Viewing Release: All Amiga Amstrad CPC Atari ST DOS

Amiga Screenshots

[Title screen]

Title screen

[Difficulty level selection]

Difficulty level selection

[Character selection]

Character selection

[Character statistics]

Character statistics

[Friends & foes]

Friends & foes

[Main game screen]

Main game screen

[Game statistics]

Game statistics

[Recruitment screen]

Recruitment screen

[Plantation owner]

Plantation owner

[Evil priest]

Evil priest

[Fighting a henchman]

Fighting a henchman

[Once you win the fight, you can held him prisoner or kill him]

Once you win the fight, you can held him prisoner or kill him

[Plantation field]

Plantation field

[Climbing the huts]

Climbing the huts

[Setting a hut on fire]

Setting a hut on fire

[Found by a guard dog]

Found by a guard dog

[Here it comes...]

Here it comes...

[ approaching....] approaching....



[A violent end]

A violent end

Atari ST Screenshots

[Title Screen (French version)]

Title Screen (French version)

[Introduction (French version)]

Introduction (French version)

[Main Menu (French version)]

Main Menu (French version)

[Character Selection (French version)]

Character Selection (French version)

[Character stats adjustment (French version)]

Character stats adjustment (French version)

[Map of the plantation (French version)]

Map of the plantation (French version)

[Interacting with other inhabitants (French version)]

Interacting with other inhabitants (French version)


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