Ptychozoon sp.

Flying Geckos
(Ptychozoon sp.)

By: Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell

Cage size:

Minimum of a 10 gallon aquarium (20 inches long, 11 inches wide and 13 inches high) for a pair of these geckos. Taller cages are better than shallow cages. Single animals can be housed in smaller enclosures, but seem to be less stressed in larger cages.


Terrarium style with clean soil, tropical house plants (sturdy species such as Philodendron and Pothos) and wood pieces. This species seems to acclimate more quickly to captivity if it has a lot of plant cover. Shelters are also used by this species on occasion. Shelters can include empty coconut shells, flower pots, or driftwood leaned against the back wall of the enclosure, away from human eyes.


82-88 F degrees in the day. Night temperatures can reach the mid to high 70's F. Temperatures higher than 88 F can be tolerated for short periods of time, but often seem to cause stress. A hot rock is rarely used by the species.


Flying geckos are forest dwellers. The humidity should be kept high. Daily spraying with water and a large water bowl help. Also, a soil based terrarium with live plants also helps maintain the humidity at proper levels. In dry areas it may be necessary to cover half the top of the terrarium with glass. However, ventilation is also important. Too much humidity and too little ventilation can be dangerous to the animal's health.


Flying geckos do not bask. However, good lighting is beneficial to the live plants. Also, maintain the lighting on a set schedule that can vary seasonally from as little as 8 hours of daylight to as much as 14 hours of daylight.


A wide variety of insects (including crickets, mealworms, wax worms, flies, etc.) are taken. Some individuals also take small pink mice or small lizards. A good calcium supplement is important, especially for breeding females. Calcium should be provided at all feedings. During breeding season it can be provided in a dish in addition to that dusted on the food.


Breeding season is lighting and temperature dependent for the most part. When daylight hours number more than 12 and temperature is on the higher end breeding will occur. This generally begins in April. Clutches of 2 eggs are laid roughly every 3-4 weeks for the duration of the summer, for a total of perhaps 5 or 6 clutches. However, with proper lighting and temperature, and with a healthy well-fed female, nesting can continue virtually throughout the year.

Eggs are glued to surfaces, usually the glass walls of the terrarium. Eggs should be incubated in place. Under normal terrarium conditions, the eggs hatch in about 3 months, although time varies with temperature and humidity.