rewards to a
professor for innovating, testing and producing such material are far less
than for other activities.


At present, the engineering curriculum is frequently steered by the
research imperatives of the academic staff.  All too often material is
included in the curriculum because professors see a need for it in their
specific research areas.  They may exert pressure to include specialized
elective subjects in the undergraduate curriculum so that prospective
graduate students will be prepared for an earlier start on significant
research. This tends to constrain the time available for the appropriate
development of basic concepts and design philosophy.

2 . 2 . 2

An  Applications-based Approach


The approach to engineering education should be conditioned by some
of the major factors affecting engineering practice today:

-the rapid growth of knowledge and information technology,
-the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of most technical
v e n t u r e s ,
-the dominant role of small entrepreneurial companies in creating
new high quality employment,
-the internationalization of the marketplace.

To meet these challenges, students need to learn how to learn and their
horizons need to be extended in breadth.


Integration of the concepts and material of the curriculum should be
made evident in each professor's presentation.


Senior engineering professors who have a broad range of practising
experience are the most competent persons to teach an integrated
approach to the fundamental basic subjects in the curriculum.


Design is the essence of engineering. It should therefore be a dominant
theme of the whole undergraduate experience.

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Engineering design should be broadly interpreted as a process of
planning and action which meets the requirements of an engineering
task with acceptable performance and quality.  In this document, the
term engineering design encompasses all of the aspects involved in the
processes of problem formulation, problem solving, optimization,
decision making and assessing the impact on the user society and on the
e n v i r o n m e n t .   T h e   t e r m   i n c l u d e s   t h e   d e s i g n   o f   m a n u f a c t u r i n g ,
production, marketing and maintenance processes, the design of an
experimental program, the design of an operational structure for an
enterprise. In some contexts, an appropriate alternate term for
engineering design may be a "systems approach".


Design exercises drawn from engineering experience can be integrated
into the undergraduate engineering curriculum on a continuing basis,
including appropriate examples in the introductory material on
mathematics and the basic sciences.


Early introduction of simple design examples can provide a means of
introducing such fundamental engineering concepts as physical insight,
engineering judgment and optimization. Such design exercises appeal to
a broad range of learning styles and provide valuable motivation.



Those who teach the introductory science concepts to engineers should
be expert in the application of these concepts in meaningful examples.
While these persons may occasionally be found in the departments of
mathematics, physics and chemistry, they are predominantly in the
faculties of engineering.


The engineering science part of the curriculum currently places high
emphasis on analytical concepts and techniques. Integrated with this
should be a good introduction to the concepts of modelling, ie. the
extraction from a real situation of an analytical model which has no
more complexity than is justified by the particular needs of the exercise.


The objective of elective subjects in the undergraduate curriculum
should not be to produce specialists but rather to provide students with
some of the skills that are useful in acquiring facility in a specialty when
it is needed.


An important skill is the ability to search out the specialized
information.  Design exercises should be structured to include practice in
this skill. Students should become familiar with information access tools,
l i b r a r i e s ,   j o u r n a l s ,   c o m p u t e r   d a t a   b a s e s ,   s t a n d a r d s   a n d   o t h e r
information sources. It is important that students develop the skill,
confidence and desire to acquire and assess needed information and

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advice from other disciplines, whether the source be technical, social,
legal, financial or business.


Another important skill is that of effective communication. Design
exercises provide an excellent opportunity to develop this skill through
written reports and through the presentation and discussion of design
results with a group of peers and instructors.


The provision of relevant and contemporary design example material
requires an effective means of interaction between engineering professors,
engineers in practice and other professionals. It also requires resources to
process the experience material into a form suitable for undergraduate
u s e .


One approach to the development of engineering design skills is the use
of case study materials as commonly used in business and management
education. Major case studies are probably most appropriate for use in
the final year.  Mini-cases can, however, be used effectively earlier in the
program. Case studies should include design errors, mistakes and
accidents as well as successes.


It is in the nature of a design-based approach to engineering
education that the problems presented to students for solution
should frequently be of the real kind where some of the
information is either insufficient or redundant, and where the art
of judgment is required.


The design and presentation of each engineering
c u r r i c u l u m   s h o u l d   b e   a p p l i c a t i o n s - b a s e d ,
integrating the basic concepts of mathematics,
physical sciences, engineering sciences and
analysis with their use in modelling, in problem
s o l v i n g ,   i n   o p t i m i z a t i o n   a n d   i n   m a k i n g
engineering judgments.


Senior engineering professors who have a broad
range of practising experience should be assigned
t o   t e a c h   a n   i n t e g r a t e d   a p p r o a c h   t o   t h e
fundamental basic subjects in the curriculum.


E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t i e s   s h o u l d   e n s u r e   t h a t
adequate resources are allocated to provide
relevant and contemporary design example
material. This requires an effective means of

background image


interaction between engineering professors and
engineers in practice and also requires resources
to process the experience material into a form
suitable for undergraduate use.


Design exercises should be structured to include
p r a c t i c e   i n   s e a r c h i n g   o u t   a p p r o p r i a t e
information using libraries, journals, standards,
computer data bases and other information


I n   s t r u c t u r i n g   t h e   c u r r i c u l u m ,   a d e q u a t e
provision should be made to develop skills of
effective communication through written reports
and through the presentation and discussion of
design results with a group of peers and
i n s t r u c t o r s .


Professors should give consideration to the
increased use of case study materials in the
presentation of engineering subjects.


The Canadian Academy of Engineering should
take a lead role in establishing a system for the
solicitation, preparation and dissemination of
suitable case studies on engineering issues,
particularly of Canadian origin, for use in
engineering education programs.

2 . 3

Teamwork and Leadership


Engineers in practice normally work in teams which include
complementary skills, experience and specialty. Team members have
diverse backgrounds and abilities, and learn much from each other.


Leadership principles can be taught and leadership skills can be
developed through guided experience in team efforts during the
undergraduate program.


The large class sizes and the impersonal examination processes that have
become characteristic of most introductory engineering education
programs lead to highly competitive attitudes and behaviour by the
students. While competition is a reality in the world for which the
students are being prepared, it should not be emphasized to the
detriment of effective undergraduate education.

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Cooperation among students in problem solving assignments is
frequently discouraged in the interests of obtaining an independent
evaluation of each student's performance. However, there are good
Canadian examples of effective group evaluation.


Given a reasonably non-competitive environment within a student team,
students can do much to educate and assist each other.  Teaching a
topic is well known to be one of the best means of learning it.
Cooperative learning methods have been shown to be highly effective.


The assignment of a team to a major design project provides a good
opportunity to develop cooperation and leadership skills. A team can
a d v a n t a g e o u s l y   i n c l u d e   s t u d e n t s   a t   v a r i o u s   s t a g e s   i n   t h e i r
undergraduate programs and from various engineering disciplines.


The undergraduate program should be designed
to develop teamwork and leadership skills
through a cooperative learning approach.

2 . 4

Practical Experience


Experience of the environment in which engineering is practised is of
p r i m a r y   i m p o r t a n c e   i n   t h e   d e v e l o p m e n t   o f   t h e   e n g i n e e r i n g
u n d e r g r a d u a t e .


The structure of each undergraduate engineering program should
provide opportunity and requirement for practical experience through
summer employment, co-operative education arrangements or 12-16
month internship programs.


Provision of such experience opportunities for undergraduate engineers
should be accepted as a responsibility by Canadian industry.


It is particularly advantageous if the practical experience period for an
engineering undergraduate can include opportunity for travel and living
in another part of Canada so that perspectives can be broadened and
Canadian unity can be promoted.


Considering the importance of international trade to Canada, the
provision of opportunity for many students to obtain experience in
foreign countries  should be strongly encouraged. Language facility in
both English and French should be the norm for Canadian engineers and
ability in foreign languages should be encouraged.

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Each undergraduate engineering program should
p r o v i d e   o p p o r t u n i t y   a n d   r e q u i r e m e n t   f o r
practical experience.


