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Correlation of Yield Strength and Tensile Strength with Hardness for Steels

E.J. PavlinaContact Information and C.J. Van Tyne1

(1)  Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA

Received: 1 February 2008  Accepted: 26 February 2008  Published online: 3 April 2008

Abstract  Hardness values as well as yield and tensile strength values were compiled for over 150 nonaustenitic, hypoeutectoid steels having a wide range of compositions and a variety of microstructures. The microstructures include ferrite, pearlite, martensite, bainite, and complex multiphase structures. The yield strength of the steels ranged from approximately 300 MPa to over 1700 MPa. Tensile strength varied over the range of 450-2350 MPa. Regression analysis was used to determine the correlation of the yield strength and the tensile strength to the diamond pyramid hardness values for these steels. Both the yield strength and tensile strength of the steels exhibited a linear correlation with the hardness over the entire range of strength values. Empirical relationships are provided that enable the estimation of strength from a bulk hardness measurement. A weak effect of strain-hardening potential on the hardness-yield strength relationship was also observed.

Keywords  hardness testing - steels - tensile testing

Contact Information E.J. Pavlina
Email: epavlina@mines.edu
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