Fish Identification: Find Species
Family:  Echinorhinidae   (Bramble sharks)
Select Ocean (marine/brackish) or Continent (freshwater):  
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Total number of spines in dorsal and anal fins (optional)
2 species with fin ray counts including ? spines in dorsal and ? in anal fins (see list below)

Echinorhinus brucus
[Bramble shark]
Echinorhinus cookei
[Prickly shark]

Family - Search Result
2 Species of Family Echinorhinidae
(Bramble sharks)
Sort by Species Length
Scientific Name English Name Max. Length (cm)
Echinorhinus brucus Bramble shark 310 TL
Echinorhinus cookei Prickly shark 400 TL

Page created by Eli, last modified by Eli, 30.11.04