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Testimony of Dr. W. Gene Corley 


Senior Vice President 

Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. 

Skokie, IL 


On behalf of the 


American Society of Civil Engineers 


Before the 

Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards 

Subcommittee on Research 


Committee on Science 

U.S. House of Representatives 


May 1, 2002 


Washington Office 
1015 15


 Street, N.W., Suite 600 

Washington, D.C. 20005-2605 
(202) 789-2200 
Fax: (202) 289-6797 


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House Science Committee â€“ May 1, 2002



Following the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York City's World Trade 

Center, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Structural 
Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers 



association with New York City and several other federal agencies and professional 
organizations, deployed a team of civil, structural, and fire protection engineers to study 
the performance of buildings at the World Trade Center (WTC) site.  

Founded in 1852, ASCE represents more than 125,000 civil engineers worldwide 

and is the country’s oldest national engineering society.  ASCE members represent the 
profession most responsible for the nation’s built  environment.  Our members work in 
consulting, contracting, industry, government and academia.  In addition to developing 
guideline documents, state-of-the-art reports, and a multitude of different journals, 
ASCE, an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved standards developer, 
establishes standards of practice such as the document known as ASCE 7 which 
provides minimum design loads for buildings and other structures.  ASCE 7 is used 
internationally and is referenced in all of our nation’s major model building codes. 

The events of following the attacks in New York City were among the worst 

building disasters and resulted in the largest loss of life from any single building event in 
the United States. Of the 58,000 people estimated to be at the WTC Complex, over 
3,000 lives were lost that day, including 343 emergency responders. Two commercial 
airliners were hijacked, and each was flown into one of the two 110-story towers. The 
structural damage sustained by each tower from the impact, combined with the ensuing 
fires, resulted in the total collapse of each building.  As the towers collapsed, massive 
debris clouds, consisting of crushed and broken building components, fell onto and blew 
into surrounding structures, causing extensive collateral damage and, in some cases, 
igniting additional fires and causing additional collapses. In total, 10 major buildings 
experienced partial or total collapse and 30 million square feet of commercial office 
space was removed from service, of which 12 million belonged to the WTC complex.  

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Scope of the study


The purpose of the FEMA/ASCE was to see what could be learned to make 

buildings safer in the future. Building performance studies are often done when there is 
major structural damage due to events such as earthquakes or blasts. A better 
understanding of how building respond to extreme forces can help us design safer 
structures in the future. 

Specifically, the scope of the FEMA/ASCE study was to: 



  review damage caused by the attack; 


  assess how each building performed under the attack; 


  determine how each building collapsed; 


  collect and preserve data that may aid in future studies; and 


  offer guidelines for additional study. 


The team examined: 



  The immediate effects of the aircraft impact on each tower; 


  The spread of the fire following the crashes; 


  The reduction in structural strength caused by the fires; 


  The chain of events that led to the collapse of the towers; and 


  How falling debris and the effects of the fires impacted the other buildings 

at the World Trade Center complex. 


The team recommendations are presented for more detailed engineering studies, 

to complete the assessments and produce improved guidance and tools for building 
design and performance evaluation.  

World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2 


As each tower was struck, extensive structural damage, including localized 

collapse, occurred at the several floor levels directly impacted by the aircraft. Despite 
this massive localized damage, each structure remained standing. However, as each 
aircraft impacted a building, jet fuel on board ignited. Part of this fuel immediately 
burned off in the large fireballs that erupted at the impact floors. Remaining fuel flowed 
across the floors and down elevator and utility shafts, igniting intense fires throughout 
upper portions of the buildings. As these fires spread, they further weakened the steel-
framed structures, eventually triggering total collapse.  

The collapse of the twin towers astonished most observers, including 

knowledgeable structural engineers, and, in the immediate aftermath, a wide range of 
explanations were offered in an attempt to help the public understand these tragic and 
unthinkable events. However, the collapse of these symbolic buildings entailed a 
complex series of events that were not identical for each tower. To determine the 
sequence of events, likely root causes, and methods or technologies that may improve 

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or mitigate the building performance observed, FEMA and ASCE formed a Building 
Performance Study (BPS) Team consisting of specialists in tall building design, steel 
and connection technology, fire and blast engineering, and structural investigation and 

The SEI/ASCE team conducted field observations at the WTC site and steel 

salvage yards, removed and tested samples of the collapsed structures, viewed 
hundreds of images of video and still photography, conducted interviews with witnesses 
and persons involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of each of the 
affected buildings, reviewed available construction docume nts, and conducted 
preliminary analyses of the damage to the WTC towers.  

With the information and time available, the sequence of events leading to the 

collapse of each tower could not be definitively determined. However, the following 
observations and findings were made:  


  The structural damage sustained by each of the two buildings as a result of the 

terrorist attacks was massive. The fact that the structures were able to sustain this 
level of damage and remain standing for an extended period of time is remarkable 
and is the reason that most building occupants were able to evacuate safely. Events 
of this type, resulting in such substantial damage, are generally not considered in 
building design, and the fact that these structures were able to successfully 
withstand such damage is noteworthy.  



