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Resources for CAMHS

This site provides links to resources relevant to professionals working in Child and Adolescent Emotional Health Services

T04he site is organised in sections. To access these areas click on the buttons on the top right or at the bottom of this section, or access the site map window below.

Click on the button immediately below to view the section on organisational issues: CAMHS services across the UK, information for professions, research, and information about wider contexts of practice be they political, professional, or organisational.

It is not possible to understand knowledge about anything unless the power base to which it is linked is also understood. There is no reason to assume that people who are members to a discourse are there because they have a particular expertise. They are there primarily because of rules that allow them to speak rather than others, because they have satisfied the rules of entry into the discourse.
These rules are the effect of certain social processes, rather than issues of knowledge itself. Jackson, N. and P. Carter (2000). Rethinking Organisational Behaviour. Harlow, Pearson Education.
Click on the More button below to view the section on clinical issues & clinical presentations. Trauma, bullying, anger, adoption & fostering, attachment, personality disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, substance misuse, infancy, teenagers, emotions, depression, anxiety, grief & bereavement, adhd, autism.
The subpage, Interventions, includes information about group psychotherapy, child psychotherapy, play therapy, family therapy, multisystemic therapy, attachment therapy, positive psychology, personal construct psychology, narrative therapy, interpersonal therapy, cognitive therapy, counselling, & prevention or early intervention.
The subpage, Clients, includes information about self-help, information for teenagers, parents, families, and children, and a section on user views.

C02lick on the button below to view the reference section. This includes a bibliography, journal links, and useful reference sites. It also includes a page that focuses on theoretical ideas and sociological perspectives. A final page makes available a number of text documents.


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Keywords: CAMHS, mental health, emotional health, child, teenager, adolescent, family, parent, parenting, psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, adhd, psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy, Child psychotherapy, family therapy

Terry Birchmore