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List of Occupational Related Diseases


Decompression Sickness


Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of clay dust. [Kober1916]

Anatomist's Wart

Prosector's Wart


1: severe respiratory disease of birds that takes the form of an acute rapidly fatal pneumonia in young chickens and turkeys [syn: brooder pneumonia] 2: an opportunistic infection by a fungus of the genus Aspergillus; characterized by inflammation and lesions of the ear and other organs 3: disease especially in agricultural workers caused by inhalation of Aspergillus spores causing lumps in skin and ears and respiratory organs. [Wordnet].

Aspergillus: A genus of fungi that includes many common molds.

Fact sheet from CDC

Athlete's Foot

A contagious fungal skin infection caused by a species of Trichophyton or Epidermophyton that usually affects the feet, especially the skin between the toes, and is characterized by itching, blisters, cracking, and scaling; ringworm of the foot. Also called tinea pedis. [Heritage]

Army Itch

A form of scabies thought at one time to be peculiar to camp and army life. [Appleton1904]

Aviator's Disease

Altitude sickness

Baker's Asthma

A usually mild form of occupational asthma seen in bakery workers, caused by the inhalation of flour; some cases are due to contaminants such as mites in the flour. [Dorland]

Baker's Itch

Psoriasis pistoria. The vulgar name of a species of scall, occurring on the back of the hand. [Hoblyn1855]

An eruption on the hands and arms of bakers due to an allergic reaction to flour or other substances handled, or to the grain itch mite. [CancerWEB]

Barber's Itch

Inflammation of the hair follicles in a shaved area of the face and neck caused by a fungus; ringworm of the beard. Also called tinea barbae. [Heritage]

The Bends

Decompression Sickness.

Bird Fancier's Lung

Pigeon Breeder's Lung

Brass Chill

Brass Founder's Fever

Brass Founder's Ague

A series of morbid phenomena, resembling ague, in those who are exposed to the fumes of deflagrating zinc in brass foundries. [Dunglison1874]

Brass Founder's Fever

Metal fume fever caused by fumes of any of several metals, most commonly zinc, copper, or magnesium; called also brassfounder's ague and brass or brazier's chill. [Dorland]

Brazier’s Chill

Zinc Ague [Kober1916]. Brass Founder's Ague [NomDis1961]

Brazier’s Disease

Brass Founder's Ague

Bricklayer's Itch

An eczema of the hands attended with much itching, occurring among bricklayers; Psora. [Webster]

Dermatitis from lime. [NOD1961]

Brown Lung /Disease



A variety of pneumonoconiosis due to inhalation of cotton fiber. [Dunglison1868].

Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of cotton or linen dust. [Kober1916].

 An occupational respiratory disease associated with inhalation of cotton, flax, or hemp dust and characterized initially by chest tightness, shortness of breath, and cough, and eventually by irreversible lung disease called also brown lung, brown lung disease, mill fever. [Merriam].

Cadmium Lung

An occupational disease similar to metal fume fever, caused by inhalation of cadmium dust or fumes; severe cases can be fatal. [Dorland]

Caisson Disease

An affection of the spinal cord produced either by anemia or passive congestion, due to a sudden transition from a condensed to a comparatively rarefied atmosphere. It occurs in persons who have worked in caissons, tunnels, or diving appliances. [Appleton1904]

Decompression Sickness; Bends. [Heritage].

Caisson: large watertight chamber used for construction under water. [Wordnet]

Chalicosis Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of flinty particles. [Kober1916].

Pneumoconiosis in stonecutters due to the inhalation of stone dust. Called also flint disease. [Dorland].