  Preliminary analyses of the damaged structures, together with the fact the structures 

remained standing for an extended period of time, suggest that, absent other severe 
loading events, such as a windstorm or earthq uake, the buildings could have 
remained standing in their damaged states until subjected to some significant 
additional load. However, the structures were subjected to a second, simultaneous 
severe loading event in the form of the fires caused by the aircraft impacts.  



  The large quantity of jet fuel carried by each aircraft ignited upon impact into each 

building. A significant portion of this fuel was consumed immediately in the ensuing 
fireballs. The remaining fuel is believed either to have flowed down through the 
buildings or to have burned off within a few minutes of the aircraft impact. The heat 
produced by this burning jet fuel does not by itself appear to have been sufficient to 
initiate the structural collapses. However, as the burning jet fuel spread across 
several floors of the buildings, it ignited much of the buildings' contents, permitting 
fires to evolve across several floors of the buildings simultaneously. The heat output 
from these fires is estimated to have been comparable to the power produced by a 
large commercial generating station. Over a period of many minutes, this heat 
induced additional stresses into the damaged structural frames while simultaneously 
softening and weakening these frames. This additional loading and damage were 
sufficient to induce the collapse of both structures.  


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  The ability of the two towers to withstand aircraft impacts without immediate collapse 

was a direct function of their design and construction characteristics, as was the 
vulnerability of the two towers to collapse as a result of the combined effects of the 
impacts and ensuing fires. Many buildings with other design and construction 
characteristics would have been more vulnerable to collapse in these events than 
the two towers, and few may have been less vulnerable. It was not the purpose of 
this study to assess the code-conformance of the building design and construction, 
or to judge the adequacy of these features. However, during the course of this study, 
the structural and fire protection features of the building were examined. The study 
did not reveal any specific structural features that would be regarded as 
substandard, and, in fact, many structural and fire protection features of the design 
and construction were found to be superior to the minimum code requirements.  


What caused the collapse of the towers? 

Our analysis showed that the impact alone did not cause the collapse of the 

towers, but instead, left the towers vulnerable to collapse from any significant additional 
force, such as from high winds, an earthquake, or in the case of the Twin Towers, the 
fires that engulfed both buildings.  Without that second event, the team believes the 
towers could have remained standing indefinitely. 

Although steel is very strong, it loses some of its strength when  heated. To 

prevent that loss of strength, structural steel is protected with fireproofing and sprinkler 
systems.  In the towers, fires raged throughout several floors simultaneously, ignited by 
the jet fuel and fed by a mixture of paper and furniture.  The impact dislodged some 
fireproofing on the structural beams and columns, which made them vulnerable to fire 
damage.  With the sprinkler systems disabled, the fires raged uncontrollably, weakening 
the steel and leading to the collapse of the buildings. 

Several building design features have been identified as key to the buildings' ability 

to remain standing as long as they did and to allow the evacuation of most building 
occupants. These included the following:  


  robustness and redundancy of the steel framing system; 


  presence of adequate egress stairways that were well marked and lighted; and  


  the conscientious implementation of emergency exiting training programs for 

building tenants. 


Similarly, several design features have been identified that may have played a role 

in allowing the buildings to collapse in the manner that they did and in the inability of 
victims at and above the impact floors to safely exit. These features should not be 
regarded either as design deficiencies or as features that should be prohibited in future 
building codes. Rather, these are features that should be subjected to more detailed 
evaluation, in order to understand their contribution to the performance of these 
buildings and how they may perform in other buildings. These include the following:  


  the type of steel floor truss system present in these buildings and their structural 

robustness and redundancy when compared to other structural systems; 


  use of impact-resistant enclosures around egress paths; 

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  resistance of passive fire protection to blasts and impacts in buildings designed 

to provide resistance to such hazards; and  


  grouping emergency egress stairways in the central building core as opposed to 

dispersing them throughout the structure  


Building Codes 

During the course of this study, the question of whether building codes should be 

changed in some way to make future buildings more resistant to such attacks was 
frequently explored. Depending on the size of the aircraft, it may not be technically 
feasible to develop design provisions that would enable structures to be designed and 
constructed to resist the effects of impacts by rapidly moving aircraft, and the ensuing 
fires, without collapse. In addition, the cost of constructing such structures might be so 
large as to make this type of design intent practically infeasible.   

Although the attacks on the World Trade Center are a reason to question design 

philosophies, the BPS Team believes there are insufficient data to determine whether 
there is a reasonable threat of attacks on specific buildings to recommend inclusion of 
such requirements in building codes. Some believe the likelihood of such attacks on any 
specific building is deemed sufficiently low to not be considered at all. However, 
individual building developers may wish to consider design provisions for improving 
redundancy and robustness for such unforeseen events, particularly for structures that, 
by nature of their design or occupancy, may be especially susceptible to such incidents. 
Although some conceptual changes to  the building codes that could make buildings 
more resistant to fire or impact damage or more conducive to occupant egress were 
identified in the course of this study, the BPS Team felt that extensive technical, policy, 
and economic study of these concepts  should be performed before any specific code 
change recommendations are developed. This report specifically recommends such 
additional studies. Future building codes revisions may be considered after the technical 
details of the collapses and other building responses to damage are better understood. 

