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Gravette, AR

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Gravette, Arkansas

Gravette, Arkansas, in Benton county, is 29 miles NW of Fayetteville, Arkansas (center to center) and 87 miles E of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The people of the city are in the Fayetteville - Springdale - Rogers metropolitan area. Gravette has a population of 1,810.

The People and Families of Gravette

In Gravette, about 54% of adults are married.

Wealth and Education

In 2000, Gravette had a median family income of $34,844.

Political Inclinations

In the 2004 Presidential fund-raising sweepstakes, George W. Bush came out ahead among Gravette residents, with $1,450. Residents gave more to the Republican party than any of the others.

Gravette Housing

In Gravette, 57% of the houses and apartments are occupied by the owners, not rented out. Landlords in the city rent a large number of single bedroom units.


In Gravette, 93% of commuters drive to work. In Gravette, people are more dependent on their automobiles than usual.

Comparative Profile of Gravette, AR

Comparing Gravette to similar size places nationwide (Peers) and to other places in Arkansas (State):

Ratings range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

The People

to Peers
to State
Female Share of the Population87
Senior Citizens77
Racial Diversity65
Children Under 5 Years Old64
Well-Paid Single Women58
Well-Paid Single Men48
Age of the Population45
Male Share of the Population34


to Peers
to State
Average Household Size65
Portion of People Married45


to Peers
to State
College Educated Adults68
People Above Poverty36
People in Middle Class or Better37
Median Family Income37

Commute & Sprawl

to Peers
to State
Short Commute Times64
Working at Home47
Walking and Biking to Work11
Public Transportation Use11


to Peers
to State
Studio & One-Bedroom Rentals910
Housing Recently Built85
Affordability of Property Taxes83
People Living Alone77
Affordability of Rents52
Seasonal and Vacation Housing22
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