Times Digital Archive

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The Times Digital Archive, 1785-1985, is Gale’s premier online historical archive, delivering every page as published from 200 years of The Times (London) to your library. The Times is the "world's newspaper of record" and covers all major international historical events from the French Revolution to the Falkland War. For the first time users are able to search the full-text of the entire newspaper, including articles, editorials, and advertising. Click on the links at the left to learn how this powerful electronic tool can bring this never-before-available resource collection complete run of the world's oldest continuous published newspaper to your library.

Articles on The Times Digital Archive 1785-1985:

"A database for old Times' sake"
From The Times, May 9 2003

Creating The Times Digital Archive...
From July 2003 issue of Update

"The Times Digital Archive, 1785-1985"
From January 2003 issue of Emerald's "Reference Reviews" journal


Please note: Due to the data size of The Times Digital Archive, the full archive will be loaded by the end of 2003.


© 2003 by Gale International