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Pioneer 10

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Pioneer 10
Pioneer 10
The Pioneer 10 plaque
The Pioneer 10 plaque
Klaa's Bird-of-Prey approaches Pioneer 10
Klaa's Bird-of-Prey approaches Pioneer 10

Pioneer 10 was an early Human space probe.

Pioneer 10 carried a metal plaque on its hull, designed to give alien lifeforms basic, non-language-specific, information about its origin and its creators. Some time before 2287, the probe passed into Klingon territory, where it was destroyed, by the Bird-of-Prey commanded by Captain Klaa. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

[edit] Background Information

  • Pioneer 10 was launched from Earth in 1972. Its primary mission was to analyze the planet Jupiter, then head into interstellar space. Contact with the probe was lost in 2002.
  • Though depicted as being destroyed in Klingon territory in the late 23rd century, in actuality the spacecraft's speed is so slow, it will not of have even traveled past the Aldebaran star system in the next two million years.

[edit] External link

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