Memory of Nation

Memory of Nation

Fond post bellum

post bellum


POST BELLUM is a nongovernmental and non-profit agency (a civic association as a legal entity) founded in 2001. The association’s members are mainly journalists, historians, and students, who record the memories of historically significant groups of the nation – like for example WWII veterans, victims of the holocaust, present-day war veterans, political prisoners of the communist regime in former Czechoslovakia, representatives of the dissent and other important figures of political, cultural, social and academic life in the 20th and 21st century in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, respectively.

POST BELLUM focuses on the projects STORIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY, MEMORY OF NATION - (,, organizes exhibitions, publishes books and holds social events. We are the founders of the Community of the Memory of Nation and the Community of European Memory.

Your help is indispensable to this project. Please, support us! Become our donors. In return we will send you the contract of donation and your contribution will be tax deductible. Please contact us for further information.

Our account number: 51-1707230277/0100