Surrounding Buildings 


Several other buildings, including the Marriott Hotel (WTC 3), the South Plaza 

building (WTC 4), the U.S. Customs building (WTC 6), and the Winter Garden, 
experienced nearly total collapse as a result of the massive quantities of debris that fell 
on them when the two towers collapsed. The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church just 
south of WTC 2 was completely destroyed by the debris that fell on it.  

WTC 5, WTC 7, 90 West Street, 130 Cedar Street, Bankers Trust, the Verizon 

building, and World Financial Center 3 were impacted by large debris from the 
collapsing twin towers and suffered structural damage, but arrested collapse to localized 
areas. The performance of these buildings demonstrates the inherent ability of 
redundant steel-framed structures to withstand extensive damage from earthquakes, 
blasts, and other extreme events without progressive collapse.  

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The debris from the collapses of the WTC towers also initiated fires in 

surrounding buildings, including WTC 4, 5, 6, 7; 90 West Street; and 130 Cedar Street. 
Many of the buildings suffered severe fire damage but remained standing. However, two 
steel-framed structures experienced fire-induced collapse. WTC 7 collapsed completely 
after burning unchecked for approximately 7 hours, and a partial collapse occurred in an 
interior section of WTC 5. Studies of WTC 7 indicate that the collapse began in the 
lower stories, either through failure of major load transfer members located above an 
electrical substation structure or in columns in the stories above the transfer structure. 
The collapse of WTC 7 caused damage to the Verizon building and 30 West Broadway. 
The partial collapse of WTC 5 was not initiated by debris and is possibly a result of fire-
induced connection failures. The collapse of these structures is particularly significant in 
that, prior to these events, no protected steel-frame structure, the most common form of 
large commercial construction in the United States, had ever experienced a fire-induced 
collapse. Thus, these events may highlight new building vulnerabilities, not previously 
believed to exist.  

In the study of the WTC towers and the surrounding buildings that were 

subsequently damaged by falling debris and fire, several issues were found to be critical 
to the observed building performance in one or more buildings.  

General Observations Findings and Recommendations 


These issues above fall into several broad topics that should be considered for 

buildings that are being eva luated or designed for extreme events. It may be that some 
of these issues should be considered for all buildings; however, additional studies are 
required before general recommendations, if any, can be made for all buildings. The 
issues identified from this study of damaged buildings in or near the WTC site have 
been summarized into the following points:  

a.  Structural framing systems need redundancy and/or robustness, so that alternative 

paths or additional capacity is available for transmitting loads when  building 
damage occurs.  

b.  Fireproofing needs to adhere under impact and fire conditions that deform steel 

members, so that the coatings remain on the steel and provide the intended 

c.  Connection performance under impact loads and during fire loads needs to be 

analytically understood and quantified for improved design capabilities and 
performance as critical components in structural frames. 

d.  Fire protection ratings that include the use of sprinklers in buildings require a 

reliable and redundant water supply.  If the water supply is interrupted, the 
assumed fire protection is greatly reduced.  

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e.  Egress systems currently in use should be evaluated for redundancy and 

robustness in providing egress when building damage occurs, including the issues 
of transfer floors, stair spacing and locations, and stairwell enclosure impact 

f.  Fire protection ratings and safety factors for structural transfer systems should be 

evaluated for their adequacy relative to the role of transfer systems in building 


What significant recommendations does the team make in its report? 

What may be most important is that the BPS Team does not recommend any 

immediate changes to building codes. The Team believes that there are a number of 
areas that need further study, and that there are some things that building designers 
could do to improve safety for occupants in buildings that might be possible terrorist 


In general terms, the FEMA/ASCE report suggests that critical building 

components such as the structural frame, the sprinkler system or the exit stairwells be 
designed to be more redundant, more robust, or both. Redundancy means, for example, 
that if some structural columns were shattered, the building would be designed to 
transfer the weight to other columns. Robustness means making the builder stronger 
and better able to resist impact without collapse.   

The team is also strongly urging additional study of the collapse of the buildings. 

What key findings impact all existing buildings? 

The team found that some connections between the structural steel beams failed 

in the fire.  This was most apparent in the collapse of World Trade Center Building 5, 
where the fireproofing did not protect the connections, causing the structure to fail.   


The team is calling for more research and analysis of the how the connections 

weakened and how best to strengthen their resistance to future fires. Typically, fire 
resistance tests are limited to steel members, not to the steel connections.  
Furthermore, fireproofing  is sprayed on the connections the same way it is applied to 
the trusses, though the steel in the trusses and joints may be made of different alloys. 

Specific Observations, Findings, and Recommendations  

The following sections present observations, findings, and recommendations 

specifically made in each chapter of the FEMA/ASCE report, including the discussion of 
building codes and fire standards and the limited metallurgical examination of steel from 
the WTC towers and WTC 7.  