Canadian industry should progressively and
collectively accept 

o n g o i n g   r e s p o n s i b i l i t y

f o r   p r o v i d i n g   a d e q u a t e   o p p o r t u n i t i e s   t o
engineering students for practical experience.


I n d u s t r y   a n d   g o v e r n m e n t s   s h o u l d   d e v i s e
incentives to encourage engineering students to
seek experience in various regions of Canada and
in foreign countries.

2 . 5

Length of Undergraduate Programs


An undergraduate program, presented in eight 4-month teaching terms
over a period of 4 or 5 years, and including appropriate periods of
practical experience, continues for the present to meet the immediate
needs of a majority of the current employment opportunities open to
new graduates.


Past experience has shown that such a 32-month teaching program can
instill a set of concepts, attitudes, skills and habits that become the most
important continuing attributes of an engineer.


For a number of graduates, this 32-month teaching program followed by
appropriate experience and additional continuing education while
employed in industry will continue, for the near future, to be an
appropriate route to professional qualification.


Curricular measures proposed in this report to broaden the fundamental
base and provide more design emphasis will restrict the amount of
advanced material which can be included in an undergraduate program
of the present length. Increasing the length of each of the teaching terms
is questionable as it would decrease the opportunity for practical
experience during the undergraduate years. Addition of another year to
engineering undergraduate programs is considered to be impractical as it
requires a major step increase in resources.


As engineering continues to become both more holistic and more
advanced, there will be an increased demand for graduates who have
more formal education than can be included within the present time
constraints. It is proposed that a flexible approach to the evolution of
engineering education in Canada be built on a continuation of
undergraduate engineering programs of the present length followed by
entry of an increasing number of bachelor's graduates to an array of one-

background image


year professional masters programs to be described in Section 3 of this
r e p o r t .


The present length of undergraduate program
(32 teaching months) leading to a baccalaureate
degree in engineering should be retained.

2 . 6

A c c r e d i t a t i o n


The accreditation criteria of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Board (CEAB) of CCPE for undergraduate engineering programs in Canada
include requirements for the equivalent of one term of basic sciences, one
term of mathematics, four terms of engineering sciences and design of
which at least one term must be engineering sciences and one term
design, and one term of social sciences and humanities.  A term includes
a b o u t   1 3   w e e k s   o f   i n s t r u c t i o n   p l u s   t i m e   f o r   e x a m i n a t i o n ,
ie.,approximately 4 months.


While the content requirements and proportions of the curricula are
appropriate, an over-emphasis on the use of time-based numerical
criteria by accreditation teams or by engineering faculties can mitigate
against the appropriate integration of sciences, mathematics, and
problem solving experiences including their social and environmental
concerns into a design-oriented approach to curriculum presentation.


Curricula and course descriptions usually emphasize the information
content of courses rather than the educational objectives to be achieved.
The accreditation process should rely heavily on measures of desired
achievement of objectives as seen in the students rather than measures
of the reported content.


The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board
should place its primary emphasis on criteria
which depend on measures of the quality of the
teaching staff, the quality of the learning
environment and the quality of the attributes,
s k i l l s   a n d   k n o w l e d g e   a c q u i r e d   b y   t h e
u n d e r g r a d u a t e   e n g i n e e r i n g   s t u d e n t s .   T h e
r e q u i r e m e n t s   f o r   a n   a p p r o p r i a t e   m i x   o f
information content should be retained but
given secondary emphasis.

background image


3 .



As we look to a future in which engineering operations involve
increasingly complex technical developments as well as increased
concern with social, economic and environmental dimensions, the
acquisition of a four-year undergraduate degree plus two years of
engineering experience will come to be considered inadequate for
professional qualification and effectiveness. Additional time for formal
education will be required by many students to reach an appropriate
level for entry into full professional engineering employment.


Much of the future wealth of Canada will have to be created by the
establishment of new industries based on the exploitation of newly-
emerging technologies and new markets.  Many of these small- and
medium-size industries will not be in a position to provide the new
graduates they employ with the necessary additional specialized
education, experience and training required in their operations.


A major objective of postgraduate programs should be the development
of persons who can contribute to the creation and growth of the
entrepreneurial enterprises on which society depends for new high
quality employment and for creation of new wealth.


At present, a majority of the students enroled in master's programs in
engineering in Canada are in programs which are research oriented. This
research emphasis has been promoted by several factors: the availability
of scholarships for students in research-based programs, the funding of
the research of engineering professors including support for the graduate
students employed on the research, a requirement that a research-based
masters precede doctoral studies, and an image that a research-based
masters is superior to a professional masters degree.


The limited numbers of graduates of these research-based master's
programs have made major contributions to the engineering profession
and to industry. Their involvement with a research project and their
close association with their supervising professor have combined to
provide a valuable opportunity for intellectual growth.   However, these
research-based masters programs have frequently included a research
project of such a magnitude that the length of the program has become
5 to 6 terms.

3 . 1

Professional Master's Programs


Canadian engineering faculties should plan to provide an array of
professional master's programs each requiring about 3 terms or one
calendar year of full-time-equivalent study.

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Professional master's programs should be designed to meet identified
needs of the major career paths of engineering graduates: engineering
design and manufacturing, engineering management and engineering
research and development. Some universities might provide professional
master's programs to meet specific needs of important sectors of
Canadian industry.


Each professional master's program should have breadth in content.
Many should be interdisciplinary.


Each of these master's programs should be presented at a similar level of
intellectual challenge.


The entrance requirements for all of these master's programs should be
the same and should be similar to those of other professional programs
in universities such as management and law.


With the availability of these master's programs and the progressive
evolution of Canadian industry, it is expected that, in the future, a
majority of engineering graduates will proceed to a master's degree either
immediately on graduation or following a period of engineering


In time, as the proportion of graduates achieving a master's degree
increases, a professional master's degree may become a requirement for
full professional qualification.


It should be made convenient for students to enter these postgraduate
programs at a career stage when the experience would be most valuable.
For a program in engineering management, this might optimally be at
about five or more years after graduation. For an engineering design
program, it might follow the undergraduate studies or might follow a
period of industrial experience. For those in engineering research
programs, it is frequently opportune to enter immediately after
g r a d u a t i o n .


To meet the needs of those engineers employed in industry, it is
desirable that there be opportunity to take these master's programs on a
part time basis, either in short periods of a few weeks duration or in late
afternoon, evening, weekend or short-course sessions. In some localities, it
may be desirable to present courses at a convenient industrial site rather
than on university premises.

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In some institutions, it may be desirable to institute combined
Bachelors/Masters programs, integrating the professional masters content
with the undergraduate studies.


Canadian engineering faculties should plan to
restructure their graduate studies to introduce
or expand appropriate postgraduate professional
master's programs.


Each professional master's program should be
designed to meet identified needs in one of the
major career paths of engineering graduates:
e n g i n e e r i n g   d e s i g n   a n d
m a n u f a c t u r i n g ,   e n g i n e e r i n g   m a n a g e m e n t ,   a n d
engineering research and development. Some
programs might be focused on the needs of a
specific sector of Canadian industry.


Each professional masters program should be
about 3 terms or one calendar year in duration.


Each of the professional master's programs
should be presented at a similar level of
intellectual challenge.


The arrangements and funding support for these
professional masters programs should be such as
to make them convenient for students to enter
when the experience would be most valuable.
Also access to the programs by part-time
students should be facilitated.


In designing the professional masters programs,
emphasis should be placed on developing
engineering graduates with the appropriate
attributes and potential to play a major role in
e s t a b l i s h i n g   n e w   e n t e r p r i s e s ,   r e s t r u c t u r i n g
existing processes and developing new products
and services.

3 . 1 . 1

Master's in Engineering Design


In this context, the term "engineering design" should be interpreted very
broadly to include courses and projects in the design, manufacture,
production, operation and servicing of processes, devices or systems.

