Downtown Eastside Revitalization City of Vancouver


The City of Vancouver has been actively working to improve the quality of life in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) for many years, but the past 10 years have seen more intensive efforts. Many policies, plans, programs and projects have been undertaken in partnership with residents, businesses, non-profit groups and other levels of government. There has been no single, brief document that summarizes the philosophy and directions which the City has been pursuing. This document is intended to meet that need, acting as a handy backgrounder for the information of staff, Council and the broader public.

Downtown Eastside Monitoring Report 2005-06

This edition is the most current and was released in spring 2007. No new full report.

Downtown Eastside Map

map of downtown eastside (click for larger version)
magnify Click map to magnify

The Downtown Eastside is one of Vancouver's oldest neighbourhoods and the historic heart of the city. It is a community rich in history, architecture, and diverse groups of people. However, in recent years the Downtown Eastside has struggled with many of the complex challenges facing other urban neighbourhoods in big cities.

As a traditionally low-income neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside has experienced an influx of problems such as drug addiction and dealing, HIV infection, prostitution, crime, lack of adequate housing, high unemployment, and the loss of many legitimate businesses.

The Downtown Eastside Revitalization Program is a multi-faceted approach to restoring the area to a healthy, safe and liveable neighbourhood for all. Our efforts are focused on developing and implementing long-term approaches to community health, community safety, housing, and economic development.



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Last modified: Wednesday, October 14, 2009