Building Codes and Fire Standards  

Observations and Findings  

a.  The decision to include aircraft impact as a design parameter for a building would 

clearly result in a major change in the design, livability, usability, and cost of 

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buildings. In addition, reliably designing a building to survive the impact of the largest 
aircraft available now or in the future may not be possible. These types of loads and 
analyses are not suitable for inclusion in minimum loads required for design of all 
buildings. Just as the possibility of a Boeing 707 impact was a consideration in the 
original design of WTC 1 and WTC 2, there may be situations where it is desirable to 
evaluate building survival for impact of an airplane of a specific size traveling at a 
specific speed. Although there is limited public  information available on this topic, 
interested building owners and design professionals would require further guidance 
for application to buildings.  

b.  The ASTM E119 Standard Fire Test was developed as a comparative test, not a 

predictive one. In effect, the Standard Fire Test is used to evaluate the relative 
performance (fire endurance) of different construction assemblies under controlled 
laboratory conditions, not to predict performance in real, uncontrolled fires.  


World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2 

Observations and Findings 

a.  The structural damage sustained by each of the two buildings as aircraft impacted 

them during the attacks was massive.  The fact that the structures were able to 
sustain this level of damage and remain standing for an extended period of time is 
remarkable and is the reason that most building occupants were able to evacuate 
safely. Events of this type, resulting in such substantial damage, are generally not 
considered in building design, and the ability of these structures to successfully 
withstand such damage is noteworthy.  

b.  Preliminary analyses of the damaged structures, together with the fact the structures 

remained standing for an extended period of time, suggest that absent other severe 
loading events, such as a windstorm or earthquake, the buildings could have 
remained standing in their damaged states until subjected to some significant 
additional load. However, the structures were subjected to a second, simultaneous 
severe loading event in the form of the fires caused by the aircraft impacts.  

c.  The large quantity of jet fuel carried by each aircraft ignited upon impact into each 

building. A significant portion of this fuel was consumed immediately in the ensuing 
fireballs. The remaining fuel is believed either to have flowed down through the 
buildings or to have burned off within a few minutes of the aircraft impact. The heat 
produced by this burning jet fuel does not by itself appear to have been sufficient to 
initiate the structural collapses. However, as the burning jet fuel spread across 
several floors of the buildings, it ignited much of the buildings' contents, permitting 
fires to evolve across several floors of the buildings simultaneously. The heat output 
from these fires is estimated to have been comparable to  the power produced by a 
large commercial generating station. Over a period of many minutes, this heat 
induced additional stresses into the damaged structural frames while simultaneously 
softening and weakening these frames. This additional loading and dama ge were 
sufficient to induce the collapse of both structures.  

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d.  Because the aircraft impacts into the two buildings are not believed to have been 

sufficient to cause collapse without the ensuing fires, an obvious question exists as 
to whether the fires alone, without the damage from the aircraft impact, would have 
been sufficient to cause such a collapse. The capabilities of the building fire 
protection systems make it extremely unlikely that such fires could develop without 
some unusual triggering event like the aircraft impact. For all other cases, the fire 
protection for the tower buildings provided in-depth protection. The first line of 
defense was the automatic sprinkler protection. The sprinkler system was intended 
to respond quickly and automatically to extinguish or confine a fire. The second line 
of defense consisted of the manual (FDNY/Port Authority Fire Brigade) firefighting 
capabilities, which were supported by the building standpipe system, emergency fire 
department use elevators, smoke control  system, and other features.  Manual 
suppression by FDNY was the principal fire protection mechanism that controlled a 
large fire that occurred in the buildings in 1975. Finally, the last line of defense was 
the structural fire resistance. The fire resistance capabilities would not be called 
upon unless both the automatic and manual suppression systems previously 
described failed. In the incident of September 11, not only did the aircraft impact 
disable the first two lines of defense, they also are believed  to have dislodged 
fireproofing and imposed major additional stresses on the structural system. 

e.  Had some other event defeated both the automatic and manual suppression 

capabilities and a fire of major proportions occurred while the structural framing 
system and its fireproofing remained intact, the third line of defense, structural 
fireproofing, would have become critical. The thickness and quality of the fireproofing 
materials would have been key factors in the rate and extent of temperature rise in 
the floor trusses and other structural members. In the preparation of this report, 
there has not been sufficient analysis to predict the temperature and resulting 
change in strength of the individual structural members in order to approximate the 
overall respons e of the structure. Given the redundancy in the framing system and 
the capability of that system to redistribute load from a weakened member to other 
parts of the structural system, it is impossible without extensive modeling and other 
analysis to make a credible prediction of how the building would have responded to 
an extremely severe fire in a situation where there was no prior structural damage. 
Such simulations have not been performed within the scope of this study, but should 
be performed in the future.  

f.  Buildings are designed to withstand loading events that are deemed credible 

hazards and to protect the public safety in the event such credible hazards are 
experienced. Buildings are not designed to withstand any event that could ever 
conceivably occur, and any building can collapse if subjected to a sufficiently 
extreme loading event. Communities adopt building codes to help building designers 
and regulators determine those loading events that should be considered as credible 
hazards in the design process. These building codes are developed by the design 
and regulation communities themselves, through a voluntary committee consensus 
process. Prior to September 11, 2001, it was the consensus of these communities 