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Graduates of a four-year undergraduate engineering program are
currently not adequately prepared to meet the needs of many industries.
This is particularly true in small and medium advanced-technology
industries which have limited in-house education and training facilities.


The needs for additional formal education in specialized technologies
will be increased when measures are taken to broaden undergraduate
educational programs.


Provision should be made for a considerable involvement of practising
engineers in the presentation of these master's programs. Adjunct
engineering professors can play a major role in supervising design
projects as well as presenting course material on design methodology
and specialties.


Engineering faculties should design and provide
one-year professional masters programs in
Engineering Design, coordinated with their
revised undergraduate programs, interpreting
the term "design" very broadly to include
advanced-level courses in  technical specialties
a n d   p r o j e c t s   i n   t h e   d e s i g n ,   m a n u f a c t u r e ,
production, operation and servicing of processes,
devices and systems.


Highly qualified practising engineers should play
a major role in the presentation of design-
oriented master's programs.


3 . 1 . 2

Master's in Engineering Management


Engineering Management links the disciplines of engineering and
management so as to plan and implement technological capabilities to
accomplish the objectives of an organization. It integrates the technology
of an activity with the management of the activity.


In the past, a significant number of engineers have undertaken
postgraduate studies for a Master of Business Administration (MBA)
degree, often after a number of years employment and at a stage when
they were acquiring some management responsibility. It is the view of
many in industry that the needs of many engineers could be met
adequately, and potentially better, by a postgraduate program shorter
than the two-year MBA and including a mixture of management and
technical subjects appropriate to engineering industry.

background image



Some valuable experience in addressing this market has been gained
from several 5-year undergraduate programs combining an engineering
discipline with management.  With the proposed broadening of
undergraduate programs, and the expectation that many will wish to
enter management studies sometime after initial employment, it is
considered that a one-year postgraduate program is an effective way of
providing education in engineering management.


Close cooperation of professors in engineering with those in management
will be needed to develop and present the programs in engineering
management. An important byproduct to be expected of this
cooperation is a broadening of outlook by both engineering and
management staff.


Special consideration should be given to inclusion of foreign language
studies in engineering management programs.


The establishment in 1989 of a program of Chairs in the Management of
Technological Change jointly by the Natural Science and Engineering
Research Council and the Social Science And Humanities Research
Council in partnership with industry provides an important initiative
and resource for this professional master's program.


Engineering faculties should cooperate with
M a n a g e m e n t   f a c u l t i e s   i n   d e s i g n i n g   a n d
p r e s e n t i n g   o n e - y e a r   p r o f e s s i o n a l   m a s t e r s
programs in Engineering Management.

3 . 1 . 3

Master's in Engineering Research and Development


This program combines courses in advanced technologies with an
opportunity for some research experience, while retaining the breadth
appropriate for professional master's studies.


With the proposed broadening of the undergraduate engineering
programs, some specialized subjects now in the undergraduate
curriculum may be presented for the first time at this graduate level.


This program is particularly suited for those students who contemplate a
research-oriented career in industry, specialized research laboratory or
higher education. It provides an early testing period before entering
doctoral studies.

background image



While this program will provide an introduction to engineering research,
it is not intended to produce an independent researcher. It is proposed
that the first fully research-based degree become the doctorate.


Research and development oriented masters
programs should be continued but should be
designed for completion in about 3 terms or one
year full time.

3 . 2

Doctoral Studies in Engineering


The doctorate is the highest level of formal engineering education.
Ideally, it should provide graduates who combine a  depth of scientific
understanding and research capability with a breadth of innovative
applicational ability.


At present, many engineering doctoral theses are deeply specialized and
narrow in scope, whether analytical or experimental. The prime
emphasis is on an original contribution to knowledge. Less frequent are
theses which are synthesis or design based, discovering and elaborating
novel operational principles in applications of existing knowledge in a
complex holistic situation.


The objectives of doctoral programs in engineering should include, not
only the development of new and significant contributions to
engineering knowledge, but also the development of superior capabilities
in the candidate for synthesis, innovation, technical judgment, economic
and social sensitivity and leadership. To emphasize these objectives,
some institutions might consider adopting the designation of a Doctor of
Engineering (D.Eng.) degree.


Doctoral students should be involved in an understanding of the whole
process of generating and defining the problem, negotiating collaborative
agreements for contributions, designing and performing experiments, and
implementation of results, including the intellectual property aspects of
technology transfer from university to industry.


Entry to an engineering doctoral program should normally follow the
successful completion of a professional master's program. Prior research
experience should not be a requirement.


Most if not all doctoral candidates in engineering should develop close
links with counterparts in industry during their programs. The vertical
or sequential model of the university discovering and then the industry
applying is not appropriate for most current engineering. Rather, a

background image


horizontal model involving close university-industry interaction is
n e e d e d .


Doctoral programs in engineering, while research
oriented, should aspire to achieve a balance
between the development of new and significant
contributions to engineering knowledge and the
development of superior capabilities in the
c a n d i d a t e   f o r   i n n o v a t i o n ,   a n d   t e c h n i c a l
j u d g m e n t .


Regulations should be such as to allow
admission to an engineering doctoral program
following completion of any of the professional
masters programs.


Research supervisors should encourage doctoral
candidates in engineering to develop close links
with counterparts in industry during their
p r o g r a m s .

3 . 3

Engineering Research, Development and Design


In universities, the processes of engineering education and of engineering
research are closely linked and interdependent.  Most fields of
engineering are in rapid evolution and change.  A sensitivity to what is
happening at the frontiers of both the sciences and the marketplaces is
necessary for the evolution of relevant engineering educational curricula
and programs.  Involvement in research and development projects is
therefore a valuable aspect of the formation of competent engineers.


Involvement in depth in a project of research has proven, over many
decades, to be a means of developing superior engineering attributes in
Master's and Doctoral students. The environment for undergraduate
students is also influenced markedly by the involvement of the
professors and the graduate students in research.


Policies and practices relating to engineering research have been explored
in some depth in a companion report, "Engineering Research in
Canadian Universities" [1]. The thrust of that document can be
summarized in the following excerpt where the Academy suggests that
the universities consider the following:

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...a dedication by engineering professors to contribute to the

solution of the present and future problems of Canadian society
that fall within the broad scope of the engineering profession.....
Since engineering research must be oriented toward eventual
application, it is proper that Canadian engineering professors
choose to direct their efforts and those of their students mainly
toward areas with Canadian needs and future opportunities in
mind. The impact of this engineering research may however be
made international through the efforts of Canadian companies
and consultants working in an international context.


The researches undertaken by engineering professors and their graduate
students should be directed at real and relevant issues so that
significance of the work to society, both now and in the future, is evident
to the educational, industrial and governmental communities.


Some have suggested that the two primary roles in the university of
teaching and research are separable, even to the extent of having distinct
research professors and teaching professors. This policy would be
particularly inappropriate for engineering. Engineering is a profession
dedicated to serving society through the application of knowledge and
skill gained from a variety of academic disciplines, from research in its
own engineering disciplines, and from engineering practice. Emphasis in
the profession is focused mainly on the integration of available
k nowle d ge  to achieve us ef ul  ends. I t  is importa nt tha t the
undergraduate and postgraduate education of engineers take place in an
environment that is permeated with all elements of this philosophy of
the profession. Close integration of research and teaching is essential in
this process.


Professors and their graduate students should
choose their research, development and design
projects with a view to their relevance to the
solution of present and future problems and
opportunities of Canadian society.

4 .



The education and formation of an engineer is not at all complete upon
graduation from an undergraduate engineering program or even from a
graduate program.

background image



The needs for further education, both formal and experience based, will
be increased when action is taken to broaden the undergraduate
p r o g r a m s .

4 . 1

Programs for Engineers in Training


For most engineering graduates, the undergraduate program should be
followed by a planned training program in industry, a professional
Master's program, or preferably by both.


