Bibliography on the Year 1000

Secondary Sources (incomplete)

Amalvi, Christian, "L'historiographie française face à l'avènement d'Hugues Capet et aux terreurs de l'an Mil: 1800-1914," De l'art et la manière d'acommoder les héros de l'histoire de la France. Essais de mythologie nationale (Paris: Albin Michel, 1988), pp. 116-45.
[a study of the 19th century images of the year 1000, with reflections on the political stakes in the image of whether it was apocalyptic or not]

Andenna, G., "Introduction" to Rodolfo il Glabro. Storie dell'anno Mille. I cinque libri delle Storie. Vita dell'abate Guglielmo, tr. D. Tuniz (Milan, 1981)

Arpini, M.C., "Radulfo Glaber e la `Historia suorum temporum'," Atti della Accademia degli Arcadi e scritti dei soci, n.s. 9-10 (1932), 109-58

Barbatti, Bruno, "Der heilige Adalbert von Prag und der Glaube an den Weltuntergang im Jahre 1000," Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 35 (1953), 127-41*

Beumann, Helmut, "Grab und thron Karls des Grossen zu Aachen," in Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, ed. Braunfels, (Dusseldorb, 1967), IV, p.8- 39

Bischoff, Bernhard, "Vom Ende der Welt und vom Antichrist; Fragment einer Jenseitsvision (Zehntes Jahrhundert)," in Anecdota Novissima: Texte des vierten bis sechzehnten Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1984), pp.80-82.

Björkvall, Gunilla, "'Expectantes Dominum': Advent, the Time of Expectation, as Reflected in Liturgical Poetry from the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries," in In Quest of the Kingdom: Ten Papers on Medieval Monastic Spirituality (Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae, 48; Uppsala, 1991), pp.109-34.

Blanc, Paulin, "Nouvelle Prose sur le Dernier Jour, Composée avec chant noté, vers l'An Mille..." Mémoires de la Société Archéologique de Montpellier, 2 (1850), 451-509. #
[a text, translation, and lengthy introduction to a poem on the End of Time found copied in the back of a 9th century manuscript from Aniane in a 10th century hand; precursor of Thomas of Celano's Dies Irae]

Bonnaud-Delamare, Roger, "L'idée de la Paix au XIe et XIIe siècles" (unpubl. thesis, Paris, 1945). #
[in which the author argues at length that the Peace of God was a chiliastic movement in response to the apocalyptic expectations surrounding the year 1000]

Bonnaud-Delamare, Roger, "Les fondements des institutions de paix au XIe siècle," in Mélanges d'histoire du moyen âge dédiés à Louis Halphen (Paris, 1951), pp.19-26 #
[brief summary of the argument of the author's dissertation]

Bonnaud-Delamare, Roger, "La Paix d'Amiens et Corbie au XIe siècle," Revue du Nord, 39 (1957), 167-78.

Bündung, Margret, "Das Imperium Christianum und die deutschen Ostkriege vom zehnten bis zum zwölften Jahrhundert," Historische Studien, 366 (1940), 1-64

Burr, George Lincoln, "The Year 1000 and the Antecedents of the Crusades," American Historical Review, 6 (1901), 429-39 *
[the article which introduced American medievalists to the new "anti-Terrors"consensus in Europe]

Callahan, Daniel, "The Peace of God and the Cult of the Saints in Aquitaine in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries," Historical Reflections / Réflexions historiques, 14:3 (1987), 445-66. #
[argument for the connection between the Peace and an apocalyptic year 1000, revised version in The Peace of God, ed. Head and Landes]

Daniel Callahan, "The Peace of God, Apocalypticism, and the Council of Limoges of 1031," Revue bénédictine, 101 (1991), 32-49

Callahan, Daniel, "The Problem of the Filioque and the Letter from the Pilgrim Monks of the Mount of Olives to Pope Leo III and Charlemagne: Still Another Ademar Forgery?" Revue bénédictine 1992.
[both of the above articles contain extensive evidence of the apocalyptic concerns/obsessions of Ademar of Chabannes in his final years (1030-33)]

Carozzi, Claude, La fin des temps: Terreurs et prophéties au Moyen Age (Paris: Stock, 1982)

Chauney-Bouillot, Martine, "Radulfus Glaber: les savoirs de l'An Mil" in Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, arts et belles- lettres de Dijon, t. 128, 1987-1988, p. 209-227.

Classen, Peter, "Eschatologische Ideen und Armutsbewegungen im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert," in Povertà e ricchezza nella spiritualità dei secoli XI e XII (Todi, 1969), pp.126-62.