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that aircraft impact was not a sufficiently credible hazard to warrant routine 
consideration in the design of buildings and, therefore, the building codes did not 
require that such events be considered in building design. Nevertheless, design of 
WTC 1 and WTC 2 did include at least some consideration of the probable response 
of the buildings to an aircraft impact, albeit a somewhat smaller and slower moving 
aircraft than those actually involved in the September 11 events. Building codes do 
regard fire as a credible hazard and include extensive requirements to control the 
spread of fire throughout buildings, to delay the onset of fire-induced structural 
collapse, and to facilitate the safe egress of building occupants in a fire event. For 
fire-protected steel-frame buildings, like WTC 1 and WTC 2, these code 
requirements had been deemed effective and, in fact, prior to September 11, there 
was no record of the fire-induced-collapse of such structures, despite some very 
large uncontrolled fires.  

g.  The ability of the two towers to withstand aircraft impacts without immediate collapse 

was a direct function of their design and construction characteristics, as was the 
vulnerability of the two towers to collapse as a result of the combined effects of the 
impacts and ensuing fires. Many buildings with other design and construction 
characteristics would have been more vulnerable to collapse in these events than 
the two towers, and few may have been less vulnerable. It was not the purpose of 
this study to assess the code-conformance of the building design and construction, 
or to judge the adequacy of these features. However, during the course of this study, 
the structural and fire protection features of the building were examined. The study 
did not reveal any specific structural features that would be regarded as 
substandard, and, in fact, many structural and fire protection features of the design 
and construction were found to be superior to the minimum code requirements.  

h.  Several building design features have been identified as key to the buildings’ ability 

to remain standing as long as they did and to allow the evacuation of most building 
occupants. These include the following:  


  robustness and redundancy of the steel framing system; 


  presence of adequate egress stairways that were; and 


  the conscientious implement ation of emergency exiting training programs for 

building tenants. 

i.  Similarly, several design features have been identified that may have played a role 

in allowing the buildings to collapse in the manner that they did and in the inability of 
victims at and above the impact floors to safely exit.  These features should not be 
regarded either as design deficiencies or as features that should be prohibited in 
future building codes. Rather, these are features that should be subjected to more 
detailed evaluation, in order to understand their contribution to the performance of 
these buildings and how they may perform in other buildings. These include the 


  the type of steel floor truss system present in these buildings and their structural 

robustness and redundancy when compared to other structural systems; 


  use of impact-resistant enclosures around egress paths; 

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  resistance of passive fire protection to blasts and impacts in buildings designed 

to provide resistance to such hazards; and 


  grouping emergency egress stairways in the central building core, as opposed to 

dispersing them throughout the structure.  

j.  During the course of this study, the question of whether building codes should be 

changed in some way to make future buildings more resistant to such attacks was 
frequently explored. Depending on the size of the aircraft, it may not be technically 
feasible to develop design provisions that would enable structures to be designed 
and constructed to resist the effects of impacts by rapidly moving aircraft, and the 
ensuing fires, without collapse. In addition, the cost of constructing such structures 
might be so large as to make this type of design intent practically infeasible.  
Although the attacks on the World Trade Center are a reason to question design 
philosophies, the BPS Team believes there are insufficient data to determine 
whether there is a reasonable threat of attacks on specific buildings to recommend 
inclusion of such requirements in building codes. Some believe the likelihood of such 
attacks on  any specific building is deemed sufficiently low to not be considered at all. 
However, individual building developers may wish to consider design provisions for 
improving redundancy and robustness for such unforeseen events, particularly for 
structures that, by nature of their design or occupancy, may be especially 
susceptible to such incidents. Although some conceptual changes to the building 
codes that could make buildings more resistant to fire or impact damage or more 
conducive to occupant egress were identified in the course of this study, the BPS 
Team felt that extensive technical, policy, and economic study of these concepts 
should be performed before any specific code change recommendations are 
developed. This report specifically recommends such additional studies. Future 
building codes revisions may be considered after the technical details of the 
collapses and other building responses to damage are better understood. 



The scope of this study was not intended to include in-depth analysis of many issues 
that should be explored before final conclusions are reached. Additional studies of the 
performance of WTC 1 and WTC 2 during the events of September 11, 2001, and of 
related building performance issues should be conducted. These include the following:  
a.  During the course of this study, it was not possible to determine the condition of the 

interior structure of the two towers, after aircraft impact and before collapse. Detailed 
modeling of the aircraft impacts into the buildings should be conducted in order to 
provide understanding of the probable damage state immediately following the 

b.  Preliminary studies of the growth and heat flux produced by the fires were 

conducted. Although these studies provided useful insight into the buildings' 
behavior, they were not of sufficient detail to permit an understanding of the 
probable distribution of temperatures in the buildings at various stages of the event 

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and the resulting stress state of the structures as the fires progressed. Detailed 
modeling of the fires should be continued and should be combined with structural 
modeling to develop specific failure modes likely to have occurred. 

c.  The floor framing system for the two towers was very complex and substantially 

more redundant than typical bar joist floor systems. Detailed modeling of these floor 
systems and their connections should be conducted to understand the effects of 
localized overloads and failures to determine ultimate failure modes. Other types of 
common building framing should also be examined for these effects.  

d.  The fire-performance of steel trusses with spray-applied fire protection, and with end 

restraint conditions similar to that present in the two towers, is not well understood, 
but is likely critical to the building collapse. Studies of the fire-performance of this 
structural system should be conducted.  

e.  Observations of the debris generated by the collapse and of damaged adjacent 

structures suggests that spray-applied fireproofing may be vulnerable to mechanical 
damage from blasts and impacts. This vulnerability is not well understood. Tests of 
these materials should be conducted to understand how well they withstand such 
mechanical damage and to determine whether it is appropriate and feasible to 
improve their resistance to such damage.  

f.  In the past, tall buildings have occasionally been damaged, typically by earthquakes, 

and experienced collapse within the damaged zones. Those structures were able to 
arrest collapse before they progressed to a state of total collapse. The two WTC 
towers were able to arrest collapse from the impact damage but not from the 
resulting fire when combined with the impact effects of the aircraft attack. Studies 
should be conducted to determine, given the great size and weight of the two 
towers,  whether there are feasible design and construction features that would 
permit such buildings to arrest or limit a collapse, once it began.  