Cancer Scroti

Chimney sweeper's cancer, or the soot wart. [Hoblyn1855]

Chauffeurs’ Fracture

Fracture of the radius or carpus due to the effect of back firing of the starting handle. [NomDis1961]

Cheese Handler's Lung

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis occurring in workers who wash the mold from cheeses during the aging process, caused by inhalation of spores of Penicillium from moldy cheese casings. [Dorland]

Cheese Washer's Lung

Cheese Handler's Lung

Chiclero’s Ulcer

Lesion of the pinna of the ear due to cutaneous leishmaniasis, usually Leishmania mexicana; seen in workers harvesting chicle plants in Central America. [CancerWEB]

Chimney Sweeps’ Cancer

A popular name of the cancer scroti or soot wart. [Hoblyn1855]

Cancer of scrotum due to soot. [NomDis1961]

Clam Digger's Itch

Swimmer’s Itch

Clay-Shoveller’s Fracture

Fracture of the spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebra. [NomDis1961]

Clergyman's Sore Throat


Cobalt Lung Hard Metal Disease

Colophony Asthma

A type of occupational asthma in workers in electronics industries caused by inhalation of fumes of colophony (rosin), which is used to solder parts together. [Dorland]

Confectioner’s Disease

Affection at the ends of the fingers caused by immersion of the hands in hot sugar or syrups. The nails are weakened and are generally disorganized by disturbed nutrition. [Appleton1904]

Coolie Itch

Hookworm dermatitis of feet. [NomDis1961]

Coolie: An offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer. [Wordnet]

Copra Itch

Grocer's Itch

Cork Handler's Disease Suberosis

Cotton Pneumonia

A mechanical form of pneumonia occurring in the operatives employed in cotton mills. Cotton phthisis is similiarly produced. [Dunglison1874]

Cotton Weaver’s Bottom

Ischial Bursitis. [NomDis1961]

Ischial:  The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.

Danbury Shakes

Danbury Connecticut has always been known as "The Hat City". It was the hat making capital of the world in the 19th century. At the peak of the industry, five million hats a year were produced in 56 different factories in Danbury. A process called "carroting" was used in the production. Carroting involved washing animal furs with an orange-colored solution containing a mercury compound, mercury nitrate. The colorful solution facilitated the separation of the fur from the pelt and made it mat together smoothly. Workers would often be exposed to mercury vapors in the steamy air. Many hatters with long-term exposure, particularly those involved in carroting, got mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning attacks the nervous system, causing drooling, hair loss, uncontrollable muscle twitching, a lurching gait, and difficulties in talking and thinking clearly. Stumbling about in a confused state with slurred speech and trembling hands, affected hatters were sometimes mistaken for drunks. The ailment became known as "The Danbury Shakes". In very severe cases, they experienced hallucinations. [Seagrant]

Decompression Sickness

A disorder, seen especially in deep-sea divers or in caisson and tunnel workers, caused by the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood following a rapid drop in pressure and characterized by severe pains in the joints and chest, skin irritation, cramps, and paralysis. Also called aeroemphysema, bends, and caisson disease. [Heritage]

Dhobi Itch

Tinea Crusis. [NomDis1961]. Fungal infection attacking moist parts of the body. [Wordnet].

Dhobi: Indian washerman or woman.

Diver’s Palsy

Weakness of an area of the body owing to decompression sickness. [Dorland]

Diver’s Paralysis

Caisson Disease

Dye Worker’s Cancer

Cancer of the bladder in aniline dye workers. [NomDis1961]

Aniline: A colorless, oily, poisonous benzene derivative, C6H5NH2, used in the manufacture of rubber, dyes, resins, pharmaceuticals, and varnishes.

Elevator Disease A type of pneumoconiosis affecting persons who work in grain elevators. [Dorland]


Bacterial cellulitis due to infection with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, usually occurring as an occupational disease associated with the handling of infected fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry. It presents in three forms: in a usually self-limited, mild localized form manifested by an erythematous and painful swelling at the site of inoculation, which spreads peripherally with central clearing; in a generalized or diffuse form, which may be accompanied by fever and arthritis symptoms, and resolves spontaneously; and in a rare and sometimes fatal systemic form associated with endocarditis. [Dorland]

Fibroid Phthisis

A form of pulmonary consumption associated with the formation of fibrous tissue in the lungs, and the gradual atrophy of the lungs, from the pressure due to the contraction of this tissue. [Webster1913]

File-Cutter’s Disease


Farmer's Lung

A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by inhalation of moldy hay dust, characterized by breathlessness with cyanosis or with a dry cough, anorexia, and weight loss. It is most often associated with inhalation of spores of Micropolyspora faeni or Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. Called also thresher's lung and harvester's lung. [Dorland]

Flax Dresser’s Disease


Flax Dresser: One who breaks and swingles flax, or prepares it for the spinner. [Webster]

Flint Disease

Form of chronic pulmonary disease prevalent among quarrymen; ascribed to the habitual inhalation of flinty dust. [Appletom1904]

Foundryman's Fever

Brass Founder's Fever

Glassblower’s Disease

Enlargement of the parotid glands.

