Mission Briefing : Hunt down an invisible enemy.

The Infinitum Research Intercept Squad (I.R.I.S.) is on the hunt for a fugitive, the subject of a secret genetic experiment, who is known only as Subject 617. The Good News : The IRIS team is well trained, well armed and co-ordinated.

The Bad News : The genetic manipulation has given Subject 617 enhanced speed, mobility and incredible strength - he can pounce like a tiger, cling to any surface and is known to pin victims up for feeding. Worst of all, the experiments have rendered him nearly invisible to the human eye. This is why he is simply known as ... The Hidden

A triumphant return

13 Aug 2008 - Posted By Ging

Ok, so this isn't the return you might all be waiting for (well, some of you are). But with the lapse of the www.hidden-stats.co.uk domain name and issues with renewing it, we've brought the stats into the fold and they can now be found at stats.hidden-source.com.

This would have happened sooner, but we had some hosting / setup issues that took a while to track down and resolve - I won't be pointing any fingers!

For players, this just means updating a bookmark - for server admins who want to rejoin the stats program, you'll need to modify your valve.rc file (within the hidden/cfg directory) and alter the "logaddress_add" value to read "logaddress_add stats.hidden-source.com:6838".

If you are setting up your server to send stats for the first time, than you will also need to enable logging with "log 1" on the line above "logaddress_add". Head over here for some more details.

If you go down to the carnival today

17 Jan 2008 - Posted By Ging

You might be in for a surprise?

Ok, so that didn't entirely work, but it does sort of cover the topic of the post - our forum buddy Deathtoll_David has been busy working on BumperCars 2 and he's been poking other mod teams to see if he can't include a suitably themed bumper car. When we saw the quality of his previous tributes, we could do nothing but jump to say yes!

Without further ado, I provide you with suitably sexy imagery of the IRIS Bumper Car, with a bumper that's guaranteed to gut you like a fish!

Quick fix

23 Sep 2007 - Posted By Ging

We've tracked down the issue causing the missing sonic alarm sound effect (we're not entirely sure why it happened, but there you go) - and are releasing a small download (that's server side only) to fix it up.

You should also grab this file if your server has issues with IRIS with missing heads.

B4b server fix (5 MB)

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