World Trade Center 3  


WTC 3 was subjected to extraordinary loading from the impact and weight of debris 
from the two adjacent 110-story towers. It is noteworthy that the building resisted both 
horizontal and vertical progressive collapse after the collapse of WTC 2. The 
overloaded portions were able to break away from the rest of the structure without 
pulling it down and the remaining structural system was able to remain stable and 
support the debris load. The structure was even capable of protecting occupants after 
the collapse of WTC 1.  


WTC 3 should be studied further to understand how it resisted progressive collapse.  


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World Trade Center 7 

Observations and Findings 

a.  This office building was built over an electrical substation and a power plant, 

comparable in size to that operated by a small commercial utility. It also had a 
significant amount of diesel oil storage and had a structural system with numerous 
horizontal transfers for gravity and lateral loads.  

b.  The loss of the east penthouse on the videotape records suggests that the collapse 

event was initiated by the loss of structural integrity in one of the transfer systems. 
Loss of structural integrity was likely a result of weakening caused by fires on the 5th 
to 7th floors. The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to 
collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises 
contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of 
occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this 

c.  The collapse of WTC 7 was different from that of WTC 1 and WTC 2. The towers 

showered debris in a wide radius as their external frames essentially "peeled" 
outward and fell from the top to the bottom. In contrast, the collapse of WTC 7 had a 
relatively small debris field because the  facade came straight down, suggesting an 
internal collapse. Review of video footage indicates that the collapse began at the 
lower floors on the east side. Studies of WTC 7 indicate that the collapse began in 
the lower stories, either through failure of major load transfer members located 
above an electrical substation structure or in columns in the stories above the 
transfer structure. Loss of strength due to the transfer trusses could explain why the 
building imploded, with collapse initiating at an interior location. The collapse may 
have then spread to the west, causing interior members to continue collapsing. The 
building at this point may have had extensive interior structural failures that then led 
to the collapse of the overall building, including the cantilever transfer girders along 
the north elevation, the strong diaphragms at the 5th and 7th floors, and the seat 
connections between the interior beams and columns at the building perimeter.  



The scope of this study was not intended to include in-depth analysis of issues. Certain 
issues should be explored before final conclusions are reached and additional studies of 
the performance of the WTC 7 building and related building performance issues should 
be conducted. These include the following:  
a.  Additional data should be collected to confirm the extent of the damage to the south 

face of the building caused by falling debris.  

b.  Determination of the specific fuel loads, especially at the lower levels, is important to 

identify possible fuel supplied to sustain the fires for a substantial duration. Areas of 
interest include storage rooms, file rooms, spaces with high-density combustible 
materials, and locations of fuel lines. The control and operation of the emergency 
power system, including generators and storage tanks, needs to be thoroughly 

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understood. Specifically, the ability of the diesel fuel pumps to continue to operate 
and send fuel to the upper floors after a fuel line is severed should be confirmed. 

c.  Modeling and analysis of the interaction between the fire and structure are 

important. Specifically, the anticipated temperatures and duration of the fires and the 
effects of the fires on the structure need to be examined with an emphasis on the 
behavior of transfer systems and their connections. 

d.  Suggested mechanisms for a progressive collapse should be studied and confirmed. 

How the collapse of an unknown number of gravity columns brought down the whole 
building should be explained.  

e.  The role of the axial capacity between the beam-column connection and the 

relatively strong structural diaphragms may have had in the progressive collapse 
should be explained.  

f.  The level of fire resistance and the ratio of capacity-to-demand required for structural 

members and connection deemed to be critical to the performance of the building 
should be studied. The collapse of some structural members and connections may 
be more detrimental to the overall performance of the building than other structural 
members. The adequacy of current design provisions  for members whose failure 
could result in large-scale collapse should also be studied.  


Recommendations for Future Study 


The Building Performance Study Team has developed recommendations for 

specific issues, based on the study of the performance of the  WTC towers and 
surrounding buildings in response to the impact and fire damage that occurred. These 
recommendations have a broader scope than the important issue of building concepts 
and design for mitigating damage from terrorist attacks, and also address the level at 
which resources should be expended for aircraft security, how the fire protection and 
structural engineering communities should increase their interaction in building design 
and construction, possible considerations for improved egress in damaged structures, 
the public understanding of typical building design capacities, issues related to the study 
process and future activities, and issues for communities to consider if they are 
developing emergency response plans that include engineering response.  

National Response.

