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Corneal Fungal Infection Resource Information Center

The cornea plays an important role in vision. It not only protects the eye from dust, pollen, water, and other substances we come in contact with, it also helps focus light waves on the retina so that we can see. And because the light we rely on for vision must first pass through the cornea, the cornea must remain crystal clear for our vision to remain sharp.

One of the threats to the cornea is infection from fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Because the cornea does not have its own blood supply, the cornea is vulnerable to infection. It has recently been discovered that Renu contact lens solution (manufactured by Bausch & Lomb) has increased the risk of corneal fungal infections. Infections or the cornea are difficult to treat, and if treatment is unsuccessful, a corneal transplant may be necessary.

Corneal Fungal Infection (mycotic keratitis) has been in the news because many people who have used ReNu® with MoistureLoc® multi-purpose contact lens solution have reported problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently discovered that contact lens wearers who use this cleaning and storage solution made by Bausch and Lomb are at a greatly increased risk for a particular type of corneal fungal infection: fusarium keratitis.

At this time it is not known whether the solution itself is infected with the fusarium fungus or the chemicals in the solution adversely affect the eye, making individuals more susceptible to a fusarium infection, which is a common cause of fungal keratitis.

This site is devoted to information about corneal fungal infections, their symptoms, causes and treatment. If you or a loved one has been affected by this issue, we are here to help.


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