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  1. Trashcan Sinatras Live at The Casbah on 2005-05-14

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  1. Trashcan Sinatras Live at The Casbah on 2005-05-14

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  1. Trashcan Sinatras Live at The Casbah on 2005-05-14

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Trashcan Sinatras stance on live recordings

"* you cannot offer to buy or sell any tcs bootlegs. when money changes hands, it's a commercial transaction, and the band should be the ones deciding who profits from their material. a bootleg is a recording of unreleased material (i.e. demos, alternate versions, concerts.)

bootlegs (unreleased live material, radio sessions)
* may be offered for trade only
* may not offer any bands other than tcs
* before being offered for trade, you must notify the trash talk admin at info@trashcansinatras.com what you wish to offer. the band must have a copy of what you're offering in order to be permitted to trade the item. admin reserves the right not to permit certain bootlegs from being listed.

videos (unreleased live material, original promo videos, etc)
* may be offered for sale, trade or to purchase only if the item is an original copy of an official release (for example, promo video, spooktime)
* may be offered for trade if it is unreleased live performances
* may not offer any bands other than tcs
* before being offered for trade, you must notify the trash talk admin at info@trashcansinatras.com what you wish to offer. the band must have a copy of what you're offering in order to be permitted to trade the item. admin reserves the right not to permit certain videos from being listed. be aware that i do not anticipate allowing many videos for trade.

On May 21, 2005 Trashcan Sinatras forum admin OK'd the LMA:

forum link

RE: archive.org okay?

Posted: May 21 2005,13:11
basically, as long as the band gets a copy and no one tries to profit from the recording, then they are okay with it. read the buy/sell/trade forum rules and see if you still have any questions."

The band also runs a section of their website that has years worth of live mp3's for download here

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Trashcan Sinatras Live at The Casbah on 2005-05-14
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Trashcan Sinatras Live at The Casbah on 2005-05-14
Average rating:4.50 out of 5 stars4.50 out of 5 stars4.50 out of 5 stars4.50 out of 5 stars4.50 out of 5 stars
1,177 day ago


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