Ideally, engineering industry should provide formal development
programs for Engineers-in-Training in much the same manner as legal
firms, accounting firms and medical hospitals provide for their future


It is recognized that many industrial companies are not capable of
providing a comprehensive  development program for Engineers-in-
Training. For these, a mentorship program should be established. Also,
industry leaders should give consideration to the organization of
consortia of companies to provide, in cooperation with universities,
appropriate experience and education for Engineers-in-Training.


During the years between graduation and professional registration, a
reasonable fraction of the available time of the Engineer-in-Training
should be allocated to relevant continuing education.


The profession and industry should consider the adoption of salary
scales which recognize the obligations of the employer for contributing to
development during the training period and which later provide
substantial salary increase in recognition of the achievement of
professional status.


The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and its Associations
should give consideration to an extension of the years of experience
requirement before registration and to a more formal specification and
scrutiny of the content and quality of the training process.


The Engineering Profession in Canada should
consider introducing a more formal and longer
(eg. four year) experience requirement for
Engineers-in-Training prior to registration.


Engineering industry should plan to provide
adequate development programs for Engineers-
i n - T r a i n i n g   i n c l u d i n g   t h e   a p p o i n t m e n t   o f
capable mentors. Small and medium size

background image


e n g i n e e r i n g   e m p l o y e r s   s h o u l d   c o n s i d e r
establishing consortia to meet mutual needs in
providing such programs.

4 . 2

Continuing Education for Professional Engineers


The rapid changes which are occurring in all aspects of engineering
require that each professional engineer have a program of continuing
education and updating of expertise.


Each program should be designed, not only to maintain and extend the
area of current employment expertise, but also to maintain a sufficient
breadth to adjust to potential changes in technology, markets or career
p a t h .


Continuing education for professional engineers may include a wide
range of activities such as technical conferences, independent study, in-
h o u s e   c o u r s e s ,   s e m i n a r s ,   f o r m a l   g r a d u a t e   c o u r s e s ,   w o r k s h o p s ,
correspondence courses.


The subject matter of appropriate continuing education activities may
be in a wide range of areas such as science, technology, management, the
environment, the economy or the society.


The primary responsibility for maintaining professional competence rests
with the individual engineer.


Each professional engineer should play an active role in an appropriate
technical society.


Employers should accept some responsibility for maintaining the
competence of their professional engineering employees. Much has been
invested in these people.  An enlightened policy might provide for at
least 5% of the employed time to be allocated to continuing education
activities. This can not only protect that investment but also provide a
high return.


Engineering faculties and technical societies should cooperate in
providing specialized courses for practising engineers using a variety of
m e d i a   s u c h   a s   v i d e o   l e c t u r e s   a n d   d e m o n s t r a t i o n s ,   t e l e v i s i o n
programming, satellite transmissions, and designated distinguished
l e c t u r e r s .


Groups of companies with similar interests should consider forming
co nsortia  to mount suitable continuing e duca tion progr ams  in

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c o o p e r a t i o n   w i t h   u n i v e r s i t i e s ,   t e c h n i c a l   s o c i e t i e s ,   m a n u f a c t u r e r s
associations and consultants.


Governments should recognize that upgrading of our current engineering
workforce is critically important in addressing the issues of
competitiveness and sustainability. The provision of infrastructure to
deliver continuing education programs would be a prudent investment.
Also, tax incentives might be considered.


Professional engineering associations in Canada should consider
introducing a formal requirement for evidence of appropriate education
and development activity by each engineer as a condition of continued
r e g i s t r a t i o n .


Each professional engineer should have a
program of continuing education and updating
of expertise, including an active role in an
appropriate technical society.


All employers should provide opportunity,
encouragement, allocation of time and financial
s u p p o r t   f o r   a p p r o p r i a t e   p r o g r a m s   o f
maintaining the competence and flexibility of
their professional engineering employees.


P r o f e s s i o n a l   e n g i n e e r i n g   a s s o c i a t i o n s   i n
cooperation with technical societies, universities
and industrial organizations should introduce a
p r o g r a m   o f   r e c o g n i z i n g   p a r t i c i p a t i o n   i n
appropriate continuing education activities by
professional engineers, with a view to making
adequate participation one element in a review
process required for continued professional
r e g i s t r a t i o n .


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The significant changes that are required in the industrial and social
cultures of Canada to meet the challenges of the present and the future
must be accompanied by appropriate changes in attitudes, policies and
practices, not only of engineering professors, students and educational
administrators, but also of many in industry, government and the


This section of the report examines some of the current impediments to
achieving the desired educational objectives and suggests actions which
can  pr ov ide the opportunities and  inc e ntives  to  promote   the
appropriate evolution.


Continued acquisition of the resources to provide good engineering
education is dependent on the firm support of the public and its
governments, prospective students and industry. It is therefore
imperative that educators of engineering students dedicate themselves to
the primary task of meeting the needs of the roles for which their
engineering students are being prepared.


Some of the current expectations of engineering professors and some of
the pressures that they experience in their universities must be changed
if the desired changes are to occur in undergraduate and graduate
engineering education.


The recruitment processes of universities ensure that persons appointed
to the professorate are highly intelligent and highly motivated.  Most
will succeed according to the rules for success as they perceive them.
Therefore, the incentives built into the system and presented to the
professors are of paramount importance.


Currently, major influences on the attitudes of engineering professors
arise from the needs of their own research programs.  It is perceived that
it is predominantly on the  results of these researches published in
archival journals that their careers depend.


The evolution of effective engineering education can be expedited and
promoted by developing closer and continuing links at the working level
between educators and practitioners. Incentives are needed if engineering
professors are to allocate any significant part of their time to this
a c t i v i t y .



E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t y   a d m i n i s t r a t o r s   s h o u l d

ensure that the incentives experienced by professors
are consistent with the primacy of effective education
as an objective of their faculties.

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5 . 1

Evaluation Criteria and Practices


With few exceptions, engineering education and its associated research in
Canada occurs in multi-faculty universities.  Engineering professors and
students are therefore subject to the general policies of these universities.
The ability of engineering faculties to carry out their education and
research objectives is constrained by some of these policies and practices.


Universities have set up policies and processes to measure the quality of
professors.  Criteria, common to all disciplines, are established for the
initial recruitment of faculty, for the review prior to achievement of
academic tenure and for promotion to full professorship. These
evaluation criteria normally include performance in both teaching and
research, and may also include an assessment of creative professional
a c c o m p l i s h m e n t .


Although the policies of many universities may call for equal weight to
be given to teaching and research in the evaluation of professors,
accomplishment in research has been perceived as the dominant factor
in practice in many institutions.


A major practical reason for dominance of research over teaching in
evaluation is that research efforts are normally well documented as an
essential and funded part of the research process and can readily be
measured by the acceptance of research papers in properly reviewed
journals. Education is arguably the university's primary role. However,
documentation of educational accomplishment, is much more subjective
and therefore more difficult.


Evaluation criteria tend to be dominated by the values of the majority
in the university, i.e. those in the basic sciences, the arts and the
humanities.  It is frequently difficult in the university community to
argue successfully for criteria suited to the character of those disciplines
which have professional objectives.


In the pure sciences and in much of the arts and the humanities,
research and scholarship are characterized by an emphasis on
contributing to basic specialized knowledge in an academic discipline. In
contrast, the emphasis in engineering research should be, and, at its best
is, directed at a contribution to the solution of a real or perceived
problem or opportunity in society.


In universities that have included in their policies an evaluation
category of creative professional accomplishment, major difficulties arise
in providing documentation of such accomplishments acceptable to

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university committee personnel who are frequently not familiar with the


Experience in an environment of engineering practice has long been
advocated as a desirable, if not essential, attribute of a prospective
engineering professor. However, this is not a concern that is shared by
most university disciplines and understandably is not reflected in
recruitment criteria and starting salaries.


To understand the effect of these university pressures, it is important to
recognize that those being recruited to professorships in engineering are
very able people who generally have outstanding academic records.
They expect to succeed in their new roles and, accordingly, they act
within the existing rules to advance their chances for success.  If this
process does not produce the desired results, the fault lies not with the
junior professors, but rather with the rule makers and the systemic
preconceptions in applying the rules.


