Emergency Medicine Book


Low Flow OxygenAka: Low Flow Oxygen, Low Oxygen Delivery, Nasal cannula, Face Tent, Face Shield, Simple Oxygen Mask

  1. See Also
    1. Oxygen Delivery
  2. Nasal cannula
    1. Two short plastic nasal prongs
    2. Delivers 25-45% FIO2 at 1-6 L/min flow
    3. Delivers 4% Oxygen per liter flow
      1. Flow 0 liters per minute: 21% (Room Air)
      2. Flow 1 liters per minute: 25%
      3. Flow 2 liters per minute: 29%
      4. Flow 3 liters per minute: 33%
      5. Flow 4 liters per minute: 37%
      6. Flow 5 liters per minute: 41%
      7. Flow 6 liters per minute: 45%
    4. Flow rates >4 liters per minute irritates nasopharynx
    5. Does not provide humidified oxygen
  3. Face Tent/Shield
    1. High-flow, soft plastic "bucket" over nose and mouth
    2. Better tolerated than face mask
    3. Delivers only 40% Oxygen at 10-15 liters per minute
  4. Simple Oxygen Mask
    1. In children use the Soft Vinyl Pediatric Mask
    2. Poorly tolerated by infants and toddlers
    3. Delivers 35-60% Oxygen at 6-10 L/min flow rates
      1. Room air entrained during inspiration
      2. Reduced Oxygen Concentration if:
        1. High spontaneous inspiratory flow
        2. Mask is loose
        3. Oxygen flow into the mask is low

Face tent oxygen delivery device (C0180824)

Concepts Medical Device (T074)
English Face tent, Face tent oxygen delivery device
Parent Concepts Supplies for Oxygen and Related Respiratory Equipment (C0812882), Oxygen equipment (C0462865)
Derived from the NIH UMLS (Unified Medical Language System)

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