100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.

Other Games

In addition to this game, the following people are listed as working on other games. No more than 25 people are listed here, even if there are more than 25 people who have also worked on other games.

Hironobu Sakaguchi, 48 other games
Nobuo Uematsu, 35 other games
Minoru Akao, 34 other games
Tetsuya Nomura, 25 other games
Hiroyuki Itou, 22 other games
Tetsuya Takahashi, 21 other games
Yoshitaka Amano, 20 other games
Yukiko Sasaki, 20 other games
Tetsuo Mizuno, 20 other games
Kenji Ito, 20 other games
Ken Narita, 20 other games
Yasunori Mitsuda, 20 other games
Masanori Hoshino, 17 other games
Yoshinori Kitase, 17 other games
Kasuko Shibuya, 15 other games
Katsuhisa Higuchi, 13 other games
Kiyoshi Yoshii, 12 other games
Hideo Minaba, 12 other games
Hiromi Ito, 12 other games
Hidetoshi Kezuka, 9 other games
Hirokatsu Sasaki, 9 other games
Akihiko Matsui, 8 other games
Hiroshi Takai, 8 other games
Keizo Kokubo, 7 other games
Kaori Tanaka, 6 other games


People who have worked on this game have also collaborated on the creation of the following games:

Final Fantasy Anthology, a group of 30 people
Final Fantasy Anthology (European Edition), a group of 30 people
Chrono Trigger, a group of 20 people
Final Fantasy III, a group of 19 people
Final Fantasy II, a group of 15 people
Final Fantasy VII, a group of 13 people
Final Fantasy IV, a group of 12 people
Final Fantasy X, a group of 10 people
Romancing SaGa, a group of 10 people
Final Fantasy VIII, a group of 10 people
Xenogears, a group of 10 people
Final Fantasy Chronicles, a group of 10 people
Final Fantasy IX, a group of 9 people
Final Fantasy III, a group of 9 people
Final Fantasy III, a group of 8 people
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, a group of 8 people
Final Fantasy XII, a group of 8 people
Final Fantasy II, a group of 8 people
Front Mission, a group of 8 people
Live a Live, a group of 7 people
Secret of Mana, a group of 6 people
Final Fantasy Origins, a group of 6 people
Rad Racer II, a group of 5 people
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls, a group of 5 people
Final Fantasy X-2, a group of 5 people

Credits for this game were contributed by Scott G (734) and Unicorn Lynx Bronze Star Contributing Member (78756)


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