In evaluation, significant weight should be given to the contributions
that the professor has made to the planning, management and
administration of the educational process. The preparation of good
curriculum proposals, the preparation of good educational materials,
software and laboratory experiences, the writing of good educational
papers, the successful training of teaching assistants and junior
professors should all be considered to be of significant value.


Input from recent and mid-career graduates should form a significant
part of the documentation assembled for evaluation.  This input can be
particularly useful in assessing the success in inculcating concepts and
habits of approach which have proved to be of lasting value.


Input from senior professorial colleagues who have professional
engineering experience is of particular value.  If the integration processes
in the curriculum are effective, these colleagues will have useful
knowledge of the attitudes, approaches, skills, strengths and weaknesses
of their more junior staff members.


Student evaluations of teaching performance are useful in assessing such
factors as effectiveness of preparation, organization, presentation,
communication, assistance of individuals and the choice of educational
m a t e r i a l s .


The processes of evaluating research accomplishments have been highly
developed to serve the needs of the research funding agencies and are
therefore readily available to the universities for their own evaluations.
The main input comes from other researchers in the same specialty area

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who advise on the acceptability of research papers submitted for
publication.  The existence of a published paper is only a measure of
having reached a standard for acceptance by the research journal. It is
not an effective measure of relevance to persons outside the specialty
research group such as potential users of the results.


Useful input on the relevance and value of the research contributions of
an engineering professor can be obtained from qualified persons in
industry who have direct knowledge of the results and impact of the
r e s e a r c h .


Universities should recognize that the objectives
and responsibilities of professional faculties such
as engineering are somewhat different from
those of other disciplines.


U n i v e r s i t i e s   s h o u l d   e n s u r e   t h a t   t h e i r
r e c r u i t m e n t   a n d   a d v a n c e m e n t   c r i t e r i a   f o r
professors are sufficiently broad to include the
special needs of engineering faculties.  These
criteria should include appropriate recognition
of teaching performance, research development
a n d   d e s i g n   c o n t r i b u t i o n s ,   p r o f e s s i o n a l
experience and accomplishments, service to the
community, and contributions to the planning,
m a n a g e m e n t   a n d   a d m i n i s t r a t i o n   o f   t h e
educational process.


The National Council of Deans of Engineering
and Applied Science (NCDEAS) should develop
an appropriate set of criteria guidelines for
initial recruitment of engineering faculty, for the
a c h i e v e m e n t   o f   a c a d e m i c   t e n u r e   a n d   f o r
promotion to full professorship.


In the application of advancement criteria for
engineering professors, universities should give
significant weight to input from persons who
have a good understanding of the nature and
needs of the graduates and the profession:
practising professional engineers, recent and
mid-career engineering graduates and senior
p r o f e s s o r i a l   c o l l e a g u e s   w i t h   a p p r o p r i a t e
engineering experience.

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5 . 2

The Influence of Research Policy


Research in engineering faculties should have two closely related
objectives: the production of knowledge useful to the present or future
practitioners of the profession of engineering, and the enhancement of
the quality and capability of both undergraduate and graduate
s t u d e n t s .


The emphasis on recruiting new professorial staff tends to be focused on
the quality of the doctoral research which normally precedes faculty
appointment. The initial emphasis for a newly appointed professor is on
continuing the high rate of research production which typified the
postgraduate education period in order to ensure the granting of tenure
and a continued growth of research funding. This can most readily be
achieved by continuing in the same problem area as was addressed in
the doctoral research.


In the current environment, a junior engineering professor looking
forward to a successful and stable university career would be ill-advised
to allocate much time to interaction with the profession, with industry,
and with the user communities.  Consulting, which is recognized as an
excellent means of useful interaction, may be discouraged by this
environment, particularly in the important early years because it does
not usually lead to publishable results.


Undue emphasis on the production of early research results following
appointment must be avoided.  Newly appointed professors should have
adequate opportunity and incentive to broaden their engineering
knowledge and experience, and to plan the direction of their future
research on the basis of the relevant issues that they encounter.


Much of the research funding for Canadian engineering professors should
be dependent on the potential contribution to issues of national
importance to Canada. This approach provides direct incentive for
professors to make relevant contacts with the user community and
interact with this community in developing research contract proposals.


The assessment of relevance and value of a professor's research should be
based to a significant extent on the willingness of industry and other
user agencies to contribute to the continuing support of the research.


Research funding agencies should recognize that the output of greatest
value from most academic research is people who are highly educated
and trained. The quality and quantity of this output should be seen as a
major factor in fund allocation.

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For engineering professors, NSERC research grants provide base funding for
the exploration of new ideas on the results of which targeted contract
funding can be sought. Accordingly, a broad base of funding is preferred
for engineering disciplines. In the interests of an adequate supply of
graduates with advanced-level education, most if not all engineering
professors should be directing the work of several graduate students.  All
of these engineering professors involved in research and graduate
supervision should receive some sustaining support.  Most universities
have not been in a position to provide such support from their base
budgets in recent years.


There is a need for the introduction and extension by the funding
agencies and by government departments of programs which encourage
linkages between engineering professors and Canadian industry in the
conduct of joint research. An excellent example is the Cooperative
Research and Development (CRD) grant program of NSERC. Also, the
establishment of federal and provincial Centres of Excellence has
provided useful experience for extension of this approach in the future.


It should be recognized that incentives are needed to attract both
engineering researchers in universities and personnel in industries to
undertake cooperative projects. It is an appropriate role for governments
to provide such incentives. These incentives must be strong enough to
encourage approaches to universities by companies who have no
previous history of such interaction, and, in some instances, no previous
involvement in research and development.  A major criterion for
support should be the willingness on the part of both the professor and
industry to devote time and resources to the project.


Governments should recognize that a major share of the funding for
engineering research projects carried out jointly by engineering faculties
a n d   i n d u s t r i e s   m u s t   c o m e   f r o m   r e s o u r c e s   p r o v i d e d   b y   t h e s e
governments. Large research-oriented firms can and do provide
substantial research support, but these firms are few in number in
Canada. The financial investment that most of our smaller emerging
advanced-technology industries can be expected to make for this type of
research is limited. A small financial contribution by an industrial firm
together with involvement of its staff provide both a valid measure of its
commitment and an assurance of effective transfer of technology.


E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t y   a d m i n i s t r a t o r s   s h o u l d
ensure that newly appointed professors have
adequate opportunity and incentive to plan a
relevant research program and to establish good
contacts in industry.

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Much of the research funding for engineering
professors should be based on the potential
contribution to issues of national importance to
C a n a d a .


Agencies such as NSERC, NRC and government
d e p a r t m e n t s   s h o u l d   e s t a b l i s h ,   e x p a n d   a n d
e m p h a s i z e   p r o g r a m s   s u p p o r t i n g   c o o p e r a t i v e
research and development by industry and
uni ve rs it ie s.


In evaluating proposals for cooperative research
a n d   d e v e l o p m e n t   i n v o l v i n g   i n d u s t r y   a n d
universities, granting agencies should place
emphasis on the willingness of industry to
contribute time and funds commensurate with
their available resources.


Research funding agencies should recognize that
t h e   o u t p u t   o f   g r e a t e s t   v a l u e   f r o m   m o s t
academic research is highly educated and
trained people.

5 . 3

Incentives and Policies in Teaching


The rewards for good teaching performance must be made as attractive
than those for good research. Enhanced means must be found to
recognize and reward outstanding teachers.  Surveys of past graduates
show that the influence of certain outstanding teachers is the
predominant factor in their assessment of the value of their university
e d u c a t i o n .


There are many national and international awards accessible to
professors for superior research performance. These are highly publicized
and the winners of such awards are regarded as the stars of the
university.  Similar prominence should be given to awards for excellence
in teaching.


