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# Sefer - ספר Author - מחבר Publication - דפוס
51 Click here to download the sefer. Hegayon HaNefesh - הגיון הנפש R' Avraham Bar Chiya Savasorda - ר' אברהם בר חייא Leipzig, 1860 - לייפציג, תרכ"ה
Sefer Higayon HaNefesh, by one of the great Rishonim of the early 12th century, Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chiya HaNasi Savasorda, is a philosophical mussar book. It is known in English as The Meditation of the Sad Soul. This is the first edition of this sefer, and it comes with a very long introduction by Rav Shlomo Rapaport, the Rav of Prague in the middle 19th century, and with a biography of R' Avraham Bar Chiya, written by the publisher, Yitzchak Frieman.
52 Click here to download the sefer. Or Hashem - אור השם R' Chasdai Crescas - ר' חסדאי קרשקש Ferrara, 1555 - פיררא, שט"ו
Or Hashem is a major philosophical work written by one of the great Rishonim of the 14th century, from Spain, Rabeinu Chasdai Crescas who was the student of the Ran, and the rebbe of the Rivash and Rabeinu Yosef Albo, the author of Sefer HaIkkarim. In Or Hashem, R' Chasdai Crescas rejects all kinds of Greek philosophy and many ideas of the Rambam and the Ralbag. He redefines the Principles of Faith, of which there are 6 and not 13 as the Rambam wrote. Or Hashem parallels the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim and the Ralbag's MIlchamos Hashem. This is the first edition of this sefer published in Ferrara, Italy in 1555.
53 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer HaTapuach - ספר התפוח Aristotle - אריסטו
R' Avraham Bar Chisdai - ר' אברהם בר חסדאי הלוי
Lemberg, 1873 - למברג, תרל"ג
Sefer HaTapuach is a philosophical work about the immortality of the soul, written by Aristotle and translated from Arabic into Hebrew by one of the great Rishonim, Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chisdai HaLevi. This edition comes with a German translation by J. Musen.
54 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer HaChibur - ספר החיבור
Sefer HaMatzref - ספר המצרף
R' Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan - ר' ברכיה בר נטרונאי הנקדן London, 1902 - לונדון, תרס"ב
55 Click here to download the sefer. The Compendum
The Refiner
Translated by Hermann Gollancz London, 1902
Sefer HaChibur and Sefer HaMatzref by Rabeinu Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan are both ethical works similar to Chovos HaLevavos by Rabeinu Bachya Ibn Pakuda, and are based on the views of Rabeinu Saadiah Gaon and other Gaonim. Rabeinu Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan was one of the great Rishonim of the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Rabeinu Berachyah is mostly known for his fables called Mishlei Shualim and he is known as the Jewish Aesop. This edition has both the original Hebrew texts and an excellent English translation with a very extensive introduction and notes, by Prof. Hermann Gollancz. Also, it contains photos of some pages from the original manuscripts of these seforim. We have split up the 2 parts of the book (Original Hebrew and English Introduction and Translation) into separate files, so that they are easier to read.
56 Click here to download the sefer. Divan Shmuel HaNagid - דיואן שמואל הנגיד R' Shmuel HaNagid - ר' שמואל הנגיד London, 1934 - לונדון, תרצ"ד
Divan Shmuel HaNagid is a collection of poems of Rabeinu Shmuel HaNagid, one of the great Rishonim of the 11th century, the prime minister of Spain, and famous for his work Mevoh HaTalmud. The Divan is divided into three parts, Ben Tehilim, Ben Mishlei, and Ben Koheles, each discussing corresponding themes to these books of Tanach. This is the first and only complete edition of the Divan, which comes with a very extensive introduction by David Sasoon, based on a single existing manuscript from the Sasoon Collection, published in London, 1934.
57 Click here to download the sefer. Mishneh Kesef, Vol. 1 - משנה כסף, חלק א R' Yosef Ibn Kaspi - ר' יוסף אבן כספי Pressburg, 1905 - פרעסבורג, תרס"ה
58 Click here to download the sefer. Mishneh Kesef, Vol. 2 - משנה כסף, חלק ב R' Yosef Ibn Kaspi - ר' יוסף אבן כספי Cracow, 1906 - קרקא, תרס"ו
Mishneh Kesef is a kabbalistic, ethical and philosophical commentary on Chumash, written by on of the great Rishonim, Rabeinu Yosef Ibn Kaspi. It consists of two parts: Tiras Kesef - Sefer HaSod and Matzref LeKesef. Tiras Kesef is a kabbalistic commentary on Chumash that discusses a whole sefer of Chumash at once instead of going Parsha by Parsha, specifically paying attention to the stories and not to laws. Matzref LeKesef is a commentary on the simple meaning, similar to Rashi and Ibn Ezra, but with a different twist, and does not have any kabbalistic interpretations. This is the first and only edition of this sefer, edited by Yitzchok Last.
59 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 1 - המסורה, חלק א C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
60 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 2 - המסורה, חלק ב C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
61 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 3 - המסורה, חלק ג C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
62 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 4 - המסורה, חלק ד C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
63 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 5 - המסורה, חלק ה C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
64 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 6 - המסורה, חלק ו C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
The Massorah is an encyclopedic work siting all various readings of the Tanach from different manuscripts through out the world. In the first four volumes, the original text of the masorah (in Hebrew) is arranged alphabetically with many additional notes drawn from manuscripts. The fifth volume contains supplements, and some masoretic tractates. The sixth volume renders into English all Hebrew entries of the first volume up to the letter "yod," with explanatory notes. Christian David Ginsburg himself was a Jewish apostate who originally learned in the Yeshivas of Poland but later converted to Christianity (thus adopting the name Christian) and moved to England. Inspite of his personal status his works are still cited and used by many present day talmidei chachamim and serve as an invaluable work towards preserving the massorah of the correct text of Tanach.

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