Colliot, "Rencontres du moine Raoul Glaber avec the diable d'après ses `Histoires'," in Le diable au moyen âge. Doctrine, problèmes moraux, représentations (Paris, 1979), 117-32.

Cordoliani, A., "Abbon de Fleury, Hériger de Lobbes et Gerland de Besançon sur l'ère de l'Incarnation chez Denys le Petit," Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 44 (1949), 462-87
[the best discussion of attempts to redate the date AD, the first two of which occurred right at the millennium]

Cordoliani, A. "Les traités de comput du haut moyen âge (526-1003)" Bulletin du Cange, 17 (1943), 51-72

Cordoliani, A., "Contribution à la littérature du comput ecclésiastique au moyen âge," Studi Medievali, ser. 3, I:1 (1960), 100-137, II:1 (1961), 169- 208.

Cordoliani, A., "Les manuscrits de la bibliothèque de Berne provenant de l'abbaye de Fleury au XIe siècle: Le comput d'Abbon," Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, 52:2 (1958), 135-50

Delumeau, Jean, "La grande peur de l'an 2000? L'angoisse du vide" interview dans Le nouvel observateur, no.1282, 1-7 juin 1989, p.38 *
[brief but vigorous reassertion of the "anti-Terrors" thesis -- the terreurs are a legend whose neck we must ring]

DeVorkin, David H., "The A.D. 1006 Puzzle," The Astronomy Quarterly 5 (1985), 71-86.

Duby, Georges, L'An Mil, (Paris: Gallimard, 1967)*#

Duval, Frédéric, Les terreurs de l'An Mille (Paris, 1908)*

Eiken, H. von, "Die Legende von der Erwartung des Weltunterganges und der Wiederkehr Christi im Jahr 1000," Forschungen zur Deutschen Geschichte, 23 (1883), 303-18*

Erdmann, Carl, "Endkaiserglauben und Kreuzzugsgedanken im 11. Jahrhundert," Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 54:3 (1932), 384-415.

Erdoes, Richard, AD 1000: Living on the Brink of Apocalypse (San Francisco, Harper and Row, 1988) #
[a non-specialist who focuses primarily on the German and Eastern European material]

Ermini, Filippo, "La fine del mondo nell'anno mille e il pensiero di Odone di Cluny," in Studien zur lateinischen Dichtung des Mittelalters. Ehrengabe für Karl Strecker, ed. W. Stach and H. Walter (1931), pp.29-36

Evitt, Regula Meyer. "Anti-Judaism and the Medieval Prophet Play: Exegetical Context for the Ordines Prophetarum." Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1992.

Flammarion, Camille, La fin du monde (Paris, 1891) #
[an astronomer who predicted dire effects from Halley's comet and aroused the ire of Ferdinand Lot]

Focillon, Henri, L'An Mil (Paris: Armand Colin, 1952) #
[posthumous unfinished work in which the author, an art historian, argues that there were important elements of apocalyptic expectation throughout the 10th century; concludes that the "terrors" seem to have influenced the ignorant masses, but not the enlightened leaders of Christendom]

Fredriksen, Paula, "Apocalypse and Redemption in Early Christianity: From John of Patmos to Augustine of Hippo," Vigiliae Christianae, 45:2 (1991), 151- 83
[the best summary of early Christian attitudes towards chiliasm, including a summary of Augustine's immensely influential teachings on the subject]

Fried, Johannes, "Endzeiterwartung um die Jahrtausendwende," Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 45:2 (1989), 385-473)#
[the most extensive survey of the apocalyptic literature of the millennial generation; wide-ranging references to primary and secondary literature]

Gatch, Milton McC., Preaching and Theology in Anglo-Saxon England: Aelfric and Wulfstan (Toronto, U. Press, 1977). *

Gatch, Milton McC., "The unknowable audience of the Blickling Homilies," Anglo Saxon England, 18 (199?): 112-113.

Gil, Juan, "Los terrores del anno 6000," in Actas del Simposio para el Estudio de Los Codices del "Commentario al Apocalipsis" de Beato de Liebana (Grupo de Estudios Beato de Liebana, 1; Madrid 1978), pp. 217-47
[the first article to lay out the tradition of millennial calculation targetting the end of the 6th millennium since creation, and focusing on the strange coincidence that Charlemagne was crowned on the first day of the year 6000 Annus mundi.

Goldstein, Bernard, "Evidence for a Supernova of A.D. 1006," The Astronomical Journal, 70:1 (1965),105-11.