The introductory courses for engineering students should be taught by
the best and most experienced professors.  These are the people who
should have acquired the greatest breadth of knowledge, the widest
experience, the best command of fundamental concepts, and the greatest
sensitivity to the essence of engineering design and practice. Most of

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those meeting the desired criteria are likely to be within the engineering


In most universities, the responsibility for teaching the basic sciences and
mathematics to undergraduate students rests with departments outside
the engineering faculty. While the students have been admitted directly
to engineering programs, their effective contact with engineering may be
delayed by a year or more, leading to potential loss of the motivation
which attracted them to engineering. This practice also tends to
perpetuate the linear unintegrated approach to engineering education
discussed earlier.


Many engineering courses for senior and postgraduate students can be
taught competently by junior professors or by adjunct professors from
the external community. These are persons who are likely to have state
of the art knowledge of the material.  At this stage, the students are
already familiar with most of the language, conventions, habits and
concepts of their engineering discipline. The demands on the instructor
for breadth of knowledge and teaching experience are less. The classes are
smaller and dialogue is easier to encourage.  The environment and the
audience is more forgiving of teaching shortcomings.


At present, many professors prefer assignment to a specialized subject in
the senior year of the undergraduate curriculum as this facilitates
recruitment of good graduate students.


Engineering faculties should ensure that the

rewards for good teaching are made as attractive as
those of good research.


Recognizing the importance of knowledge, skill
a n d   b r o a d   e x p e r i e n c e   i n   t e a c h i n g   a n
introductory course for engineering students,
engineering faculties should make such an
assignment a mark of career accomplishment for
a professor.

5 . 4

Professorial Experience and Interaction


It is highly desirable for engineering professors to be recruited from
industry after some years of effective experience.  Engineering faculties in
Canada have had only limited success in such recruiting.


Several factors mitigate against the industry-to-university career route
for engineering professors:

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the desire by new engineering doctorates to continue with
their researches,


the fact that starting salaries for engineering professors are
generally lower than for counterparts in industry,


the standard requirement of universities that professors have
doctorates prior to appointment,


the risk in leaving an industrial position for a somewhat
uncertain continuity of career in the university until tenure
is achieved,


the attitudes within the university regarding those who are
proposed for faculty status with only a limited publication
l i s t .


Industrial postdoctoral fellowships provide a good approach to industry
for new doctoral graduates and are of sufficiently limited length that
subsequent university recruitment is feasible.


An effective means of providing engineering professors with useful and
varied practical experience is through consulting arrangements with
industry. Through this means, engineering professors can practice their
profession on a continuing part-time basis.  Most universities permit
professors to spend 10 to 20% of their time on such consulting activity.
Junior professors need effective assurance that allocation of time to
consulting will not jeopardize their advancement prospects.


Research contracts can be highly effective in building interaction between
professors and industry.


There should be encouragement and assistance by engineering faculties
for professors to spent their sabbatical research and study leaves in
i n d u s t r y .


Industry can help by providing appropriate opportunities for research
and study leaves and by providing some financial support to the
professor during such leaves.


One of the difficulties professors perceive in spending a prolonged period
away from the university on leave is the potential disruption of their
ongoing research programs and the break in continuity of the
supervision of their graduate students. Provision for regular return visits
to the university can assist in this.

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Engineering faculties should formulate and
gradually establish a policy of recruiting a
majority of their professors after some years of
effective engineering experience.


G r a n t i n g   a g e n c i e s   s h o u l d   e x p a n d   t h e i r
industrial postdoctoral fellowship programs.


E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t i e s   s h o u l d   p r o v i d e
e n c o u r a g e m e n t   a n d   a s s i s t a n c e   f o r   t h e i r
professors to spent their sabbatical research and
study leaves in industry.


I n d u s t r y   s h o u l d   p r o v i d e   a p p r o p r i a t e
o p p o r t u n i t i e s   f o r   t h e     e m p l o y m e n t   o f
engineering professors during their research and
study leaves.


E n g i n e e r i n g   f a c u l t i e s   s h o u l d   e n c o u r a g e
involvement of their engineering professors in
a p p r o p r i a t e   c o n s u l t i n g   a r r a n g e m e n t s   w i t h
industry and with other users of engineering

5 . 5

Professorial Workload and Time Allocation


In recent years, the pressures on engineering professors have increased
substantially. These pressures are partly the result of reduced education
funding per undergraduate student necessitating greater teaching loads,
and partly due to increased concern for research output and for the
funding which accompanies research grants and contracts. These
pressures have resulted in insufficient time for preparation of course
material, larger undergraduate classes, less personal contact between
each individual student and the professor. It is important that this
trend be reversed so that an appropriate level of quality can be
maintained in the education of engineering undergraduates.


One aspect of time pressure on university professors is the need to
prepare extensive documentation for competitions in the research
funding agencies. For engineering faculties, some of this time can be
more effectively used if a significant part of total engineering research
and development funding is routed through the user community,
mainly in industry. Under this approach, the incentive for the professor
is to allocate time in establishing effective contacts with industry. Given
the willingness of the industrial partner to provide some financial and
time support for the proposed research, the review process can be

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simplified to an assurance from an external assessor that the proposal
meets the program criteria of content and quality.


Universities should ensure that the staff-student
ratio in engineering faculties is sufficiently large
to provide the individual attention which is
necessary for adequate professional education.

6 .



Canada's future wealth and prosperity will depend in large measure on
the incorporation of superior skill, intelligence and added value into its
products and services.


High quality job creation is a priority for the years to come. Professional
engineers can play an important role in establishing new enterprises,
restructuring existing processes and developing new products and
services. Emphasis should therefore be placed on developing graduates
with the appropriate attributes and quality for this innovative role as
well as producing graduates fitted primarily for existing employment. A
person who has been instrumental in creating new and valuable jobs
should be regarded as having made an important contribution to
C a n a d a .


Engineers are employed in large numbers in the wealth producing and
export industries. In the future, as our reliance on our natural resource
exports reduces, a larger part of our exports will have to be in the form of
manufactured products, industrial processes and services with a high
intellectual or value-added content. This will require more engineers
particularly in the more highly qualified categories.


The significant role of engineers in the solution of environmental issues
should not be overlooked in assessing the value of engineering education
to society.  While others may take a lead role in identifying issues and
inducing public concern, engineers will play the lead role in developing
appropriate solutions.


Adding emphasis and resources to engineering education may add
substantially to the future health and security of our universities. In the
past, public support and confidence was influenced by the belief that a
university degree would guarantee employment, even if the courses

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taken were not directly preparatory for a particular job market.
Employment opportunity has now become much more dependent on the
capacity to produce wealth. Strengthening a wealth and job-producing
professional faculty such as engineering is a strategy which can restore
and build public confidence in the relevance of the university and its
great value to the community.

6 . 1

Public Investment in Engineering Education


Major adjustments in the policies and approaches of governments on the
funding of both education and research are required if the changes
advocated in this report are to occur. The breadth, quality and relevance
aspects of university education need to receive more emphasis in
funding allocation.


The general value of higher education is not in question. However,
considering the present state and future of our economy, not all higher
education is of equal value to the country. There is a strong case for
giving engineering education a sufficient priority through targeted
funding so that we can be assured of the means to produce the wealth
required to fund other desirable social and environmental initiatives.


At present, the provision of targeted funding for engineering is
inconsistent with the funding mechanisms established for universities by
most provincial governments in Canada.  Normally, funds are provided
to each university on a formula basis. The allocation of funds to each
faculty is then determined by the central university administration.
There are, however, precedents for the provision of targeted funding by
governments.  For example, education for the medical profession receives
substantial financial support through the major role played by publicly
funded hospitals in training for medical students, interns and fellows.
Also, for example, the government of Quebec has allocated funds
specifically for engineering teaching equipment.


In recent decades, emphasis of public educational policy has been placed
on increasing accessibility to universities. Regrettably, this has not always
been accompanied by the provision of adequate resources.  For the
profession of engineering, maintenance and enhancement of education
quality is imperative. The numbers of students admitted should be
regulated to match the resources which are made available.


