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In a world of ever-increasing technology and visual demands where productivity, lifelong learning and quality of life are dependent upon full visual function, the College of Optometrists in Vision Development exists to ensure that everyone in our society receive quality vision care, including that required to develop binocular vision and visual information processing critical for maximizing human potential.

The COVD serves as the certifying body for Doctors in the Optometric specialty called Behavioral/Developmental/Rehabilitative Optometry. COVD members work with infants, toddlers, children, and adults. Any individual who requires rehabilitative vision care services can find qualified professional assistance with any of COVD's Fellows.

Throughout this web site you can find more information about Vision Therapy, what conditions benefit from Vision Therapy, where to find a qualified professional to help answer your questions, and links to other sites that will further assist you in your research.

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College of Optometrists in Vision Development
243 N. Linbergh Blvd., Ste 310
St. Louis, MO 63141
email: info@covd.org

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