Grodeki et al., Le siècle de l'an Mil

Karl Grund, Die Anschauungen des Rodulphus Glaber in seinen Historien (Greifswald, 1910)#

Hamilton, Bernard, "The Monastery of S. Alessio and the Religious and Intellectual Renaissance in Tenth-Century Rome," Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 2 (1965), 265-31; reprinted in Monasticism, Reform, Catharism and the Crusades, 900-1300 (Variorum Reprints, London, 1979)

Head, Thomas and Landes, Richard, The Peace of God: Social Violence and Religious Response in France around the Year 1000 (Cornell University Press; Ithaca, 1992)

Hugenholtz, F.N.W., "Les terreurs de l'an mil: Enkele hypothesen," in Varia Historica aangeboden an Professor Doctor A.W. Byvanck (1954)#

Huygens, R.B.C., "Un témoin de la crainte de l'an 1000: La lettre sur les Hongrois," Latomus, 15 (1956), 224-38#

Iogna-Prat, Dominique, and Ortrigues, Raymond, "Raoul Glaber et l'historiographie clunisienne," Studi Medievali, 3e série, 26:2 (1985), 437- 72

Iogna-Prat, Dominique, "Continence et virginité dans la conception clunisienne de l'ordre du monde autour de l'an mil" Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres 1985, 127-46.

Jeener, Jean Luc, L'an Mil (play performed at the Cité Universitaire, 10 October to 20 December, 1980).

Joranson, E., "The Great German Pilgrimage of 1064-65," in The Crusades and Other Historical Essays Presented to D.C. Munro (New York, 1928), 3-43.

La Salle de Rochemaure, duc de, Gerbert-Silvestre II. Le savant, le Faiseur de rois, le Pontife (Paris 1914), pp.507-26

Labande, Edmond-Réné, "Mirabilia mundi: Essai sur la personnalité d'Otton III," Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 6 (1963), 297-313, 455-76*

Landes, Richard, Relics, Apocalypse, and the Deceits of History: Ademar of Chabannes (989-1034) (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1995) [on the first millennium, part IV an analysis of Ademar as a member of the millennial generation]

Landes, Richard, "Owls, Roosters,and Apocalyptic Time: A Historical Method for Reading a Refractory Documentation," Union Seminary Quarterly Review 49 (1996): 165-85.

Landes, Richard, "Rodulfus Glaber and the Dawn of the New Millennium: Eschatology, Historiography and the Year 1000" Revue Mabillon n.s 7 [=68] (1996): 1- 21.

Landes, Richard, "The Massacres of 1010: On the Origins of Popular Anti-Jewish Violence in Western Europe," in From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought, ed. Jeremy Cohen (Wolfenbüttel: Wolfenbüttler Mittelalterlichen-Studien) [in galleys]
[on the earliest outbreak of pogroms in Europe, related to apocalyptic fears associated with Al-Hakim's destruction of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, 1009]

Landes, Richard, "Sur les traces du Millennium: La via negativa," Le Moyen Age, 99 (1993): 5-26.

Landes, Richard, "Millenarismus absconditus: L'historiographie augustinienne et l'An Mil," Le Moyen Age 98:3-4 (1992): 355-77

Landes, Richard, "Lest the Millennium Be Fulfilled: Apocalyptic Expectations and the Pattern of Western Chronography, 100-800 C.E.," in The Use and Abuse of Eschatology in the Middle Ages, eds. W. D. F. Verbeke, D. Verhelst, and A. Welkenhysen, (Medievalia Lovaniensia ser. 1, studia XV, Louvain, 1988), pp. 137-211

Le Blevec, L'an Mil (Que sais-je, 1644; Presses Universitaires, Paris, 1976)*

Le Goff, Jacques, "Faut-il avoir peur de l'an 2000?", interview dans Télérama no.2086, 3 janvier 1990, p.8-10*

Lopez, Robert Sabatino, The tenth century; how dark the Dark Ages? (New York, 1959)*

Lot, Ferdinand, "Le mythe des 'Terreurs de l'an mille'," Mercure de France, 300 (1947), 639-55; reprinted, Recueil des travaux historiques de Ferdinand Lot (Droz: Geneva, 1970) III, 398-414*

McGinn, Bernard, "Apocalypticism in the Middle Ages: An Historiographical Sketch," Mediaeval Studies, 37 (1975), 252-86

McGinn, Bernard, Visions of the End: Apocalyptic Traditions in the Middle Ages, (New York, Columbia, 1979)*

Milo, Daniel, "L'an Mil: Un Problème d'historiographie moderne," History and Theory 27:3 (1988), 261-81.*

Mostert, Marco, The Political Theology of Abbo of Fleury: A Study of the Ideas About Society and Law of the Tenth-century Monastic Reform Movement, Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, 2 (Hilversum, Verloren Publishers, 1987).