Engineering technologists play important roles which are complementary
to those of professional engineers. Sufficient resources should be provided
so that community colleges can produce adequate numbers of
engineering technologists from programs which are coordinated with
those of university engineering faculties so as to optimize their
complementary roles.

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The federal government plays a substantial role in the funding of
research.  It would be highly desirable if an enhanced country-wide
support of engineering education could be devised through federal-
provincial agreement, justified on the basis of its high national
i m p o r t a n c e .


Since much of the activity of engineers is wealth
p r o d u c i n g ,   C a n a d i a n   g o v e r n m e n t s   s h o u l d
formulate public education policy to give
priority to ensuring an adequate supply of
qualified entrants to the engineering profession
by providing appropriate targeted resources in
support of both engineering education and
r e s e a r c h .

6 . 2

Funding by and for Students


Provincial governments have promoted a policy of wide accessibility to
university education. This policy has usually been accompanied by
severe restrictions on the tuition fees which universities have been
allowed to charge to students, based on an assumption that higher fees
would restrict accessibility.


Undergraduate engineering students have demonstrated, in several
universities, that they are willing to pay increased fees in order to ensure
the quality of their education. Even in a time of economic recession,
m a n y   e n g i n e e r i n g   s t u d e n t s   h a v e   v o t e d   t o   c o n t i n u e   v o l u n t a r y
c o n t r i b u t i o n s .


In general, there has been no shortage of qualified applicants for
un de rgra duate e ngineering progr ams in Canada. Ac cordingly, a
significant improvement in funding for engineering could be achieved if
provincial governments would permit universities to have freedom in
setting fee structures for individual undergraduate programs on the
understanding that these funds would be routed to the appropriate


For those for whom higher fees might be a serious impediment to
entering engineering, loan programs with repayment after graduation
through the income tax system are appropriate.


At present, full-time graduate students in engineering receive financial
support from scholarships, research assistantships and teaching
assistantships. The proposals in this report for the establishment of
professional masters programs raise some issues regarding the financial
support of these graduate students.

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Students enroled in full-time, professional masters programs will have a
very heavy academic load and will have only limited time available to
undertake teaching assistantships. For these students, the funding
implications for the professional masters year are similar to those of the
previous undergraduate years unless appropriate provisions are made.


NSERC should continue to support graduate students who are registered
in the professional masters programs in engineering. Engineering
management should be regarded as an integral part of the engineering
disciplin e s .


For those who are taking a professional masters program on a part-time
basis while employed in industry, it is appropriate for the industry to
provide both released time and financial assistance. Some industries
may be able to provide financial support for selected employees while on
full-time programs.


P r o v i n c i a l   g o v e r n m e n t s   s h o u l d   p e r m i t
universities to have freedom in setting fee
structures for programs such as engineering on
the understanding that these funds would be
routed to the appropriate faculties. Student
loan programs should be provided for those who
are qualified but lack the immediate resources.


NSERC should accept a broad view of engineering
research to include design, development and
engineering management. It should continue to
support students registered in any of the
professional masters programs.

7 .



This report has recommended major changes to the content, approach
and environment of engineering education in Canada. Implementation
of these proposals is a formidable task requiring a major cultural
evolution, not only in the universities but also in industry and in
g o v e r n m e n t .

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The Academy recognizes that currently available resources are
inadequate to implement many of the recommendations at this time.
The intention of this report is to provide a vision of where we ought to
be so that each step of pressure and progress can be toward that goal.


There is no standard rigid formula for the Canadian engineering
education system of the future. Rather there must be a spirit of focused
experimentation based on some of the objectives which have been
formulated. A diversity in the local result should be expected and
w e l c o m e d .


The Canadian Academy of Engineering, together with the Canadian
Council of Professional Engineers and the National Council of Deans of
Engineering and Applied Science, can do much to establish an enhanced
image of the profession of engineering, not only with the general public
but also in the profession itself. The respect and value accorded to the
profession depends on the confidence held by the public that
engineering is committed to their welfare, that service to the public is
paramount and that the ethics of engineering are second to none among
the professions.

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1 .

Canadian Academy of Engineering:  "Engineering Research in Canadian
Universities",  Nov. 1991.

2 .

Canadian Council of Professional Engineers / National Council of Deans
of Engineering and Applied Science: "The Future of Engineering Education
in Canada",  Oct. 1992

3 .

Charles M. Vest - Speech to the 1992 Annual Conference of the American
Society for Engineering Education, Toledo, Ohio, June, 1992.

4 .

Laurence P Grayson (Editor): "Toward 2000: Facing the Future in
Engineering Education", Proceedings, Frontiers in Education Annual
Conference, Nov. 1992.

5 .

John Lockyer:  "A Study of Means to Improve the Quality of Research
and Education in Mechanical Engineering at Canadian Universities",
Industry, Science and Technology Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, March, 1992.

6 .

Synthesis Coalition, 445 Engineering and Theory Center, Cornell
University, Ithica, New York, USA, 14853.

7 .

Conseil des Universités, Gouvernement du Québec:  "Le développement
du secteur de l'ingénierie",  Oct. 1992.

8 .

Canadian Committee on Women in Engineering - Chair: Dr. Monique
Frize, P.Eng., University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.:  "More Than
Just Numbers", April, 1992.


1 .

The Canadian Academy of Engineering, together with other engineering
organizations in Canada, should focus efforts on informing the public on
the role that the engineering profession plays in the welfare of the
country, and on the important distinctions between engineering and
science or technology.

2 .

The Canadian Academy of Engineering should commit itself to an active
and continuing role in promoting engineering education of appropriate
content and quality, in cooperation with engineering faculties,
universities, industry, professional associations, technical societies and
g o v e r n m e n t s .

background image


3 .

Engineering faculties should adopt, as their primary goal, the
educational formation of students in preparation for entry to the
engineering profession.

4 .

Engineering faculties should ensure that undergraduate engineering
programs are broadly based and holistic in scope, including both those
concepts which are fundamental to the discipline and those which are
basic to closely related disciplines. Specialization of programs at the
undergraduate level should be avoided.

5 .

The curriculum content should be designed to inculcate those basic
attributes - concepts, techniques, skills, habits and insights - that are
believed to be of lasting value and applicability. Recognizing that the
lifetime of most technical information is short, the rationale for the
inclusion of specific information content in the curriculum should
primarily be its contribution to development of these basic desired
a t t r i b u t e s .

6 .

Engineering faculties should establish and maintain adequate means for
o b t a i n i n g   s i g n i f i c a n t   a n d   c o n t i n u i n g   i n p u t   f r o m   e n g i n e e r i n g
practitioners who can reflect the needs of the marketplace.

7 .

The curriculum should provide for the inclusion of the societal and
environmental context of engineering, with both its benefits and negative
i m p a c t s .

8 .

The curriculum should include at least one opportunity to undertake a
major design task. The selection of this major design should be such as
to emphasize a holistic approach.

9 .

The design and presentation of each engineering curriculum should be
applications-based, integrating the basic concepts of mathematics,
physical sciences, engineering sciences and analysis with their use in
modelling, in problem solving, in optimization and in making
engineering judgments.

1 0 .

Senior engineering professors with a broad range of practising experience
should be assigned to teach an integrated approach to the fundamental
basic subjects in the curriculum.

1 1 .

Engineering faculties should ensure that adequate resources are allocated
to provide relevant and contemporary design example material. This
requires an effective means of interaction between engineering professors
and engineers in practice and also requires resources to process the
experience material into a form suitable for undergraduate use.

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1 2 .

Design exercises should be structured to include practice in searching out
appropriate information using libraries, journals, standards, computer
data bases and other information sources.

1 3 .

In structuring the curriculum, adequate provision should be made to
develop skills of effective communication through written reports and
through the presentation and discussion of design results with a group of
peers and instructors.

1 4 .

Professors should give consideration to the increased use of case study
materials in the presentation of engineering subjects.

1 5 .