Golfer's Elbow

Pain due to medial epicondylitis, the lesion being in the origin of the flexor muscles. [Dorland]

Grain Fever

A syndrome of malaise, fever, chills, and myalgia, occurring in grain elevator workers and others who have heavy exposure to grain dust; the cause is usually inhalation of endotoxins or contaminants such as mites. In some workers there is chronic asthma. [Dorland]

Grain Itch

Grocer's Itch

Grinder's Asthma

The aggregate of functional phenomena, induced by the inhalation of particles thrown off during the operation of grinding metallic instruments, etc. The structural changes induced are enlargement of the bronchial tubes, expansion of the pulmonary tissue, and phthisis. [Dunglison1874].

Asthma or pulmonary phthisis, caused by the constant inhalation of small particles of steel or of stone. [Appleton1904].

Grinder’s Rot


Grocer's Itch

An itching eruption, being a variety of eczema, produced by the sugar mite (Tyrogluphus sacchari). [Webster]

Hard Metal Disease A pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of fine particles of cobalt, usually in conjunction with tungsten carbide. In early stages reversible hyperplasia and metaplasia of the bronchial epithelium are seen; later, subacute alveolitis and then chronic interstitial fibrosis develop. Called also tungsten carbide d. and cobalt lung. [Dorland]

Hatter’s Shakes

Mercurial tremor.

Harvester's Lung

Farmer's Lung

Housemaid's Knee

Patellar bursitis. [NomDis1961]

A swelling over the knee, due to an enlargement of the bursa in the front of the kneepan; -- so called because frequently occurring in servant girls who work upon their knees. [Webster]

Industrial Disease

Occupational Disease

Jock Itch

A fungal infection of the skin of the groin area, occurring more commonly in warm weather and among males and characterized by red ring like areas, sometimes with small blisters, and severe itching; ringworm of the groin. Also called tinea cruris. [Heritage]


Pneumonoconiosis caused by the inhalation of clay dust. [CancerWEB]

Knifegrinder’s Disease

A form of mechanical or chronic catarrhal bronchitis incident to a knife grinder’s occupation. [Appleton1904]

Knifegrinder’s Rot


Lacemaker’s Disease

Lead poisoning in lacemakers. [Appleton1904]

Lighterman’s Bottom

Ischial Bursitis. [NomDis1961]

Ischial: The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.

Lucifermatchmaker's Disease

Phosphorus Necrosis.

Lucifer Match: A match made of a sliver of wood tipped with a combustible substance, and ignited by friction; -- called also locofoco. [Webster]

Lumberman's Itch

Pruritus Hiemalis: a dehydrated condition of the skin characterized by erythema, dry scaling, fine cracking, and pruritus, which occurs chiefly during the winter when low humidity in heated rooms causes excessive water loss from the stratum corneum. [Dorland]

Mad Hatter Syndrome

Gastrointestinal and central nervous system manifestations of chronic mercury poisoning, including stomatitis, diarrhea, ataxia, tremor, hyperreflexia, sensorineural impairment, and emotional instability; previously seen in workers in lead manufacturing who put mercury-containing materials in their mouths to make them more pliable. [CancerWEB]

Malt Worker's Lung Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in brewery and distillery workers, a form of allergic aspergillosis caused by inhalation of barley dust containing spores of Aspergillus clavatus and A. fumigatus during the malting process. [Dorland]
Mason's Lung Pneumoconiosis (usually silicosis) in stone masons due to the inhalation of stone dusts. [Dorland]

Matches Disease

Phosphorus Necrosis

Metal Fume Fever

An occupational disorder occurring in those engaged in welding and other metallic operations and due to inhalation of volatilized metals; it is characterized by sudden onset of thirst and a metallic taste in the mouth, followed by high fever, muscular aches and pains, shaking chills, headache, weakness, diaphoresis, and leukocytosis. The symptoms usually subside within 24 to 48 hours, but repeated attacks are common. The disorder includes brassfounder's fever and spelter's fever. A related condition is polymer fume fever. Called also foundryman's fever. [Dorland]

Metal Shakes

Zinc Ague

Mill Fever

Fever and nausea in cotton mill workers, a rare manifestation of byssinosis. Called also cotton-mill fever. [Dorland]

Miller's Asthma

Occupational asthma in millers, caused by the inhalation of cereal dusts. [Dorland]

Miller's Lung A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis seen in those who work with grains or flours contaminated with the wheat weevil Sitophilus granarius.