Orsi, Pietro, L'Anno Mille: Saggio di critica storica (Turin, 1887)*

Pfister, Christian, Etudes sur le règne de Robert le Pieux (996-1031), Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, fasc. 64 (Paris, 1885), pp.32-25 #

Piper, Ferdinand, Kalendarien und Martyrologien der Angelsachsen (Berlin, 1862)

Plaine, Dom François, "Les prétendues terreurs de l'an mille," Revue des questions historiques, 13 (1873), 145-64*
[the first article to attack the Romantic notion of the "terrors" systematically]

Pognon, Edmond, La Vie quotidienne en l'an mille (Hachette, 1981).*

Pognon, Edmond, L'An mille (Paris, Gallimard, 1947) *

Poly, Jean-Pierre, "Le sac de cuir: La crise de l'an mil et la premiere renaissance du droit romain," Droits savants et pratiques françaises du pouvoir (XIe-XVe siècles) ed. J. Krynen and A. Rigaudière (Bordeaux, 1992), pp.48-62.#

Porter, N.A., "The Nova of A.D. 1006 in European and Arabic Sources," Journal for the History of Astronomy, 6 (1974), pp.99-104.

Prawer, J., "Jerusalem in the Christian and Jewish Perspectives of the Early Middle Ages," in Gli Ebrei nell'alto medioevo, (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 26; Spoleto, 1980), 739-813.

Richard, P., "L'An Mille," Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. Baudrillart et al. (Paris, 1924) III, col.290-92.*

Riché, Pierre, "Le mythe des terreurs de l'an Mille," in Les Terreurs de l'an 2000 (Paris, 1976), pp.21-30.*

Romagnoli, R., Le `Storie' di Rodolfo il Glabro. Strutture culturali e modelli di santità cluniacensi (Bologna, 1988)

Rosière, La légende de l'An Mille" Revue politique et littéraire 31 (1878 )919-*

Roy, Jules, L'an Mille: Formation de la légende de l'an mille, état de la France del'an 950-1050, Bibliothèque des Merveilles (Hachette, Paris, 1885)*

Schaller, Hans Martin, "Zur Kreuzzugsenzyklika Papst Sergius' IV.," in Papsttum, Kirche und Recht im Mittelalter. Festschrift für Horst Fuhrmann zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Hubert Mordek (Tübingen, 1991), pp.135-53

Schmidt, Roderich, Königsumritt und Huldigung in Ottonisch-salischer Zeit, Vorträge und Forschungen, 6 (Stuttgart, 1961), pp.96-233

Schove, D. Justin, Chronology of Eclipses and Comets: AD 1-1000 (Dover, NH, 1984)

Schreiber, "Kultwanderungen und Frömmingkeitswellen im Mittelalter," Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 31 (1943)

Shoaf, R.A., "Raoul Glaber et la Visio Anselli Scholastici," Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 23 (1980), 215-19

Stegemann, Joseph, "Religiöse Persönlichkeiten um Otto III.," Diss. Münster/Westf., 1950.

Ter Braak, Menno, Kaiser Otto III. Ideal und Praxis im frühen Mittelalter (Amsterdam: Clausen, 1928).#

Van der Vyver, "Les oeuvres inédites d'Abbon de Fleury," Revue bénédictine, 47:2 (1935), 125-69

Van Meter, David,

Vasiliev, A. "Medieval Ideas of the End of the World: West and East," Byzantion, 16 (1942-3), 462-502*

Verhelst, Daniel, "La préhistoire des conceptions 'Adson concernant l'Antichrist," Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 40 (1973), 52- 103

Verhelst, Daniel, "Adso van Montier-en-Der en de angst voor het jaar Duizend," Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 90 (1977), 1-10#

Werner, Ernst, "Armut und Reichtum in den Vorstellungen ost- und westkirchlicher Haeretiker des 110.-12. Jahrhunderts," in Povertà e ricchezza nella spiritualità dei secoli XI e XII (Todi, 1969), pp.83-125

Wolff, Philippe, L'eveil de l'Europe (Paris, ), pp. ; English tr. The Cultural Awakening (New York, 1968), pp.113-18.*

Primary Documents: (incomplete)

Recueil d'annales angevines et vendômoises, ed. Louis Halphen, Collection de textes pour servir à l'enseignement de l'histoire (Picard, Paris, 1903)

De Antichristo: De ortu et tempore Antichristi, ed. Daniel Verhelst, Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 45 (Brepols, Turnhout, 1976)

Fifteen Signs Before Doomsday

Miracles of Saint Agilius (AASS Août VI, p.588)

Byrhtferth, Manual, ed. S.J. Crawford, Early English Text Society, 177 (1972).

Radulfus Glaber, ed. John France: Radulfi Glabri Opera (Oxford Text and Translations; Clarendon, 1989)

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