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South Tabor Neighborhood Guide

The South Tabor neighborhood is located in Southeast Portland and is bordered by the Richmond, Mt. Tabor, Powellhurst Gilbert and Foster-Powell neighborhoods.

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South Tabor Neighborhood Features

South Tabor is a largely residential area located South of the Mt. Tabor neighborhood. The neighborhoods are named for the locally famous Mount Tabor, an extinct volcano, in the area. The modest family homes in this area were built from the early 1900's to today, with many cute ranches, cottages and bungalows, still in an affordable price range in comparison to other Portland areas. This is a great area to look for a starter, first time home, or a nice family home in a pleasant neighborhood with plenty of shopping and conveniences nearby.


South Tabor Neighborhood Parks

Clinton Park

Mt. Tabor Park

Mt. Tabor SUN Community School


South Tabor Neighborhood Community Resources

Multnomah County Library

South Tabor Day Care

Neighborhood Schools

Religious Organizations (churches, synagogues, places of worship, private schools)

Neighborhood Public Transit - bus routes, train stops, etc.

South Tabor Neighborhood Association

South Tabor Neighborhood Vibe

This is a great neighborhood of families, singles and urbanites. This area feels community conscious, eco-friendly, and very family friendly. Dog walkers, babes in strollers and bicyclers are a constant on the streets of South Tabor.


South Tabor Neighborhood Stats

South Tabor Zip Code 97206

Local Crime Stats


South Tabor Neighborhood Real Estate

South Tabor homes are old style Portland homes such as Foursquares, Old Portland, Tudor, Colonial, Bungalow and more.

If you are interested in buying or selling a home in this Portland neighborhood, visit our Portland Real Estate Page for more information, or visit our Portland Real Estate Map to search the RMLS for neighborhood homes for sale.

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Neighborhood Links

Zip Code 97206

South Tabor On-line Community

South Tabor Schools:

Atkinson Elementary School

Kellogg Middle School

Franklin High School

Portland Public School Boundaries

Neighborhood Demographics and Census Statistics

Local Crime Stats


Local Google Map

Neighborhood Boundary Map

Portland International Airport

Portland Police Bureau

Portland Off-Leash Dog Parks

TriMet - Interactive Maps and Schedules for Bus, Max and Streetcar

Maps - View Neighborhoods and Boundaries

To locate specific Portland neighborhoods on the map, view one of the links below:

Clickable Neighborhood Map

Portland Neighborhood Boundary Map 

Individual Neighborhood Maps

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