Millstone Maker's Phthisis

A form of severe bronchitis dependent on the inhalation of the fine particles which separate in the manufacture of millstones. [Dunglison1874]

Ministers’ Sore-throat

Chronic Laryngitis

Mule Spinner’s Cancer

Epithelioma due to lubricating oil. [NomDis1961]

Mushroom Worker's Lung A type of farmer's lung seen in those working on mushroom farms, due to inhalation of mold spores from mushroom beds. [Dorland]

Occupational Disease

A pathological condition resulting from a toxic agent, a hazard, or a repetitive operation encountered during the usual performance of one's occupation. [Heritage]

Painter's Colic

A species of colic, incident to painters from the use of lead. [Hoblyn1855]

A violent form of intestinal colic, associated with obstinate constipation, produced by chronic lead poisoning. [Webster]

Painter's Palsy

Lead palsy. The paralysis of the upper extremities especially, induced by the poison of lead. [Dunglison1855]

Peapicker's Disease

Weil's Disease

Pearl Worker’s Disease

A recurrent inflammation of the bones seen in those who work for a long time in the presence of pearl dust. In some cases the bones become enormously enlarged, but the swelling subsides on the abandonment of the occupation. [Applet1904]

Phosphorous Jaw Disease

Phosphorus Necrosis

Phosphorus Necrosis

Necrosis of the jaw, sometimes associated with deposition of new subperiosteal bone, occurring in workers exposed to yellow phosphorus fumes. [Dorland]

Phossy Jaw

Phosphorus Necrosis

Pigeon Breeder's Lung A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by an acquired sensitivity to bird feces following intimate contact with birds; symptoms include chills, fever, and cough. Pulmonary fibrosis may result. Called also bird breeder's, bird fancier's, or bird handler's lung. [Dorland]

Plumber’s Colic

Lead Poisoning

Policeman’s Disease

Metatarsalgia: A cramping burning pain that focuses in the region of the metatarsal bones of the foot.

Polymer Fume Fever

An occupational disorder due to exposure to the products of combustion of polymers, chiefly polytef (also known as Teflon); manifestations are similar to those of metal fume fever. Called also Teflon shakes. [Dorland]

Potter's Bronchitis

Potter's Consumption

Potter's Colic

Abdominal colic of lead intoxication from the lead glazes used in pottery. [European Union]

Potter's Consumption

A pathological condition similar to that observed in grinders - see grinder's asthma. Its primary condition is that of acute or subacute bronchitis; it’s secondary that of chronic bronchitis, with more or less emphysema. It is well known in the Potteries of England. [Dunglison1874]

Potter’s Disease

Silicosis. Chronic chest disease among workers in the pottery industry. [EuropeanUnion]

Potter’s Rot


Pott's Cancer

Coal tar-induced cancer of the skin particularly localized to the scrotum. [Whonamedit]

Poultryman’s Itch

Dermatitis from chicken mite. [NomDis1961]

Prosector's Wart

Prosector's wart or tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (TVC), is a rash of small, red papular nodules in the skin that may appear 2-4 weeks after inoculation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a previously infected and immunocompetent individual. It is so called because it was a common occupational disease of prosectors, the preparators of dissections and autopsies. Reinfection by tuberculosis via the skin, therefore, can result from accidental exposure to human tuberculous tissue in physicians, pathologists and laboratory workers; or to tissues of other infected animals, in veterinarians, butchers, etc. Other names given to this form of skin tuberculosis are anatomist's wart and verruca necrogenica (literally, generated by corpses).


Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of feather or down dust. Common in the ostrich feather industry in South Africa. [Kober1916]

Radiologist’s Cancer

Epithelioma of skin.

