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adj \mi-ˈka-ni-kəl\

Definition of MECHANICAL

a (1) : of or relating to machinery or tools <mechanical applications of science> <a mechanical genius> <mechanical aptitude> (2) : produced or operated by a machine or tool <mechanical power> <a mechanical refrigerator> <a mechanical saw> b : of or relating to manual operations
: of or relating to artisans or machinists <the mechanical trades>
a : done as if by machine : seemingly uninfluenced by the mind or emotions : automatic b : of or relating to technicalities or petty matters
a : relating to, governed by, or in accordance with the principles of mechanics <mechanical energy> b : relating to the quantitative relations of force and matter <mechanical pressure of wind on a tower>
: caused by, resulting from, or relating to a process that involves a purely physical as opposed to a chemical or biological change or process <mechanical erosion of rock>
me·chan·i·cal·ly \-ni-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Examples of MECHANICAL

  1. The flight was delayed because of mechanical problems.
  2. I was impressed by her mechanical know-how.
  3. She gave a mechanical reply.
  4. Copying down the numbers is a boring and mechanical job.
  5. The actor gave a stiff and mechanical performance.

First Known Use of MECHANICAL

15th century

Other Mechanical Engineering Terms

Rhymes with MECHANICAL


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Previous Word in the Dictionary: mechanic (noun)
All Words Near: mechanical

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