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Frederic Ives Medal / Quinn Endowment

Frederic Ives Medal

Recognizing overall distinction in optics, the Frederic Ives Medal is the highest award of the Society. It was endowed in 1928 by Herbert E. Ives, a distinguished charter member and OSA President, 1924 and 1925, to honor his father who was noted as the inventor of modern photoengraving and for his pioneering contributions to color photography, three-color process printing, and other branches of applied optics. The medalist is asked to present a plenary address at OSA's Annual Meeting. The prize is funded by the Jarus W. Quinn Ives Medal Endowment raised by members at the time of Quinn's retirement in recognition of his 25 years of service as OSA's first Executive Director.


Year Name
2010 Joseph H. Eberly
2009 Robert L. Byer
2008 Peter L. Knight
2007 Daniel Kleppner
2006 Erich P. Ippen
2005 Theodor W. Hänsch
2004 David J. Wineland
2003 Herbert Walther
2002 James P. Gordon
2001 Nick Holonyak, Jr.
2000 A. M. Prokhorov
1999 Stephen E. Harris
1998 Arthur Ashkin
1997 Tingye Li
1996 Charles H. Townes
1995 Robert M. Boynton
1994 Hermann A. Haus
1993 Leonard Mandel
1992 Robert W. Terhune
1991 John L. Hall
1990 Joseph W. Goodman
1989 C. Kumar N. Patel
1988 Anthony J. DeMaria
1987 Anthony E. Siegman
1986 Amnon Yariv
1985 Emmett N. Leith
1984 Herwig Kogelnik
1983 Boris P. Stoicheff
1982 Lorrin A. Riggs
1981 Georg H. Hass
1980 Aden B. Meinel
1979 Nicolaas Bloembergen
1978 Harold H. Hopkins
1977 Emil Wolf
1976 Arthur L. Schawlow
1975 Ali Javan
1974 David L. MacAdam
1973 Rudolf Kingslake
1972 R. Clark Jones
1971 A. Francis Turner
1970 Robert E. Hopkins
1969 David H. Rank
1968 Edward U. Condon
1967 Edwin H. Land
1966 George Wald
1965 James G. Baker
1964 Gerhard Herzberg
1963 Ralph A. Sawyer
1962 Max Herzberger
1961 Seibert Q. Duntley
1960 Richard Tousey
1959 W. E. K. Middleton
1958 Deane B. Judd
1957 Arthur C. Hardy
1956 John D. Strong
1955 Edward O. Hulburt
1954 Irvine C. Gardner
1953 H. M. Randall
1952 Ira S. Bowen
1951 Brian O'Brien
1949 George R. Harrison
1947 William F. Meggers
1945 W. W. Coblentz
1943 Loyd A. Jones
1941 Selig Hecht
1939 A. H. Pfund
1937 H. E. Ives
1935 G. E. Hale
1933 R. W. Wood
1931 Theodore Lyman
1929 E. L. Nichols