Printer's Asthma

Bronchial asthma due to gum acacia and other allergens used in the colour printing process. [EuropeanUnion]

Printer's Palsy

A condition observed in printers due to chronic antimony poisoning, and marked by neuritis with paralysis, pain in the pelvic region, and papular eruption. [Dorland]

Rag Sorter’s Disease

Anthrax. [NomDis1961]

An acute infectious disease observed in women sorting rags in paper factories. It begins with chills and high fever; loss of appetite, cephalalgia, small pulse, fatiguing cough, and moderate expectoration are among the symptoms. [Appleton1904]

Rag-Picker's Disease


Railway Brain

A neurosis resulting from shock in railway employees. In a case reported by Thomsen, of Berlin, the leading symptoms were anesthesia, impaired sensory perception, subsequently insomnia, cranial and spinal hyperaesthesia, paresis, and spasms of the region supplied by the facial nerve. [Applrton1904]

Railway Spine

An abnormal condition due to severe concussion of the spinal cord, such as occurs in railroad accidents. It is characterized by ataxia and other disturbances of muscular function, sensory disorders, pain in the back, impairment of general health, and cerebral disturbance, -- the symptoms often not developing till some months after the injury. [Webster]

Sailor's Fever

Yellow fever. [Stewart1898]

Yellow or Typhus fever. [Appleton1904]

Sandblaster's Asthma

Fibrotic lung disease caused by the chronic inhalation of silica sand. [EuropeanUnion]

Screws Decompression Sickness; Bends. [Kober1916]

Scrivener's Palsy

Writer's Cramp

Shell Shock Posttraumatic stress disorder resulting from wartime combat or similar experiences. No longer in scientific use. Also called battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis, war neurosis. [Heritage]

Shoddy Fever

A diseased condition caused by the inhalation of the dust in shoddy factories; it is characterized by feverishness, headache, nausea, dryness of the mouth, dyspnea, cough, and expectoration. [Gould1916]

Shoemaker's Paralysis

A condition resulting from functional inhibition or injury of the lower motor neurons of the pyramidal tract caused by exposure to hexane adhesives. [EuropeanUnion].

Hexane: A colorless flammable liquid alkane derived from petroleum and used as a solvent. [Wordnet]


Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of steel, iron or iron oxide particles. [Kober1916].

Chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by excessive inhalation of dust containing iron salts or particles. [Heritage].

Silo Filler's Disease

Silo Worker's Asthma

Silo Filler's Lung A rare type of acute bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans affecting individuals who inhale high levels of nitrogen oxides, particularly nitrogen dioxide, while working in recently filled silos; death may occur from pulmonary edema. Called also silo filler's disease. [Dorland]

Silo Worker's Asthma

Nitrous fume intoxication from fresh silage characterized by cough, shortness of breath and weakness, followed after an interval by a second more severe phase of fever, chills, severe shortness of breath and cyanosis. [EuropeanUnion]

Slate-Worker’s Lung


Smelter Shakes

Zinc Ague

Soot Wart

Chimney sweeper's cancer; cancer scroti. [Hoblyn1855]

Pott's Cancer

Spelter's Fever

Metal fume fever caused by fumes in zinc smelters; called also spelter's chill, zinc chill, and zinc fume fever. [Dorland]

Sponge Diver’s Disease

From venom of actinia living in sponges. [NomDis1961]

Actinia: A sea anemone or a related animal.


Vertigo occurring as a symptom of decompression sickness.

Steam-fitter's Asthma

Occupational asthma in steam-fitters, associated with asbestosis. [Dorland]

Stoker’s Cramp

Muscular pain from drinking of water after excessive sweating. [NomDis1961]

Stonecutter’s Consumption


Stonemason’s Disease


Stonemason’s Lung


Strippers' Asthma

Suberosis A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis seen in those who work with cork, caused by inhalation of moldy cork dust containing spores of various species of Penicillium; called also cork handler's disease. [Dorland]

Sugar Baker’s Itch

A variety of eczema, due to the action of sugar upon the skin.

Swimmer’s Itch

Cercarial Dermatitis. [NomDis1961]

Cercarial: The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.