The Canadian Academy of Engineering should take a lead role in
establishing a system for the solicitation, preparation and dissemination
of suitable case studies on engineering issues, particularly of Canadian
origin, for use in engineering education programs.

1 6 .

The undergraduate program should be designed to develop teamwork
and leadership skills through a cooperative learning approach.

1 7 .

Each undergraduate engineering program should provide opportunity
and requirement for practical experience.

1 8 .

Canadian industry should progressively and collectively accept ongoing
responsibility for providing adequate opportunities to engineering
students for practical experience.

1 9 .

Industry and governments should devise incentives to encourage
engineering students to seek experience in various regions of Canada and
in foreign countries.

2 0 .

The present length of undergraduate program (32 teaching months)
leading to a baccalaureate degree in engineering should be retained.

2 1 .

The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board should place its primary
emphasis on criteria which depend on measures of the quality of the
teaching staff, the quality of the learning environment and the quality of
the attributes, skills and knowledge acquired by the undergraduate
engineering students. The requirements for an appropriate mix of
information content should be retained but given secondary emphasis.

2 2 .

Canadian engineering faculties should plan to restructure their graduate
studies to introduce or expand appropriate postgraduate professional
master's programs.

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2 3 .

Each professional master's program should be designed to meet
identified needs in one of the major career paths of engineering
g r a d u a t e s :   e n g i n e e r i n g   d e s i g n   a n d   m a n u f a c t u r i n g ,   e n g i n e e r i n g
m a n a g e m e n t ,   a n d   e n g i n e e r i n g   r e s e a r c h   a n d   d e v e l o p m e n t .   S o m e
programs might be focused on the needs of a specific sector of Canadian
i n d u s t r y .

2 4 .

Each professional masters program should be about 3 terms or one
calendar year in duration.

2 5 .

Each of the professional master's programs should be presented at a
similar level of intellectual challenge.

2 6 .

The arrangements and funding support for these professional masters
programs should be such as to make them convenient for students to
enter when the experience would be most valuable. Also access to the
programs by part-time students should be facilitated.

2 7 .

In designing the professional masters programs, emphasis should be
placed on developing engineering graduates with the appropriate
attributes and potential to play a major role in establishing new
enterprises, restructuring existing processes and developing new products
and services.

2 8 .

Engineering faculties should design and provide one-year professional
masters programs in Engineering Design, coordinated with their revised
undergraduate programs, interpreting the term design very broadly to
include advanced-level courses in  technical specialties and projects in
the design, manufacture, production, operation and servicing of
processes, devices and systems.

2 9 .

Highly qualified practising engineers should play a major role in the
presentation of design-oriented master's programs.

3 0 .

Engineering faculties should cooperate with Management faculties in
designing and presenting professional masters programs in Engineering
M a n a g e m e n t .

3 1 .

Research and development oriented masters programs should be
retained but should be designed for completion in about 3 terms or one
year full time.

3 2 .

Doctoral programs in engineering, while research oriented, should aspire
to achieve a balance between the development of new and significant
contributions to engineering knowledge and the development of superior
capabilities in the candidate for innovation, and technical judgment.

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3 3 .

Regulations should be such as to allow admission to an engineering
doctoral program following completion of any of the professional
masters programs.

3 4 .

R e s e a r c h   s u p e r v i s o r s   s h o u l d   e n c o u r a g e   d o c t o r a l   c a n d i d a t e s   i n
engineering to develop close links with counterparts in industry during
their programs.

3 5 .

Professors and their graduate students should choose their research,
development and design projects with a view to their relevance to the
solution of present and future problems and opportunities of Canadian

3 6 .

The Engineering Profession in Canada should consider introducing a
more formal and longer (eg. four year) internship requirement for
Engineers-in-Training prior to registration.

3 7 .

Engineering industry should plan to provide development programs for
Engineers-in-Training including the appointment of capable mentors.
Small and medium size engineering employers should consider
establishing consortia to meet mutual needs in providing such programs.

3 8 .

Each professional engineer should have a program of continuing
education and updating of expertise, including an active role in an
appropriate technical society.

3 9 .

All employers should provide opportunity, encouragement, allocation of
time and financial support for appropriate programs of maintaining the
competence and flexibility of their professional engineering employees.

4 0 .

Professional engineering associations in cooperation with technical
societies, universities and industrial organizations should introduce a
p r o g r a m   o f   r e c o g n i z i n g   p a r t i c i p a t i o n   i n   a p p r o p r i a t e   c o n t i n u i n g
education activities by professional engineers, with a view to making
adequate participation one element in a review process required for
continued professional registration.

4 1 .

Engineering faculty administrators should ensure that the incentives
experienced by professors are consistent with the primacy of effective
education as an objective of their faculties.

4 2 .

Universities should recognize that the objectives and responsibilities of
professional faculties such as engineering are somewhat different from
those of other disciplines.

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4 3 .

Universities should ensure that their recruitment and advancement
criteria for professors are sufficiently broad to include the special needs
of engineering faculties.  These criteria should include appropriate
recognition of teaching performance, research, development and design
contributions, professional experience and accomplishments, service to
the community, and contributions to the planning, management and
administration of the educational process.

4 4 .

The National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science
(NCDEAS) should develop an appropriate set of criteria for initial
recruitment of engineering faculty, for the achievement of academic
tenure and for promotion to full professorship.

4 5 .

In the application of advancement criteria for engineering professors,
universities should give significant weight to input from persons who
have a good understanding of the nature and needs of the graduates and
the profession: practising professional engineers, recent and mid-career
engineering graduates and senior professorial colleagues with appropriate
engineering experience.

4 6 .

Engineering faculty administrators should ensure that newly appointed
professors have adequate opportunity and incentive to plan a relevant
research program and to establish good contacts in industry.

4 7 .

Much of the research funding for engineering professors should be based
on the potential contribution to issues of national importance to
C a n a d a .

4 8 .

Agencies such as NSERC, NRC and government departments should
establish, expand and emphasize programs supporting cooperative
research and development by industry and universities.

4 9 .

In evaluating proposals for cooperative research and development
involving industry and universities, granting agencies should place
emphasis on the willingness of industry to contribute time and funds
commensurate with their available resources.

5 0 .

Research funding agencies should recognize that the output of greatest
value from most academic research is highly educated and trained
p e o p l e .

5 1 .

Engineering faculties should ensure that the rewards for good teaching
are made as attractive as those of good research.

5 2 .

Recognizing the importance of knowledge, skill and broad experience in
teaching an introductory course for engineering students, engineering

background image


faculties should make such an assignment a mark of career
accomplishment for a professor.

5 3 .

Engineering faculties should formulate and gradually establish a policy
of recruiting a majority of their professors after some years of effective
engineering experience.

5 4 .

Granting agencies should expand their industrial postdoctoral fellowship
p r o g r a m s .

5 5 .

Engineering faculties should provide encouragement and assistance for
their professors to spent their sabbatical research and study leaves in
i n d u s t r y .

5 6 .

Industry should provide appropriate opportunities for the  employment
of engineering professors during their research and study leaves.

5 7 .

Engineering faculties should encourage involvement of their engineering
professors in appropriate consulting arrangements with industry and
with other users of engineering services.

5 8 .

Universities should ensure that the staff-student ratio in engineering
faculties is sufficiently large to provide the individual attention which is
necessary for adequate professional education.

5 9 .

Since much of the activity of engineers is wealth producing, Canadian
governments should formulate public education policy to give priority
to ensuring an adequate supply of qualified entrants to the engineering
profession by providing appropriate targeted resources in support of
both engineering education and research.

6 0 .

Provincial governments should permit universities to have freedom in
setting fee structures for programs such as engineering on the
understanding that these funds would be routed to the appropriate
faculties. Student loan programs should be provided for those who are
qualified but lack the immediate resources.

6 1 .

NSERC should accept a broad view of engineering research to include
design, development and engineering management. It should continue
to support students registered in any of the professional masters
p r o g r a m s .