 Resources should be directed primarily to aviation and 

other security measures rather than to hardening buildings against airplane impact. The 
relationship and cooperation between public and private organizations should be 
evaluated to determine the most effective mechanisms and approaches in the response 
of the nation to such disasters.  

Interaction of Structural Elements and Fire.

 The existing prescriptive fire 

resistance rating method (ASTM E119) does not provide sufficient information to 

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determine how long a building component can be expected to perform in an actual fire. 
A method of assessing performance of structural members and connections as part of a 
structural system in building fires is needed for designers and emergency personnel.  

The behavior of the structural system under fire conditions should be considered 

as an integral part of the structural design. Recommendations are to:  



  Develop design tools, including an integrated model that predicts heating 

conditions produced by the fire, temperature rise of the structural component, 
and structural response.  


  Provide interdisciplinary training in structures and fire protection for both 

structural engineers and fire protection engineers.  


Performance criteria and test methods of fireproofing materials relative to their 

durability, adhesion, and cohesion when exposed to abrasion, shock, vibration, rapid 
temperature rise, and high temperature exposures need further study.  


Interaction of Structural and Fire Professionals in Design.

 The structural, 

mechanical, architectural, fire protection, blast, explosion, earthquake, and wind 
engineering communities need to work together to develop guidance for vulnerability 
assessment, retrofit, and design of concrete and steel structures to mitigate or reduce 
the probability of progressive collapse under single- and multiple-hazard scenarios. 

An improved level of interaction between structural and fire protection engineers 

is encouraged.  Specific recommendations are to:  



  Consider behavior of the structural system under fire as an integral part of the 

design process. 


  Provide cross-training of fire protection and structural engineers in the 

performance of structures and building fires.   


Fire Protection and Engineering Discipline.

 The continued development of a 

system for performance- based design is encouraged. This involves the following:  


  Improve the existing models that simulate fire and spread in structures, as well 

as the impact of fire and smoke on structures and people.  


  Improve the database on material burning behavior.  


Building Evacuation.

 The following topics were not explicitly examined during 

this study, but are recognized as important aspects of designing buildings for impact 
and fire events. Recommendations for further study are to: 


  Perform an analysis of occupant behavior during evacuation of the buildings at 

WTC to improve the design of fire alarm and egress systems in high-rise 

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  Perform an analysis of the design basis of evacuation systems in high-rise 

buildings to assess the adequacy of the current design practice, which relies on 
phased evacuation.  


  Evaluate the use of elevators as part of the means of egress for mobility impaired 

people as well as the general building population for the evacuation of high-rise 
buildings. In addition, the use of elevators for access by emergency personnel 
needs to be evaluated.  


Emergency Personnel.

 One of the most serious dangers firefighters and other 

emergency responders face is partial or total collapse of buildings. Recommended 
steps to provide better protection to emergency personnel are: 


  Have fire protection and structural engineers assist emergency personnel in 

developing broader pre- plans for buildings and structures to include more 
detailed assessments of hazards and response of structural elements and 
performance of buildings during fires, including identification of critical structural 


  Develop training materials and courses for emergency personnel with regards to 

effects of fire on steel.  


  Review collaboration efforts between the emergency personnel and engineering 

professions so that engineers may assist emergency personnel in assessments 
during the time of the incident.  


Education of Stakeholders.

 Stakeholders (e.g., owners, operators, tenants, 

aut horities, designers) should be further educated about building codes, the minimum 
design loads typically addressed for building design, and the extreme events that are 
not addressed by building codes. Should stakeholders desire to address events not 
addressed by the building codes, they should have a basic understanding of developing 
and implementing strategies to mitigate damage from extreme events. 
Stakeholders should also be educated about the expected performance of their building 
when renovations, or changes in use or occupancy, occur and the building is subjected 
to different floor or fire loads. For instance, if the occupancy in a building changes to 
one with a higher fire hazard, they should review the fire protection systems to ensure 
there is adequate fire protection. Or, if the structural load is increased with a new 
occupancy, the structural support system should be reviewed to ensure it can carry the 
new load.  

Study Process.

 The report benefited from a tremendous amount of professional 

volunteerism due to the unprecedented level of national disaster. Improvements can be 
made that would aid the process for any future efforts.  Recommendations are to:  


  Provide resources that are proportional to the required level of effort.  


  Provide better access to data, including building information, interviews, samples, 

site photos, and documentation.  


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Archival Information.

 Archival information has been collected and provides the 

groundwork for continued study. It is recommended that a coordinated effort for the 
preservation of this and other relevant information be undertaken by a responsible 
organization or agency, capable of maintaining and managing such information.  This 
effort would include:  


  cataloging all photographic data collected to date;  


  enhancing video data collected for both quality and timeline;  


  conducting interviews with building occupants, witnesses, rescue workers and 

any others that may provide valuable information; and  


  initiating public requests for information.  




ASCE is proud of the work done by the BPS Team, but strongly believes that the 

follow up studies recommended by the FEMA/ASCE Report are critical to obtaining the 
technical knowledge needed by engineers for future building design.  