Information sheet from NYS Dept of Health

Swineherd’s Disease

A virus disease of pigs, sometimes attacking farmhands. [NomDis1961]


Pulmonary atrophy caused by the inhalation of tobacco dust. [Appleton1904].

 Fibroid phthisis caused by the inhalation of tabacco particles. [Kober1916]

Tar Worker’s Dermatitis

Dermatitis (pre-cancerous) from tar. [NomDis1961]

Tea Maker's Asthma

Allergic inflammatory response of the lungs to inhaled tea fluff. [EuropeanUnion]

Tea Taster’s Cough

Bronchomoniliasis: infection of the bronchi with fungi of the genus Candida.

Teflon Shakes

Polymer Fume Fever

Tennis Elbow

Painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow resulting from overuse of lower arm muscles (as in twisting of the hand). [Wordnet]

Thresher’s Fever

Grain Fever

Thresher’s Lung

Lung disease from exposure to the dust of moldy wheat. [NomDis1961]

Trench Back

A condition characterized by pain and stiffness in the dorsal and lumbar regions as a result of hardships undergone in the trenches. [Gould1916]

Trench Foot

A condition of the foot resembling frostbite, caused by prolonged exposure to cold and dampness and often affecting soldiers in trenches. [Heritage]

Tungsten Carbide Disease Hard Metal Disease
Tunnel Disease Decompression Sickness


A disease occurring among those who sort vanilla pods, due to contact with an insect found in the pods. [Appleton1904]

Vagabond’s Disease

Phthiriasis; Dermatitis due to lice, fleas and scratching. [NomDis1961]

Vineyard Sprayer's Lung Hypersensitivity pneumonitis occurring in vineyard workers spraying vines with a copper sulfate–lime solution. [Dorland]
War Edema Nutritional edema, a disorder of nutrition due to long-continued diet deficiency of protein and/or calories, and marked by anasarca and edema; called also alimentary edema, famine edema and hunger edema. [Dorland]

Warehousemen's Itch

see Grocers Itch.

Washerwoman’s Itch

Eczema of the hands and arms, occurring among washerwomen.

Weaver’s Bottom

Ischial Bursitis. [NomDis1961]

Ischial: The lowest of the three major bones that constitute each half of the pelvis.

Welder's Lung Siderosis occurring in welders, caused by the inhalation of iron oxide fumes; the condition is generally asymptomatic, although the presence of other substances in welding fumes may lead to fibrotic lung disease. Called also arc welder's disease and arc welder's lung. [Dorland]

Western Red Cedar Asthma

Occupational asthma in sawmill workers, carpenters, and other susceptible persons who work with the wood of Thuja plicata, the western red cedar; the causative agent is probably the plicatic acid in the wood. [Dorland]

Woolsorter's Disease


Woolsorter's Pneumonia Inhalation anthrax, a highly fatal form of anthrax due to inhalation of dust containing anthrax spores, which are transported by the alveolar pneumocytes to the regional lymph nodes where they germinate, multiply, and produce toxin, and characterized by hemorrhagic edematous mediastinitis, pleural effusions, dyspnea, cyanosis, stridor, and shock. It is usually an occupational disease, most often affecting those who handle and sort contaminated wools and fleeces. Called also pulmonary a.; ragpicker's, ragsorter's, or woolsorter's disease; anthrax pneumonia; and woolsorter's pneumonia. [Dorland]

Writer's Cramp

A cramp or spasm of the muscles of the fingers, hand, and forearm during writing. [Heritage]

Zinc Ague

An acute malaria-like syndrome of chill, fever (sometimes) and sweat, appearing a few hours after inhalation, for a few minutes or longer, of zinc fumes, whether pure or, as is the usual rule, in the form of brass fumes, after affecting only, or mostly, those unaccustomed to such exposure; further characterized by the development of a form of temporary immunity, and absence of immediate serious or fatal consequence. Definite chronic symptoms due to the presence of zinc probably do not occur, but the morbidity and mortality rates of workmen constantly exposed to breathing of the fumes are high, with respiratory diseases especially in evidence. [Kober1916]

Zinc Asthma

Zinc Ague

Zinc Chills

Zinc Ague

Zinc Fume Fever

Brass Founder's Fever




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