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www.oecd.org/germany is a one-stop-shop for OECD reports and statistics on Germany. Browse the documents in chronological order or by topic.

Eine Auswahl von Nachrichten, Publikationen und Dokumenten auf Deutsch finden Sie auf  OECD Berlin Centre. Sie können auch Nachrichten auf der Website der deutschen OECD-Vertretung finden.

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Bermuda signs tax information accord with Germany


Bermuda and Germany today signed a bilateral agreement for the exchange of information for tax purposes, bringing to 13 the number of such agreements that Bermuda has entered into.

Briefing note for OECD Health Data 2009: How Does Germany Compare

pdf,109Kb,English |  View long abstract


Total health spending accounted for 10.4% of GDP in Germany in 2007, 1.5 percentage points higher than the average of 8.9% in OECD countries.

OECD Economic Outlook No. 85 - Germany

pdf,28Kb,English |  View long abstract


Summary of economic developments and projections for Germany taken from the latest OECD Economic Outlook.  

Pensions at a Glance 2009: Highlights for Germany

pdf,371Kb,English |  View long abstract


The German pension system has so far been less affected by the crisis than many other OECD countries... Replacement rates for low-earners are the lowest within the OECD at 43.0%. But coverage of private pensions is high, especially for lower earners, compared with other OECD countries.

Die Deutschen haben viel Freizeit und sehen vergleichsweise wenig fern

German |  View long abstract


In Deutschland haben die Menschen deutlich mehr Freizeit als in den meisten anderen OECD-Ländern und sie verbringen sie weniger häufig vor dem Fernseher oder am Radio. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die Studie ...

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