100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.


ProducersTsunku, Yoshio Sakamoto
SupervisorsKatsuya Yamano, H. Iida, N. Umemoto
Chief DirectorKazuyoshi Osawa
Game DesignKazuyoshi Osawa, Ko Takeuchi, Masami Yone, Sachiko Ikeo, Norikatsu Furuta, Ryutaro Takahashi, Yasutaka Takeuchi, Masahiro Kawano, Yoshio Sakamoto, Katsuya Yamano, H. Iida
Program DirectorKazuyoshi Osawa
ProgrammingYasutaka Takeuchi, Masahiro Kawano, Ryutaro Takahashi
Design DirectorKo Takeuchi
DesignSachiko Ikeo, Kazuyoshi Osawa, Norikatsu Furuta, Fumiko Miyamoto
Sound DirectorsMasami Yone, H. Oguro, K. Kamada
MusicMitsuo Terada (Tsunku), Masami Yone
Music ArrangementK. Yuasa, H. D. Suzuki, K. Okubo, D. Shiiba, Masami Yone
Sound EffectTakaya Fujii, Masami Yone, D. Shiiba
SongAmi Tokito, Sōshi Tanaka
VoiceMasami Yone, Takaya Fujii, Ko Takeuchi, Fumiko Miyamoto, Sachiko Ikeo, Noriko Kitamura, M. Nomura
DebugYasushi Adachi, N. Hashida, Shigeo Takada, D. Nishikawa, Rika Sugo, S. Adachi, H. Sakaguchi, Noriyuki Watanabe, Hiroshi Matsuda, D. Morita, K. Umeda, Y. Nakai, Y. Fujikawa, Keiichiro Nishimoto, Takeshi Akiho, Jun Terai, A. Shimizubata, Yoshikazu Yamashita
Special ThanksY. Kuratsune, Ryuta Kaimoto, Hiroaki Sakagami, Ryohji Yoshitomi, Shinji Yamamoto, Takuji Hotta, Nobuo Matsumiya, Maki Mitsubachi, A. Kenmochi, Hitomi Nakano, and you
Executive ProducersSatoru Iwata, S. Terai

Other Games

In addition to this game, the following people are listed as working on other games. No more than 25 people are listed here, even if there are more than 25 people who have also worked on other games.

Satoru Iwata, 212 other games
Yoshio Sakamoto, 25 other games
Hiroshi Matsuda, 15 other games
Katsuya Yamano, 15 other games
Ryohji Yoshitomi, 12 other games
Masahiro Kawano, 11 other games
Nobuo Matsumiya, 11 other games
Takuji Hotta, 11 other games
Yoshikazu Yamashita, 10 other games
Shinji Yamamoto, 10 other games
Kazuyoshi Osawa, 9 other games
Norikatsu Furuta, 9 other games
Yasushi Adachi, 8 other games
Ko Takeuchi, 8 other games
Ryuta Kaimoto, 7 other games
Noriyuki Watanabe, 7 other games
Fumiko Miyamoto, 6 other games
Takaya Fujii, 6 other games
Ryutaro Takahashi, 6 other games
Masami Yone, 5 other games
Hitomi Nakano, 5 other games
Noriko Kitamura, 4 other games
Shigeo Takada, 3 other games
Yasutaka Takeuchi, 3 other games
Jun Terai, 3 other games


People who have worked on this game have also collaborated on the creation of the following games:

WarioWare Touched!, a group of 15 people
WarioWare Twisted!, a group of 11 people
WarioWare: Smooth Moves, a group of 9 people
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!, a group of 8 people
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$, a group of 8 people
Metroid: Zero Mission, a group of 7 people
Super Smash Bros.: Brawl, a group of 5 people
Wario Land 4, a group of 5 people
Metroid Fusion, a group of 5 people
Wii Sports, a group of 4 people
Daigasso! Band Brothers, a group of 4 people
Wii Play, a group of 4 people
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, a group of 3 people
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, a group of 3 people
Super Metroid, a group of 3 people
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, a group of 3 people
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!, a group of 3 people
Wii Fit, a group of 3 people
Teleroboxer, a group of 3 people
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, a group of 3 people
Famicom Tantei Kurabu Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo, a group of 3 people
Pokémon Stadium 2, a group of 3 people

Credits for this game were contributed by Ben K Bronze Star Contributing Member (21001)


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