Thank you for the opportunity to express ASCE’s views. We offer you and all of 

the agencies involved in the recovery efforts ASCE’s full resources to manage the 
nation's critical infrastructure needs.  We are ready to help in any way possible, and are 
eager to hear from you regarding ways  that ASCE’s Critical Infrastructure Response 
Initiative can support you as you examine our infrastructure needs in the coming 


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W. Gene 

Senior Vice President 

gcorley @ 


Educational Background •



University of Illinois 


B.S.    Civil Engineering, 1958 


M.S.    Structural Engineering, 1960 


Ph.D.  Structural Engineering, 1961 


Registration •



Licensed Structural Engineer - Illinois 

  Licensed Professional Engineer - Illinois 
  Registered Civil Engineer - California, Hawaii 
  Registered Professional Engineer - Alabama,  

Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, 
Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania, 
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, 
Virginia, Washington 

  Chartered Engineer, FI Struct E, UK 


CTL Experience

 â€¢ Dr. Corley has served as CTL 

Vice President since 1987. In this position, he 
serves as CTL’s managing agent for professional 
and structural engineering and leads structural 
evaluation projects related to industrial, 
transportation and parking facilities, bridges and 
buildings. He also is active in projects related to 
earthquake engineering. His wide range of 
experience includes evaluation of earthquake 
and blast damaged buildings and bridges; 
investigation of distress in prestressed concrete 
structures; repair of parking garages damaged 
by corrosion; evaluation and repair of high rise 
buildings, stadiums, silos and bridges; design 
and construction of repairs for prestressed and 
conventionally-reinforced, precast and cast-in-
place concrete and structural steel facilities. In 
1995, Dr. Corley was selected by ASCE to lead 
a Building Performance Assessment Team 
investigating the bombing of the Murrah Federal 
Building in Oklahoma City.  

Prior Experience

 â€¢ After receiving his B.S. 

degree, Dr. Corley worked for the Shelby 
County, Illinois highway department where he 
designed highways and bridges. He then 
returned to the University of Illinois as a research 
assistant and National Science Foundation 

teaching fellow while pursuing his graduate 
Upon completion of his Ph.D., he served as a 
commissioned officer in the U.S. Army from 1961 
until 1964. During this period, Dr. Corley was a  
research and development coordinator with the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Belvoir, 
Virginia. His duties included bridge design, 
acceptance testing of mobile floating assault 
bridge equipment, design of tank launched 
bridges and fatigue testing of bridges fabricated 
from high strength steel, aircraft aluminum and 
titanium alloys. 
In 1964, Dr. Corley began work as a 
development engineer with the Portland Cement 
Association. While serving in successively more 
responsible positions, he was directly involved in 
the development of improved design procedures 
for structural concrete, concrete pavement, 
railroads and  structures subjected to fire loads. 
In addition, he served on an earthquake damage 
investigation team, carried out investigations of 
damaged or deteriorated structures and 
developed repair procedures for numerous 
buildings and bridges. 

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Publications and Professional Activities


W. Gene Corley has authored more than 150 
technical papers and books. He frequently 
lectures to technical and non-technical groups on 
the subjects of prevention of failures, effects of 
earthquakes and design and repair of structures. 
He regularly presents training courses on 
reinforced concrete design and teaches the 
seismic design portion of a refresher course to 
candidates for the Illinois Structural Engineering 
License examination. 
Dr. Corley chaired ACI Committee 318 for six 
years as the committee developed the 1995 
Building Code Requirements for Structural 
Concrete. He also serves on several other 
national and international committees that 
prepare recommendations for structural design 
and for design of earthquake resistant buildings 
and bridges. His professional activities resulted 
in his receiving 11 national awards including the 
Best Structural Publication Award from NCSEA, 
Outstanding Paper from the ASCE Journal of 
Performance of Constructed Facilities, the 
Wason Award for research from ACI, the T.Y. Lin 
Award from ASCE and the Martin Korn Award for 
PCI. He also has received several regional 
awards, including the UIUC Civil Engineering 
Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumnus 
Award, the SEAOI Service Award, Illinois ASCE 
Structural Division's Lifetime Achievement 
Award, the Henry Crown Award, and the SEAOI 
John Parmer Award. 
Dr. Corley serves or has served in leadership 
roles for numerous professional organizations, 
both national and international, including the 

  American Society of Civil Engineers (Fellow)  
  National Society of Professional Engineers 


  National Council of Structural Engineers 

Associations (Founding Member, Board of 
Direction, Former President) 

  American Concrete Institute (Fellow) Former 

Chairman, Committee on Standard 
Building Code 

  American Railway Engineering Association 


  Building Seismic Safety Council (Former 

Vice-Chairman and Founding Member, 
Board of Direction) 

  Chicago Committee on High Rise Buildings 

(Member and Former Chairman) 

  Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 

(Member and Former President, Great 

Lakes Chapter) 

  Institution of Structural Engineers, UK 


  International Association for Bridge and 

Structural Engineering (Member) 

  National Academy of Engineering (Member)   
  National Association of Railroad Safety 

Consultants and Investigators (Member) 

  NACE International (Member) 
  Prestressed Concrete Institute (Member) 
  RILEM (Member) 
  Post Tensioning Institute (Member) 
  Transportation Research Board (Member) 
  Structural Engineers Association of Illinois 

(Member, Former President) 

  Governor’s Earthquake Preparedness Task 

Force (Illinois)