'); // Build and show the main menu items function showMenus() { if (orientation == "vertical") { document.writeln ('') } else { document.writeln ('
') } for (x=0; x') document.writeln (''); if (orientation=="vertical") document.writeln('') } if (orientation == "vertical") { document.writeln ('
'); document.writeln ('
'); document.writeln (''+Menu[x][0]+'
'); } else { document.writeln (''); } } // Build the sub menu items for (x=0; x 0) { document.writeln (''); } } // Change colour or menu and submenu items when the mouse hovers over. function highlightMenu(element,mainMenu,dropMenu,state) { state=(state == "hover")?"rcMenuHover":"rcMenuStatic" if (element == "sub") { for (x=0; x < subMenu[mainMenu].length; x++) { eval(obj+'("subMenu'+mainMenu+x+'").className = "rcSubMenuStatic"') eval(obj+'("subLink'+mainMenu+x+'").className = "rcSubMenuStatic"') } eval(obj+'("subMenu'+mainMenu+dropMenu+'").className="rcSubMenuHover"') eval(obj+'("subLink'+mainMenu+dropMenu+'").className="rcSubMenuHover"') } else { eval(obj+'("cell'+mainMenu+'").className = "'+state+'"') eval(obj+'("mainLink'+mainMenu+'").className = "'+state+'"') } } // Find positioning for sub menus function getOffset(obj, dim) { if(dim=="left") { oLeft = obj.offsetLeft; while(obj.offsetParent!=null) { oParent = obj.offsetParent oLeft += oParent.offsetLeft obj = oParent } return oLeft; } else if(dim=="top") { oTop = obj.offsetTop; while(obj.offsetParent!=null) { oParent = obj.offsetParent oTop += oParent.offsetTop obj = oParent } return oTop } else { alert("Error: invalid offset dimension '" + dim + "' in getOffset()") return false; } } // Show sub menus function popDown(param, id) { var menu; var button; if (id) { getOffset(eval(obj+'(id)'),'left'); getOffset(eval(obj+'(id)'),'top'); } n = 0; while (n < Menu.length) { //button = eval(obj+'("cell'+n+'")') menu = "MENU"+n if (param == n) { if (eval(obj+'(menu)')) { eval(obj+'(menu).style.visibility = "visible"') eval(obj+'(menu).style.left = oLeft + horizontalOffset;') eval(obj+'(menu).style.top = oTop + verticalOffset;') } highlightMenu('main',n,'','hover') if (subMenu[param].length > 0) { for (x=0; x 0)?setDelay:1 timer = setTimeout("popDown("+(Menu.length + 1)+")",delay) } // when you click the box, perform the same function as if the user had clicked the hyperlink function tdMouseClick(theElement) { eval(obj+'(theElement).click()') } ////// END MENU CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //-->
Internationl Network for Social Network Analysis

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Volume 27 Issue 2 - 2006
Ties & Bonds
Wellman, Barry
The Blog Network in America: Blogs as Indicators of Relationships among US Cities
Lin, Jia
Halavais, Alexander
Zhang, Bin
An analysis of links among U.S. weblogs is done to examine the interpersonal social network and social connections among U.S. cities. Drawing 4,241 weblogs from the NITLE census dataset that are ident...
Modeling Indegree Centralization in NetSAS: A SAS Macro Enabling Exponential Random Graph Models
Johnston, M. Francis
Chenb, Xiao
Swigert, Silvia
The dual purpose of this paper is to (1) introduce SAS computer code (NetSAS) facilitating ERGM analysis of network data and (2) empirically investigate estimation and interpretation of the parameter ...
Measuring tie-strength in virtual social networks
Petróczi, Andrea
Nepusz, Tamás
Bazsó, Fülöp
Tie-strength has been in the focus of social science research for decades, yet the use of measurement tools or scales has been relatively scarce. The aim of this study was to fill the gap and provide ...
Another Hundred Days: Social Contacts in a Senior Class
Portnova, Aleksandra
Lock, Patti Frazer
Ladd, Brian C.
Zimmerman, Christine
the graph statistics of the social network resulting from that data. We also use demographic data tracked on a per student basis to examine how acquaintanceship circles differ between different groups...
Effects of Network Segregation in Intergroup Conflict: An Experimental Analysis
Takács, Károly
Dense in-group and scarce out-group relations (network segregation) often support the emergence of conflicts between groups. A key underlying mechanism is social control that helps to overcome the col...