Home Office Garter Crest

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) 

The Inspectorate is responsible for carrying out inspections of provincial police forces under the Police Act 1964. It promotes collaboration between forces. It encourages the application of up-to-date techniques and the results of central police research. It provides advice to the Secretary of State and the Home Office on professional police matters.

Inspectorate Publications available on the internet:

To read documents in pdf format, you will need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat reader

Keeping the Peace: Policing Disorder (March 1999) 

The report has been broken into 5 PDF files to reduce download time. The sections are:

Preface, Executive summary, Introduction, the Inspection and Terms of reference (573 Kb)
Chapter 1: Assessing the risk of disorder (274 Kb)
Chapter 2: Minimising and managing the risk of disorder (237 Kb)
Chapter 3: Responding to disorder (206 Kb)
Conclusions and recommendations, and Cumulative checklist (205 Kb)

Winning the Race - Revisited [The report has been broken into 9 parts, which are available for downloading below. Please note that more than one chapter is contained in some of the files linked to below, e.g. Chapters 1 & 2 are contained in the same file]


Warwickshire Constabulary 1998/99 Inspection: a report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary [The entire report is available for downloading or you may download individual chapters]

Full report  2,153Kb

Child Protection: HMIC Thematic Inspection Report 1999 [The report has been broken into 14 parts, which are available for downloading below.] Road Policing and Traffic: HMIC Thematic Inspection Report 1998 [The report has been broken into 13 parts, which are available for downloading below.] What Price Policing? - A Study of Efficiency and Value for Money in the Police Service.  1,374Kb

Beating Crime: HMIC Thematic Inspection Report 1998 [The report has been broken into 9 parts, which are available for downloading below. Some of the files are large and their size has been included next to their names.]

Winning the Race: policing plural communities - HMIC thematic inspection report on police community and race relations 1996/97 

1997 Inspection Report: The National Criminal Intelligence Service: A report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary. [The report has been broken into 8 parts, which are available for downloading below. Some of the files are large and their size has been included next to their names.]

Officer safety: Minimising the risk of violence: A report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary. [The report has been broken into 7 parts, which are available for downloading below. Some of the files are large and their size has been included next to their names.] Policing with Intelligence: Criminal Intelligence: HMIC Thematic Inspection Report on Good Practice 1997/98 [The report has been broken into 7 parts, which are available for downloading below. Some of the files are large and their size has been included next to their names.] Graduate Opportunities for Fast Stream Promotion in the Police Service

Masefield's Progress: How Heavy is the Administrative Burden on the Police Now? 

Structure and Responsibilities 

Home Office front page 

© Crown Copyright 1998, 1999
Last updated 7th April 1999